

Monday, 22 April 2013

Monsanto lies through their teetrh

Sunday, April 21, 2013 by: Hesh Goldstein
(NaturalNews) By now, most of us are aware of the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops that are horrendously sprayed with Monsanto's herbicide Roundup Ready with its active ingredient glyphosate.

We know that the main GMO crops are soy, corn, cotton, sugar beets, alfalfa, and canola (even if it says organic). As a side note, canola oil was originally used as an industrial solvent until someone came up with the idea that if it was modified it could be sold as a vegetable oil. Granted it comes from a rapeseed, but why would anyone in his or her right mind want to ingest something that was used as a toxic solvent to begin with?

In Hawaii, Monsanto and GMOs have been raked through the coals. So much so that Monsanto has released a "teary" community message to dispel the "lies" about GMOs. Of course they never mention the fact that GMOs have been banned in over 20 countries in the world and only flourish in the good ol' US of A. More about that later.

Here's the tearjerker they released:

"Aloha Friends and Neighbors.

Lately, you may have seen or read a lot of things about Monsanto Hawaii, including some very outrageous and untruthful claims. We'd like to take a moment to speak up on behalf of our thousand employees and families.

First and foremost we're farmers. Many of us grew up on farms, come from farming families, and have dedicated our careers to agriculture. We're also passionate about growing seed corn that is used to help farmers grow crops to feed the world {who cares if the corn crops are sprayed with 2-4-D, the active ingredient in Agent Orange?}.

We're very proud of our products and the benefits they bring to the millions of farmers who buy our seeds {which have to be bought every year because the seeds only have a one-year life and cannot be harvested from crops for replanting the next season}. Our work in Hawaii has enabled growers across the globe to produce more per acre, consume less fuel and adopt eco-friendly agricultural practices {who cares if hundreds of poor farmers in India committed suicide because they could not afford to buy seeds every year?}.

For years, our seeds have helped farmers protect their crops from insects and disease. Our newer innovations include corn plants better able to withstand drought, and soy beans richer in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Our seed products have undergone years of careful study, and have an outstanding safety record {just like tobacco did 50 years ago}.

Recently, there have been many wild accusations about us, with no basis in truth {I guess they never read the Dr. Giles-Eric Seralini report from the University of Caan in France linking their sprayed garbage with cancer}. Our fields have been threatened with destruction, we've been individually targeted and harassed, and our friends and neighbors attacked with hate language and racial slurs. This irresponsible and violent behavior generates needless fear and divides our community. It's not "pono" {good}.

Many of us were born here, grew up here, went to school here and are raising families here. We care greatly about our homes, schools, neighborhoods and islands, and are supportive, charitable members of our community {just ask all the politicians we pay off}.

We're happy to meet and talk story with those who have a genuine interest in knowing more about who we are and what we do. We gladly offer presentations to interested groups. Please look for additional invitations to learn more about us. You may be surprised by what you discover.

Mahalo nui loa {thank you very much}"!

I'll give you all a moment to dry the tears from your eyes . . .

Recently, there was a report issued by Anthony Samsel, an independent scientist and consultant from Deerfield, NH, and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory scientist, that had the title, "Glyphosate's Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases". It's a very lengthy and scientific report that is a mind blower. The conclusion reads as follows:

"This paper presents an exhaustive review of the toxic effects of the herbicide, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, in humans, and demonstrates how glyphosate's adverse effects on the gut microbiota, in conjunction with its established ability to inhibit the activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes, and its likely impairment of sulfur transport, can remarkably explain a great number of the diseases and conditions that are prevalent in the modern industrialized world. Its effects are insidious, because the long-term effects are often not immediately apparent.

The pathologies to which glyphosate could plausibly contribute, through its known biosemiotic effects, include inflammatory bowel disease, entropy, obesity, depression, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, muscle wasting disease, infertility, and developmental malformations.

Glyphosate works synergistically with other factors, such as insufficient sun exposure (vitamin D deficiency), dietary deficiencies in critical nutrients such as sulfur and zinc, and synergistic exposure to other xenobiotics whose detoxification is impaired by glyphosate.

Given the known toxic effects of glyphosate reviewed here and the plausibility that they are negatively impacting health worldwide, it is imperative for more independent research to take place to validate the ideas presented here, and to take immediate action, if they are verified, to drastically curtail the use of glyphosate in agriculture. Glyphosate is likely to be pervasive in our food supply, and contrary to being essentially non-toxic, it may in fact be the most biologically disruptive chemical in out environment".

To sum this up, the glyphoste in GMOs destroys your health. When Dr. Seneff was guest on my radio show, she made it clear that glyphosate kills all the sulfur and zinc in the soil and enhances all the diseases listed above. She made it very clear that sulfur will promote good health.

So, for anyone who eats or shops, if soy, corn, and cotton products do not say organic or non-GMO and you eat them, you are putting your health at grave risk. As far as sugar goes, if it does not say cane sugar, the likelihood of it being GMO is huge. GMO sugar will say "sugar" or "high-fructose corn syrup' or "corn syrup". Please, please read labels. As far as canola goes, don't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

The question arises, Why don't our politicians do anything? They do! They take money from the biotech industry and will not bite the hand that feeds them.

When Obama campaigned in 2008, he promised that he would call for the mandatory labeling of GMOs. Instead of doing that he appointed many of Monsanto's former employees to key government positions. Michael Taylor as the FDA Food Czar; Tom Vilsack as the Head of the Department of Agriculture; Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagen was a Monsanto lawyer, as was Clarence Thomas, as was Hilary Clinton.

There's a funny story that sums up Obama pretty well. A guy dies and goes before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates and asks if he can come in. St. Peter tells him before he can come in his "lie clock" has to be checked out. The guy is confused and St. Peter explains that George Washington only told one lie in his life, so he has a good place in Heaven. He also tells the guy that Abe Lincoln only told two lies in his life, so he has a good place in Heaven as well, because where you go in Heaven depends upon how many lies you have told and how slow or fast the hands on your "lie clock" move. The guy inquires as to whether he can find out the status of a living person's "lie clock" and St. Peter says he can. So, he inquires about Obama and St. Peter tells him that Obama's "lie clock" is being used in God's office as a ceiling fan.

The only person that will take responsibility for you is you. Please do not waste that opportunity.


About the author:

I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called "Health Talk". In 2007 I was "forced" to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of all the doctors that would call in asking for my credentials. They do not call in anymore. Going to enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. I am an activist. In addition to espousing an organic vegan diet for optimum health, I am strongly opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation and everything else that the pimps (Big Pharma, Monsanto and the large food companies) and the hookers (the doctors, the government agencies, the public health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the tricks.

After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child I developed asthma. After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 4 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it's only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids. You can find out more about this incredible nutrient also on my website - - Products and Services. There is also an organic, 70%, cold processed dark chocolate out there that contains sulfur based zeolite, which removes radiation and heavy metals. You can find out more by reading the article "A Dark Chocolate To Die For" on my website under Articles, or by going to

I am 73. I have been a vegetarian since 1975 years and a vegan since 1990. I have no illnesses and take no meds. I play basketball 2 hours a week, am in 2 softball leagues, racewalk, body surf, do stand-up paddling, do weight workouts and teach women's self defense classes based upon 25 years of Wing Chun training.

My firm belief - if it had a face and a mother or if man made it, don't eat it.


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