What is sugar? Sugar is any substance that has a high glycemic index. Any food or substance that has a high glycemic index can disturb insulin balance in the body.
It follows then that the more sugar or carbohydrate consumption, the more insulin balance is disturbed. Any sugar or any food or any substance out of which the body can make sugar directly affects insulin balance.
Sugar In Disguise
There are many, many ways to disguise sugar or divert one’s attention from sugar. Most of the manufactured foods sold in supermarkets are loaded with sugar, which is usually listed in the ingredients in small print. The big diverter, “low fat” or “no fat,” is nearly always in bold or set out in a box or different color on the label.
The manufacturers know that the public has been thoroughly programmed against fat consumption. So if they print “no fat,” the customer is drawn to the product, which is most often loaded with sugar.
Sugar is now used not only as a sweetener but as a filler to build volume in “food product.” High fructose corn syrup, a major ingredient, is an extremely sweet filler widely used and deadly to insulin balance.
And would you believe that until recently the only product with no glycemic index was outlawed by the Food and Drug Administration as a sweetener: stevia. Stevia does not disturb insulin; but due to FDA regulations, it was not allowed to be marketed as a sweetener, only as a dietary supplement. Thankfully, that has now changed.
Deadly Syndrome
Now, let’s talk about just one chronic disease that traces back to sugar consumption: Syndrome X. Some 60 million to 75 million Americans have Syndrome X. According to Gerald Reaven, M.D., the discoverer of Syndrome X, it is the No. 1 predictor of heart disease.
That good diet prescribed by your cardiologist can be deadly. If you have Syndrome X, carefully dieting to lower your total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol won’t solve your problem. In fact, it may make a heart attack even more likely.
Syndrome X is a very quiet malady that interferes with the ability of insulin to move glucose (sugar) into certain cells for later use. Unknown millions of heart attacks have been caused by the failure of insulin to do its job.
Insulin resistance is at the heart of Syndrome X. This is why simply lowering HDL and LDL cholesterol — as universally prescribed by American physicians — won’t solve the problem.
About 25 percent to 30 percent of Americans are resistant to their own insulin. This means that greater amounts of insulin are required to get the job done. Unfortunately, excess insulin is the first in a series of events to trigger damage to the lining of the coronary arteries that eventually precipitates a heart attack.
Therefore, more carbohydrates (sugar) equals more glucose, equals more insulin, equals the formula for disaster. For each 30 percent elevation in insulin levels, there is a 70 percent increase in risk of heart disease over a five-year period.
Syndrome X, or insulin resistance, is a cluster of abnormalities that is directly related to heart disease but seems to be unknown to the medical establishment.
Risk Factors
Reaven, in his book Syndrome X, The Silent Killer, outlines the complete list of heart disease risk factors for people with Syndrome X. This list includes known risk factors for heart disease, including the risk factors for Syndrome X — important!
Syndrome X risk factors:
- Impaired glucose tolerance.
- High insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia).
- Elevated triglycerides (blood fats).
- Low HDL “good” cholesterol.
- Slow clearance of fat from the blood (exaggerated postprandial lipemia).
- Smaller, denser LDL “bad” cholesterol particles.
- Increased propensity of the blood to form clots.
- Decreased ability to dissolve blood clots.
- Elevated blood pressure.
Lifestyle factors that worsen Syndrome X:
- Obesity.
- Lack of physical activity.
- The wrong diet.
- Cigarette smoking.
- High intake of sugar/carbohydrates.
The additional independent risk factor is higher than normal LDL cholesterol.
Notice the differences. The Syndrome X heart disease risk factor list includes the rate at which fat clears from the blood, not just the amount of fat in the blood. It also considers the formation and clearance of blood clots, and the physical characteristics of LDL cholesterol (not just the amount). The very important lifestyle factor mentioned above is high consumption of sugar or carbohydrates.
Heart attacks are two to three times more likely to happen after a high-carbohydrate meal and are specifically not likely after a high-fat meal. Why? Because the immediate effect of raising blood sugar from sugar or a high carbohydrate meal is a rise in insulin. This causes arterial spasm and constriction of the arteries, triggering heart attacks.
Substitute stevia for sugar as much as you can. Too much sugar consumption leads to the body’s overproduction of insulin. This is the basis of the chronic disease of aging and Syndrome X.
Ignorance of sugar guarantees more and more degenerative disease, oppression and more murder and suffering at the hands of the government and the pharmaceutical and medical cartels. Ignorance of sugar is the absolute foundation of economic collapse nationally and financial poverty individually. Ignorance of sugar is at the root of social breakdown and a drugged society, broken homes and the forcing of drugs on schoolchildren.
The sugar disease is the biochemical basis of all degenerative disease, especially heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
Why are we not being told about sugar? It’s because it would mean far better and widespread health and happiness and, therefore, far less money flowing to the medical monopoly.
Sugar is America’s No. 1 addiction. It begins with babies. May God liberate us from this curse that plagues the world, but most especially plagues Americans.