

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Did You Know? March 2013 Edition

March 2013

Did You Know?
  • You can stop a sneeze if you push your nose upward with your finger.
  • If you smoke, you could lose an average of two teeth every 10 years.
  • Listening to music—any type at all—can improve your mood in the workplace.
  • Your liver performs over 500 functions.
  • If your spouse snores, you lose an average of two hours of sleep a night.
  • The average adult uses 88 pounds of oxygen every day.
  • When you look at someone you love, your pupils dilate. Interestingly, they do the same thing when you look at someone you dislike.
  • Your stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
  • Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable, botanically speaking. They contain more protein than any other fruit.
  • According to scientists, the higher your IQ, the more you dream.
  • Your right lung is larger than your left lung, thanks to the location of and space needed to accommodate your heart.
  • A shark’s cornea is so similar to a human’s that it has been used in eye surgery.
  • Real life trumps fiction. Turns out, the human eye can discriminate between 500 shades of gray.
  • Worcestershire sauce is made from dissolved anchovies.
  • People who hold their cell phones up to their ear to talk are 2.5 times more likely to develop cancer in areas of the brain that are adjacent to that side of their head.
  • Have trouble sleeping? It could be because your brain is more active and you tend to think more at night than during the day.
  • People in the U.S. spend more than $50 billion every year on diet plans, diet books, diet pills and special meals.
  • Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham—inventor of the graham cracker—believed that eating meat made people sexually promiscuous.
  • Statistics show that people who consume one to two diet sodas per day are 57 percent more likely to become overweight.
  • Americans eat more than 22 pounds of tomatoes each year, half of which is in the form of tomato sauce and ketchup.