

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Daily Habit That Reduces Your Risk Of Diabetes

| Apr 29, 2013

the-daily-habit-that-reduces-your-risk-of-diabetes_300Almost one of 10 Americans has diabetes, and experts expect this number to grow in the coming decades. If you want to seriously reduce your risk of this scourge, European scientists have identified a simple, common habit that can reduce your risk by more than 20 percent.

A European analysis of the health of almost 30,000 people in Europe shows that what you drink every day has a significant impact on your chances of becoming diabetic. Their finding: If you don’t drink a soft drink every day, but have water instead, your risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced by 22 percent.

“This study is yet another nail in the coffin for sugar-sweetened beverages. The American Heart Association recommends that you consume no more than 450 calories (36 ounces) of sugar-sweetened beverages a week,” Rachel K. Johnson, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont, Burlington told Medscape.