

Friday, 27 September 2013

Calm Your Anxiety Without Risking Your Health

September 24, 2013

Natural Anti-Anxiety SupplementOn top of being downright dangerous, drugs that treat anxiety and depression are a huge con.

They just don’t work for most people.

Even patients who are considered to have “responded” to drug treatment still show symptoms. Symptoms like insomnia, sadness, and decreased decision-making skills. That hardly sounds effective. In fact, 75 percent of the more than 4,000 patients in one study still had five or more symptoms after treatment.1

That’s right…Those drugs only worked for one out of four people. Yet they’re considered the top—sometimes only—option to treat depression and anxiety. It’s insane.

Meanwhile, the mainstream continues to ignore options that not only work, but without all of the frightening side effects.

Take this one ancient herb in particular…

It comes from one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world—Ayurveda. People have used it for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. But this plant is particularly effective in calming anxiety.

The benefits of ashwagandha don’t end there either. Men, take note! It’s also a powerful libido-booster. Best of all? It can take effect within hours.4

So what is this herb so crucial to the Ayurvedic tradition that science now proves really works? 
We’ll bet it’s one you’ve never even heard of…


Researchers in India recently tested a potent extract of ashwagandha. All of the participants in the study suffered from chronic stress. They took two 300 mg capsules each day for 60 days. And here’s the kicker: There was a significant reduction in all measures of stress and anxiety…in every single patient. Plus there were no serious adverse effects!2 No surprise there.

An article in World Journal of Biological Psychology details the results of numerous studies. In one, 36 out of 50 patients with anxiety disorders showed moderate to excellent improvement with the herb. This was by the end of the first month of being treated with 1 gram per day. In another study, all but one of the participants responded to treatment with the supplement. A third study showed that there were “side effects.” What were they?  Lower heart rate, blood pressure, and fasting blood sugar.3

Ashwagandha is readily available from many sources. You can take it as a supplement in capsule form. Or you may wish to mix a teaspoon into a glass of warm milk at bedtime.

Editorial Note:  We’re right now putting the finishing touches on a special report called Top 10 Dangerous Pharmaceutical Drugs—And Their Natural Alternatives. It’s an important read for you and your family. Why? Because, with 65 million Americans taking these deadly pills, there’s a good chance someone you love is endangering his or her life without knowing it!

In it, you’ll discover a proven plant extract that works as well as antidepressants, but without horrible side effects… A common nutrient that 23 studiescovering 1,173 peoplehave shown decreases blood pressure(and all you have to do is make a few simple, delicious additions to your diet)… An antioxidant found in beer that not only relieves joint pain, but can help you feel relaxed and calm… and so much more.

We should be able to get it in your hands next month.  So be on the lookout for more details coming soon!
