

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Miracle Cell Rejuvenation with Moringa Health Benefits


Did You Know…

 ... that the superfood known as moringa contains several thousand times more of the powerful anti-aging nutrient zeatin than any other known plant—and that it also has 2 compounds that prevent cancer and stop tumor growth?

The moringa is a genus of trees indigenous to Southern India and Northern Africa. It is a short, slender, deciduous, perennial tree that grows about 30 feet tall. Once grown only in India, Africa and the Himalayas, it is now cultivated in Central and South America, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines.

The leaves, flowers, bark, wood and roots of the moringa tree are used all over the world for a wide variety of medicinal, pharmacological and nutritional purposes. But it’s the leaves of the species called moringa oleifera, in particular, which have become recognized in recent years as being highly beneficial to human health.

Compared to other green superfoods like spirulina, wheat grass and chlorella, moringa oleifera has been relatively unknown until recent years when reports appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing its medicinal and nutritional properties.

“The Miracle Tree” of Cell Rejuvenation and Cancer Prevention

Moringa, which has been called the “Miracle Tree” in many indigenous cultures, contains more than 90 essential nutrients. Folk medicine practitioners and anecdotal reports suggest moringa’s great value in reducing tumors or retarding their growth.

Studies show that 2 compounds that are present in moringa health benefits cause a dramatic reduction of skin tumors, and even inhibit tumors in lab mice that are bred to be susceptible to tumors. This has earned moringa health benefits the reputation of being a cancer preventative plant.
 moringa health benefits
Over the past 40 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been studying and using the moringa plant as a low-cost health-enhancing food for third world countries where malnutrition and hunger are widespread.
India’s natural Ayurvedic medicine uses moringa leaves to prevent and treat over 300 diseases. The leaves contain complete proteins, which is rare to find in the plant kingdom.

This should come as good news for vegetarians, as well as those who are trying to limit their meat and dairy consumption—without compromising their protein intake.

A Bureau of Plant Industry report states that, gram per gram, moringa leaves contain: twice the protein content of 8 ounces of milk (and 4 times the calcium); the Vitamin C equivalent of 7 oranges; the potassium content of 3 bananas; 3 times the iron of spinach; and 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots.

Moringa Leaves and Zeatin

Moringa leaves’ rich combination of nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties could fill an entire book. But perhaps the most fascinating discovery about moringa leaves is that they are rich in zeatin.

Zeatin is a member of the plant hormone family known as cytokinins. Cytokinins induce cell division and growth, and delay cell aging. A study published in Rejuvenation Research shows the undeniable youth-preserving effects of zeatin on aging human skin.

Zeatin has recently become increasingly sought after because of its powerful anti-aging properties. It defends cells against free radical damage, protects healthy cells from the effects of stress, helps the body replace dying cells more rapidly, and strengthens living cells…thereby slowing the aging process.

No plant has a greater abundance of zeatin than the moringa plant. In fact, moringa health benefits have several thousand times more zeatin than any other known plant.