

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How Your Risk Of A Heart Attack Can Triple

| May 07, 2013

Heart disease remains the most prevalent killer disease in the U.S. If you want to minimize your chances of dying of a heart attack, researchers in Denmark have identified a problem you may have in your family that triples your risk.

When these researchers examined the close relatives of young people who had died of sudden cardiac death before the age of 35, they found that the other members of their families had a threefold increase in their possibility of suffering a fatal heart problem.

In addition, the relatives of young cardiovascular victims suffered a sixfold boost in the risk of ischaemic heart disease ( blood supply cut off to the heart) and a more than tenfold increased risk of cardiomyopathies (damage or weakening of the heart muscle) and ventricular arrhythmias (potentially fatal irregularities in heartbeat rhythms).

The researchers recommend that if you have a close family member who died an early death from heart disease, do everything you can to stay heart healthy and consult a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner about the state of your cardiovascular system.