

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Thyroid Support Diet

Aug 16, 2013 | By
Colleen Meheen

Milk supports a healthy thyroid.
Photo Credit Oppenheim Bernhard/
Digital Vision/Getty Images

The thyroid hormone has an effect on nearly all tissues of the body, where it increases cellular activity. The function of the thyroid is simply to regulate the body's metabolism. This important gland can become impaired, and thus create symptoms and challenges to health. Different diet modifications and additions can help support the health of the thyroid gland.



The thyroid gland is a small gland that is part of the endocrine system, but is largely essential to health. Iodine, hydrogen, oxygen and all the amino acids are necessary for the body to complete the natural cycle of synthesis for the thyroid to remain healthy and function properly. The complete process will not occur unless the body has every component from your diet. Good nutrition is critical to support the function of the thyroid gland.


Hypothyroidism develops when the thyroid becomes under-active. Symptoms from an under-active thyroid gland or deficiency of hormones are chronic fatigue, slow growth or speech, depression, appetite loss, dry skin or other skin conditions, suggests the Mayo Clinic. A diet rich in healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, along with ample servings of fruits and vegetables, can help reduce these symptoms, or prevent them from developing altogether.



Foods that support a healthy thyroid gland are seaweeds, like lato, kelp, nori, gamet, dulse and balbalulang, organic yogurt, organic cow's milk and seafood, which have rich concentrations of iodine. Iodine is of crucial importance in the nutritional support of thyroid function, suggests Use organic dairy to avoid synthetic hormones that are in commercial, non-organic farms. Fish, such as salmon, tuna and sardines are rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids that support heart health, and also are very beneficial to sustaining the health of the thyroid gland.



Consider adding the supportive foods to your diet that aid in thyroid function, as well as eliminating specific foods that can hinder the optimal function of your thyroid. Cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, cauliflower, soy, peanuts, pine nuts, strawberries and millet are just a few food items that contain goitrogens, which are compounds that interfere with iodine absorption, and should be avoided by those suffering with an under-active thyroid, suggests the the U.S. National Library of Medicine.



Basic ways to prevent thyroid function that is either overactive or under-active is to balance your diet, and use a wide range of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts. Factors which can cause thyroid problems -- and reduce the body's rate of burning calories -- can include: malnourishment because of nutrient deficiencies through poor diet habits; thyroid or pituitary exhaustion from excess stimulation by caffeine, sugar or other stimulants; and the presence of substances that inhibit the proper functioning of the thyroid, such as hard liquor.
Article reviewed by David Penick Last updated on: Aug 16, 2013

Colleen Meheen

Colleen Meheen is a certified personal trainer through the ISSA, and has years of experience in the fields of holistic nutrition. Her passion for preventative wellness creates her active lifestyle up in the Rockies of Colorado. She has been the fashion editor for Lifestyle Media Group and an inspirational writer for Reign Media Group L.L.C.