

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Dust In Your House May Wreck Your Brain And Thyroid

| Apr 09, 2013
The best intentions sometimes go awry. When Congress and State governments passed laws that encouraged manufacturers to include flame retardants in many products, they were thinking of saving lives, particularly children’s lives. Unfortunately, as we learn more about the chemicals in flame retardants, we’re finding we traded one hazard for another. While upholstery, pajamas, car seats and other household items have been made less flammable, they may be causing serious harm to our health.

Why Be Concerned

In 1976, Congress passed a law called the Toxic Substances Control Act, which does anything but control toxic substances. In fact, the law hinders the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to keep harmful chemicals off the market. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which require strict testing protocols before they can be sold, chemicals face fewer restrictions.

About the same time, California passed legislation to create new fire safety rules. Though the law doesn’t specifically require flame retardants, there’s virtually no other way to meet the fire safety standards it created. This has had a ripple effect, as manufacturers adjusted to changes in the huge California market; items with flame retardant were sold everywhere. Fortunately, this California law (Technical Bulletin 117) is in the process of being rescinded. Still, the danger will not go away for some time. These chemicals, called PBDEs, are everywhere, persist in the environment for decades and are often inhaled in household dust.

Health Effects

Scientists have a saying: Genetics are the gun, but it’s the environment that pulls the trigger. Our genes can potentially do us harm, but toxins in our environment lead them to act out this hazardous potential.

It seems the more we learn about flame retardants and other chemicals, the more dangerous they become, especially to neurological development.

For example, a recent University California (UC) Davis study found that one PBDE (BDE-49), known to accumulate in blood, fat and breast milk, destroys neural mitochondria, the energy units that power each of our cells. The study also found that cells with a mutation associated with autism were even more susceptible to mitochondrial damage, even when exposed to tiny amounts.

This adds to a growing body of evidence that PBDEs stunt neural development. Another study by researchers at UC Berkeley found that PBDE exposure impaired both fine motor and cognitive skills in children. These chemicals have also been linked to thyroid problems, decreased fertility and a variety of other health issues. In my clinical practice alone, I have treated hundreds of cases of toxic poisoning from common flame retardant chemicals; and when patients take steps to reduce exposure, their health increases markedly.

Take Control

At some point, our lawmakers are going to have to revisit how chemicals are regulated. Given their persistence in our surroundings, it makes no sense to allow potentially dangerous compounds into the market without thoroughly evaluating their potential consequences to health and the environment.

However, this does not help us now. Researchers have found evidence of flame retardants in more than 50 percent of the dust samples they studied. Another study found high levels in commercial airplanes, as much as 100 times the concentrations in homes. The truth is, PBDEs are part of our lives. The question is what to do about them?

The simple answer is that we need take control of our own health and find ways to remove dangerous toxins from our bodies. One proven technique is natural chelation, a gentle process that removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body over time.

There are a variety of natural detoxifying agents, such as vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and alginates. One excellent detoxifier I recommend is modified citrus pectin (MCP), a form of pectin that is modified for absorption and bioactivity in the bloodstream. MCP safely removes heavy metals, radioactive particles and environmental toxins. Importantly, MCP detoxifies without leaching away critical nutrients.

MCP has been proven effective in a number of clinical trials, removing lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury. In addition to removing toxins, MCP also deactivates a protein called galectin-3, which at elevated levels is linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and other conditions. MCP also supports immunity and helps protect cellular health.

There are also a large number of foods that aid with detoxification: sea vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fermented foods, beets, fiber-rich foods, sprouted grains and legumes, mushrooms, lemons, and more. The list is extensive. To learn more about safe and gentle detoxification strategies, I recommend reading my free online guide to natural chelation and detoxification.

While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prevalence of toxins in our environment, it’s better to feel empowered. We have many ways to detoxify and heal our bodies to support long-term health and vitality. Even without the environmental concerns, regular detoxification of normal metabolic byproducts is an excellent health measure and has been part of traditional medical systems for millennia. If we make it part of our regular routine, we protect our mental and physical health over the long term with increased energy, vitality and clarity. Now that’s empowering!