

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Don’t Do This After A Stroke

| May 06, 2013

dont-do-this-after-a-stroke_300Unless you want to multiply your chances of dying after a stroke, scientists in Europe have found a bad habit that significantly increases your risk for death.

Avoid this unhealthy practice and you can significantly reduce your odds of death within a year of your stroke. According to the scientists, this lifestyle change works better than a drug.

The European researchers have discovered that if you smoke after a stroke, you increase your risk of death within a year by three-fold.

The study tracked about a thousand stroke patients who were also smokers. The ones who gave up the habit after hospitalization for stroke significantly improved their chances of survival for more than twelve months.

“It is well established that smoking increases the risk of having a stroke,” says researcher Furio Colivicchi. “Quitting smoking after an acute ischemic stroke may be more effective than any medication in reducing the risk of further adverse events.

However, on the other hand, our study shows that stroke patients resuming active smoking after leaving the hospital can raise their risk of dying by as much as three-fold.”