

Monday, 26 August 2013

An Alternative Cure for an Underactive Thyroid?

The thyroid is the gland that is essentially responsible for maintaining the body's metabolism. Low thyroid function may give rise to many symptoms which may include weight gain (often very unresponsive to efforts to lose weight), sensitivity to cold, cold hands and feet, dry skin and/or hair, fatigue and depression.

Certain nutrients are very important for thyroid function. One of the most important is the mineral iodine. Without it, the thyroid cannot make the hormones that regulate the metabolism.

Supplementing with iodine, for instance in the form of kelp or dulce (forms of seaweed), may therefore help to improve thyroid function.

Another nutrient that is important for thyroid function is selenium. Low selenium may reduce the effectiveness of the thyroid hormones, and some studies have linked low levels of selenium with low thyroid function.

Vitamin A is another nutrient that has a very important role to play in thyroid function, and a deficiency of this nutrient does seem to lower thyroid output. Other nutrients that are believed to be important for thyroid health include the minerals calcium and magnesium, and the amino acids L-tyrosine L-glutamine and L-glycine.

One supplement that may suit you is Thyranol. This has been specifically formulated to support thyroid function. Its principle ingredients are dulce (a source of iodine), selenium, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, tyrosine, glutamine and glycine. Thyranol also contains Siberian ginseng (which can help in the regulation of body temperature) and liquorice (which can give general support to the body's hormonal system).

Long term supplementation with Thyranol may help to stimulate thyroid function. Take one capsule twice a day. You can obtain this supplement by mail order on 0121 433 8729. More details about thyroid function and how to treat it naturally can be found in my latest book Ultimate Health - 12 Keys to Abundant Health and Happiness (Michael Joseph rrp £12.00).

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