

Friday, 23 August 2013

Protect Yourself From The Radiation Danger

| Aug 23, 2013

protect-yourself-from-the-radiation-danger_300News reports describing ongoing radioactive water leakage from Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant tell us that this tragic story is far from over. Independent analysts point to a series of cover-ups about the level of contamination.

In addition, inadequate efforts by responsible parties to protect people and the environment from dangerous levels of nuclear radiation that continue to leak into the Pacific Ocean and surrounding areas have also been kept out of the public record. People living closest to the failed plant are most at risk. Our hearts and prayers are with them — but nuclear experts believe it’s only a relatively short time before ocean currents transport the radioactive seawater to the Americas, the South Pacific and elsewhere. Never before have we experienced this level of nuclear contamination polluting our world’s oceans.

Sorting Out The Truth

So how dangerous is this situation from a public health perspective? This controversial issue is being hotly debated, but one thing is clear: The radioactive elements leaking from the Fukushima plant produce global impacts on our Earth’s ecosystem. Increases in radioactive rainwater, contaminated seafood and soil samples, and other alarming situations continue to crop up worldwide, following the March 2011 disaster. And with the news emerging about ongoing problems at the site, it appears we face unknown consequences from one of the largest environmental disasters in history. Conservative estimates suggest increases in cancer rates in Japan over the next decades, and other consequences are equally concerning.

Until public health experts and nuclear authorities can sort through the true health risks, it’s wise to maintain your body’s natural defenses against this type of low-level, radioactive contamination. Due to the uncertainty surrounding this issue, my best advice is to play it safe without giving in to fear, since stress is so detrimental to the body’s protective systems. These efforts at defense can help boost your overall health and protect against problems related to radiation of all types — especially the radioactive elements leaking from Fukushima like cesium 134 and 137, iodine 131 and strontium 90.

The best way to protect against the damaging effects of any kind of radiation is to consume an abundance of foods and natural supplements. These not only defend against radiation and remove it from the body, but offer numerous other health and immune benefits as well. Natural detoxifiers, trace minerals, antioxidants and immune boosters are among the most important types of nutrients that offer substantial radiation protection.

Kelp Can Help

Kelp has one of the highest mineral contents of any food and includes therapeutic levels of the mineral iodine. Dietary iodine blocks radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid.

The minerals in kelp help balance this form of iodine and make it much safer than taking high-dose synthetic iodine supplements. Kelp’s minerals also help prevent the absorption of other radioactive isotopes in the body and make them easier to eliminate.

Sea vegetables like kelp provide critical support and protection for the immune system, a part of the body essential during times of stress and exposure to harmful pollution, including radiation. Kelp is also a powerful detoxifying agent, thanks to its high levels of chlorophyll and other nutrients, mainly a substance called sodium alginate. Sodium alginate effectively binds to and removes radioactive particles, heavy metals and toxins from the body and was used to treat Chernobyl victims even years after the accident. However, there’s just one caveat: If your kelp is sourced from the Pacific Ocean, reports show that there is a chance it may be contaminated with radioactive elements from Fukushima. Make sure to inquire about the kelp you purchase to ensure that it is safely harvested from oceans such as the North Atlantic and/or tested for radioactive contamination.

Pectins And Alginates

Two of the most important nutrients that remove radiation from the body are modified citrus pectin (MCP) and sodium alginates. MCP has been shown in clinical studies to selectively remove toxic heavy metals from the body while not affecting the essential minerals. Furthermore, both pectins and alginates were used to treat victims of Chernobyl: They have been proven to bind to radioactive isotopes, heavy metals and toxins, removing them from the body safely. In addition, MCP helps maintain cellular health by protecting against abnormal cellular replication. This is an important consideration because of the significant damage to DNA replication that can result from radiation exposure.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and Cordyceps have been proven effective in preventing radiation-induced damage to bone marrow, intestines, internal organs and cells. These mushrooms can help protect against and repair radiation-induced changes in the body, boost immunity, detoxify tissues, regulate healthy cell replication and boost overall health. Look for a comprehensive medicinal mushroom formula that is grown in the United States in controlled conditions for optimal quality and purity.

Antioxidants, Nutrients And Botanicals For Detoxification And Cellular Protection

High-powered antioxidants are very important for protecting against radiation damage. Antioxidants protect DNA integrity, counteract inflammation from toxins and radiation, boost immunity, detoxify the body and promote overall health.

Glutathione is one of the most potent natural antioxidants produced by the human body. It is known to detoxify and protect against heavy metals and radioactive toxins. The best way to supplement glutathione is to take nutrients and herbs that act as precursors to glutathione. These include cilantro, garlic, milk thistle, dandelion, R-lipoic acid, n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and whey powder.

I also recommend taking a Phase II detox formula containing a synergistic blend of glutathione precursors and other botanicals and nutrients specifically shown to remove heavy metals and toxins from deep within the body. Additional protective antioxidants include vitamins C, A, and E; selenium; and vitamin D-3. Rosemary and sea buckthorn are two other potent antioxidant botanicals that demonstrate protection from radiation damage.

Zinc, B12, folic acid and magnesium are essential cofactors for numerous detoxification pathways. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are powerful, nutrient-dense foods that can provide additional cellular protection and detoxification support.

Engage In A Seasonal Fall Cleanse

Seasonal cleansing and detoxification protocols are important to enhance immune function and overall health. In the case of potential radiation exposure, a seasonal cleanse can play a vital role in making sure your detoxification channels are functioning optimally to avoid the accumulation of radioactive particles deep within your tissues and organs.

Stay Healthy And Stress-Free

Overall, the most important thing to do is keep stress levels to a minimum and make sure your body is properly nourished with the right nutrients and botanicals for maximum immune function and detoxification capacity. While these protocol recommendations can help against radiation damage, they also boost overall health, help reduce stress and protect your body from chronic illness over the long term.

For more detoxification and wellness information, visit