

Monday, 11 March 2013

The Wonderful Power of Choline

Is Your Body Starving For The Wonderful Power of Choline?

Did you know…

that a popular Japanese appetizer is actually a powerful kidney and liver detoxifier?

Something new is always brewing on the nutrition front. In 1998, the National Academy of Sciences discovered that choline, previously thought to be produced in sufficient quantities in the body, is actually an essential nutrient.

This means that we must acquire choline from the foods we eat in order to maintain adequate levels in our bodies, because the amount produced in our lives is just not enough to support a healthy body.

What Happens When Your Body Needs Choline?

Just a few weeks of choline-deficiency can generate a breeding ground for a host of chronic illnesses: hypertension…atherosclerosis…cirrhosis…abnormal liver function…hepatitis…memory loss…dementia…seizures…heart disease…the ramifications are countless.

In contrast, a body with normal concentrations of choline enjoys lower cholesterol levels…a slimmer waistline…a nourished brain and liver…a well-protected nervous system…reduced inflammation…a lower risk of heart disease…and more energy overall.

Choline Benefits Protects Against the #1 Killer: Heart Disease

Choline performs in the body comparably to the way B-complex vitamins do. Choline is especially crucial for the nervous system. It assists cell membrane function, facilitates nerve communication, and reduces chronic inflammation.

Choline is also a key nutrient for preventing heart disease. It helps stop the accumulation of homocysteine in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels damage blood vessel walls and lead to dangerous blood clots. Choline benefits also protects against heart disease because it regulates your cholesterol levels.

Choline Aids Liver Function and Weight Loss

Choline benefits are essential for supporting liver health. It encourages the liver to turn estradiol into the benign form of estrogen called estriol.

Women who suffer from estrogen-based conditions—such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and fibrocystic breast syndrome—will benefit from choline supplementation.

Choline has lipotropic properties, which means that it is able to break down fat to use as energy. By promoting fat-burning, choline benefits help the liver eliminate trapped fat deposits. No more fatty liver or excess fat in the blood!

Choline benefits also aids your weight loss efforts by helping you feel fuller quicker and longer. Researchers at the Louisiana State University Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that obese people fed choline-rich eggs lost more weight than those fed a bagel with an equal number of calories.
choline benefits

Eat Your Way to Health

Pregnant women and those concerned with their cardiovascular health or weight aren’t the only ones who should monitor their choline intake.

Asthma sufferers have found that supplementing with choline helps keep their condition in check and reduces their need for bronchodilators.

Choline benefits have also been used to…
  • Treat cancer
  • Ease spasms
  • Control the symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome
  • Control the symptoms of Huntington’s disease
  • The best sources of choline come from meats, such as liver, fish and muscle meats, nuts, beans (especially soybeans also known as the popular traditional Japanese appetizer edamame), peas, spinach, eggs and wheat germ.
Experts say the recommended daily consumption for females is at least 425mg and for males and pregnant women nutritionists recommend 550mg.

You can take a choline supplement with or without food, but choline benefits have been shown to disrupt sleep, so it’s best to consume early in the day.
