

Monday, 26 August 2013

Probiotics are a MUST for type-2 diabetics: Research

Sunday, August 25, 2013 by: PF Louis

probiotic(NaturalNews) It's common for many, especially members of the mainstream medical profession, to be ignorant of the importance of probiotics. While antibiotics that turn gastrointestinal tracts into killing fields are routinely prescribed, probiotics to replace lost beneficial bacteria are rarely even suggested.

Even when a doctor does give that advice, it's from the mindset that probiotics are merely important for good digestion. True enough, but probiotics, or good gut bacteria, need to comprise at least 80% of total gut bacteria for several other reasons.

Several tests and clinical studies have confirmed a strong probiotic presence with an 80/20 or 85/15 intestinal flora balance is necessary for several reasons.

For example, it's been determined that probiotic bacteria communicate with and trigger immune responses throughout the body, not just in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (

Testing has confirmed discoveries of the gut as a "second brain". The stronger and more balanced GI tract bacteria are, the less emotionally and mentally impaired their human hosts are (

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has clinically demonstrated healing all types of mental disorders and chronic allergies by applying her GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet to restore proper intestinal flora balance. She even cured her autistic son this way (

These recent developments have taken a small segment of modern medicine full circle to the ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medical adage of health begins in the gut.

Tests linking probiotics to diabetes and hypertension

A 2013 study conducted in Kashan, Iran, took 54 type-2 diabetics aged 55 to 70 and divided them into two groups to conduct a randomized double-blind placebo controlled study to determine any effects of probiotics on various inflammatory markers among diabetes-2 patients.

One group of 27 took a freeze dried seven strain probiotic supplement while the other 27 were given placebos. The study ran for eight weeks. During this eight week trial and when it concluded, the probiotic group's fasting plasma glucose (FPG) rose less and was continually lower than the placebo groups FPG.

Although insulin resistance rose in both groups, the probiotic group's insulin resistance tested lower than the placebo group.

Antioxidant stress was less with the probiotic group as well, with higher glutiathione plasma levels among the probiotic group. Glutathione is the "master antioxidant" that is created by and replenished in the liver to recycle throughout the body.

The arterial inflammatory marker of CRP (C-reactive protein) was measured by the hs-CRP (highly sensitive CRP) test that measures inflammation in blood vessels, a factor for determining heart disease potential. Yes, the probiotic supplement group's readings were significantly lower.

Of course, the researchers concluded only the obvious by reciting only the results of this test. But it's clear that probiotics, which are without adverse effects and influence digestion positively, also have a positive influence on type-2 diabetics' overall health.

A 2009 study from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, reviewed several, repeat several, in vivo (animal and human) international studies.

They all (repeat all) concluded consumption of probiotics, via various mechanics and biochemical processes, reduced insulin resistance and glucose sensitivity that could prevent onset diabetes and hypertension or assist in treating both conditions.

The Malaysian study and many others like it offer a condensation of several studies with the same theme, analyze them and offer an original or corroborating conclusion.

Unfortunately, MDs are so busy that they tend to rely on pharmaceutical reps, attend expense paid Big Pharma seminars, or glance through glossy journal publications instead of going online for these condensed reports that present conclusions from several studies.

If they did, mainstream medicos would suggest or prescribe probiotics more as a standard of care. But you can quietly consume probiotic bacteria with supplements or fermented beverages and foods without their advice.

Sources for this article include: