

Saturday, 30 March 2013

7 Causes of Alzheimer’s

Finally, You Can Prevent Alzheimer's,
Parkinson's, and Memory Loss"
A Renowned Neurosurgeon's Simple Tips to Protect Your Brain . . .

Excerpt taken from:
neurosurgeon and nutritionist Dr. Russell Blaylock publicizing his Brain Protection Kit . .

I'll share some of the most important information in it just ahead, but first . . . .

You need to understand why conventional medicine has failed us. Here's part of the reason . . .

Conventional medicine is NOT concerned about the underlying causes of diseases, nor about cures.

You may find that shocking and even cold-hearted. But there are two reasons for this . . .

First, our medical system is based on drug therapy. Pharmaceutical companies have been the controlling influence in our medical system from the earliest days of so-called "modern" medicine.

In American medical schools, doctors are taught to diagnose diseases, and then which drugs to prescribe to treat the symptoms of those diseases.

Let me be clear on this — the emphasis is on drug therapy to treat the symptoms of diseases, not on prevention or cures.

Medicine is a profit-driven business...
The second reason for the failure of conventional medicine is closely related to the first, and that's because there is little money in cures, while there is a lot of money in drug treatments.

Think about it . . . If doctors taught their patients how to avoid diseases and stay healthy, a $100 billion-per-year medical industry would be drastically reduced to treating rare disorders and accidents.

Most people never consider that medicine is a profit-driven business . . .

And the greatest profits lie in ongoing treatments, which are primarily drugs administered for months, for years, and best of all from a profit perspective, for life.

Wouldn't it be smarter to just find the causes of these diseases — and then avoid them? And wouldn't it also be better to stop, reverse and repair the damage, rather than try to manage it with drugs?

The first thing to know is that . . .

Memory Loss, Parkinson's, and
Alzheimer's/Dementia Are Primarily
Caused By Two Things . . .

  1. Inflammation
  2. Free Radical Damage
And these two are closely related, because brain inflammation generates more free radical activity. But if you can get these culprits under control, you'll drastically reduce your risk for memory loss, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.

The medical establishment says it doesn't know what causes these disorders. They also say there are no cures for them. But that's only because they ignore the research in favor of drug treatments. As you'll see in a moment . . .

There are specific triggers for inflammation and free radical generation. Once you know what they are, you can easily avoid or neutralize them. Let me show you . . .

What's Really Going on Inside Your Brain . . .

Each brain cell is a little factory that performs dozens of vital functions, including generating energy, making enzymes and proteins, storing information including DNA, and performing numerous mental tasks.

Ideally, we want our brain cells to do everything God intended them to do, so we can retain our memory, stay mentally sharp, and be capable of dealing with whatever life throws at us.

The problem is that free radicals damage our cellular factories, so that, over time, they don't work as well and eventually fail and die.

No doubt you've heard about free radicals but may be unclear on what they are. Simply put . . .

Free radicals are highly reactive, submicroscopic particles that bounce around inside your cells like red-hot BBs, burning everything they touch.

In the beginning, the damage they do is small and insignificant. But over time, if free radical activity goes unchecked, the cells' function becomes impaired. It's a lot like water dripping on a stone, slowly and continually chipping away at it.

Fortunately, your body has antioxidant defenses that, at least when you're young, neutralize the free radicals.

But your antioxidant defenses decline with age. Plus, if you're exposed to any of the triggers that cause inflammation or create more free radicals, your antioxidant defenses can be overwhelmed.

Now, hold that thought, because . . .

Neurodegenerative diseases begin to appear when the free radical damage reaches a certain level.

And depending on your exposure to the triggers, this can occur at age 50, 60, 70, or 80.

What's alarming is that we're seeing an escalation in free radical damage, so what used to be common in the 70s and 80s age group is now showing up in the 50s and 60s, and sometimes as early as the 30s and 40s!

In fact, the average age of onset of Parkinson's has dropped to 57.

And for every full blown case of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's/dementia, there are dozens of lesser cases, beginning with memory loss, that are incorrectly dismissed as "normal aging."

That's why it's so important that you get Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease, and put a stop to inflammation and free radical damage NOW!

The Triggers for Brain Inflammation and
Free Radical Generation Include . . .

  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Harmful ingredients in foods and beverages
  • Toxic metals in the air, water, and consumer products
  • Various sugars and sugar substitutes
  • Omega-6 fats
  • Vaccines (including flu shots)
  • Excitotoxins (which I'll explain just ahead)

Additional problems include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, a lack of exercise, and, surprisingly, too much aerobic exercise!  Let's look at some of these triggers and see how to avoid or neutralize them. And please put this preventive advice to use right away.

Parkinson's Disease: You Can Prevent It!

Parkinson's disease is caused by brain inflammation, specifically by an intense activation of the brain's immune cells, the "microglia."
When over-activated, the microglia actually destroy parts of the mid-section of the brain, and the result is what we know as Parkinson's.
What causes an over-activation of the microglia?
Mostly infections, trauma, obesity, ingestion of certain harmful ingredients in processed foods, and exposure to toxic metals, pesticides and herbicides.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to avoid exposure to pesticides. You can avoid spraying your home, but it's harder to avoid this at work, in public buildings, golf courses and public parks — or the pesticide residue on the produce you consume.
Some people are more sensitive to these toxins then others, but repeated exposures, even to very small subtoxic doses, can create a "toxic synergism" that activates the microglia and sets the brain cell destruction in motion.
For example, farmers who routinely spray their crops have a much higher incidence of Parkinson's disease than the general population.
But since some exposure to pesticides is almost impossible to avoid, what can you do about it?

First, be sure to buy certified organic produce. Or, if buying regular produce, wash it thoroughly before eating. Also, just ahead, I'll tell you about some natural supplements you can use to cleanse your body of these toxins, as well as antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals.
A very important one is glutathione . . .
Why You Need Glutathione for Protection Against
Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's
It's a known fact that Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients have very low brain levels of the antioxidant glutathione. 
Glutathione is a miracle molecule that plays a major role in protecting your brain cells. Its highest concentration is in the mitochondria of the neuron, which is where 95% of free radicals are produced.
If you're low on glutathione, you won't get the brain cell protection you need, nor the moderating effect that glutathione has on your brain's immune function. 
The result is inflammation and free radical production — the two brain-destroying culprits you must control to avoid the neurodegenerative diseases. 
What causes low glutathione? 
Infections, brain injury, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, harmful foods, environmental toxins such as mercury, lead, and aluminum, and also high levels of glutamate, which deplete your body's store of glutathione. 
An easy start here is to avoid the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used at some restaurants and in many processed foods. 
Your safest route is to eat fresh, natural foods, rather than processed packaged foods. 
But always read food labels and avoid MSG. Also be aware that, after MSG got a bad rap (it causes migraine headaches, for one), food manufacturers sneakily gave MSG several new names and kept using it. 
In your Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease, you'll find all of the new names for MSG that are used on food labels today, so you'll have a fighting chance. 
But Dr. Blaylock would tell you, from his experience as a neurosurgeon, that most people have low brain levels of glutathione, especially as they age. The good news is that you can increase these levels. 
If you have access to a doctor who practices holistic or integrative medicine, you can get an IV drip of immune-supporting nutrients that includes glutathione. 
Another way to get your glutathione levels up is to simply take a specific supplement that promotes your own body's production of this important antioxidant.
In your Brain Protection Kit, you'll discover the name and dosage of this supplement. You can readily find it at vitamin stores and online, and you'll also find a good source for it.
What else can you do to protect your brain? Stop the excitotoxins. 
The Problem With Brain Excitotoxins 
Earlier I mentioned excitotoxins as one of the triggers. These are substances that excite the microglia and cause a storm of inflammation and free radical production.
They're called excitotoxins because they can literally "excite" a brain cell to death.
Brain cell excitotoxins are often the ingredients used in processed foods to enhance their flavors. MSG is one, of course, and another is the artificial sweetener aspartame, which is called "safe for diabetics" but in fact is not safe for anyone!
Excitotoxins can also be produced by your own body.
For instance, elevated levels of homocysteine, a condition typically caused by a poor diet (also implicated in heart disease), cause accumulation of two types of excitotoxins that can do brain damage.
Mercury is another excitotoxin. The same is true of lead, cadmium, and aluminum.

Are your dental filling causing your memory problems?If you're wondering how these toxic metals get into your body, they're in certain fish, such as tuna, shark, and swordfish; they're in the water you drink, in the air you breathe, and also in household products, such as antiperspirants and aluminum cookware.
If you use fluoridated water or toothpaste, even in small amounts, it will increase your aluminum absorption and trigger a dramatic destruction of the same brain cells we see destroyed in Alzheimer's patients.
Mercury is also highly toxic to your brain and immune system, and it's the main ingredient in amalgam dental fillings. If you still have this type of filling, see a qualified dentist for their proper removal and replacement.
And stop getting vaccines, especially flu shots, which contain mercury.
One of the world's leading immunologists, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, has conducted studies showing that those who receive the flu vaccine yearly for 3 to 5 years increase their risk of Alzheimer's ten-fold.
Perhaps you've been getting the flu shot regularly for years, and you're now at much higher risk for Alzheimer's. So, what can you do?

First, immediately stop getting vaccines.
The drug industry has done a great job convincing the public, especially seniors, that they need flu shots.
Doctors go along with this propaganda because this is what they learn in medical schools, which are supported by drug companies.
But this idea that you need flu shots is purely marketing hype. Annual flu shots provide hundreds of millions of dollars in profits every year, which is why you see them so aggressively promoted.
Find a doctor practicing holistic or integrative medicine who can administer heavy metal detox through IV chelation therapy, and while you're at it, get a glutathione IV drip. This one-two punch will give your brain a big boost of protection.
Omega-6 Oils Linked to
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's . . .
Here's something that will probably surprise you. Omega-6 oils beyond the smallest amounts will cause brain inflammation — and that inflammation will excite the microglia into destroying your brain cells.
What's more, the inflammation will generate even more free radical activity that can overwhelm your antioxidant defenses and cause a steady deterioration of brain-cell function.
Don't use Omega-6 oils for cooking
Omega-6 oils line your supermarket's shelves and are widely used in cooking, baking, and salad dressings. Here are the ones to avoid:
  1. Soybean Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Canola Oil
  4. Safflower Oil
  5. Corn Oil
  6. Peanut Oil
If you still want to use the omega-6 oils, do so sparingly, and at the same time significantly increase your intake of the omega-3 oils, which can be found in some fish (although fish can be polluted), as well as cod liver oil.
Omega-3s are also found in flaxseed oil (often in capsules), but it contains ALA, which can be a problem for men because it has the potential to increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Omega-3The safest way to get your omega-3s is to use the modern cod liver oils, which have been vastly improved in recent years to get any fish flavor out, so today they typically have a mild lemon-lime flavor and are very easy to take.
Just one tablespoon of high quality cod liver oil a day, especially one high in DHA, will give you a big boost in brain protection by neutralizing the excitotoxins and reducing inflammation (see your kit for details).
Cod liver oil is also a good prevention against arthritis and heart disease (also caused by inflammation), as well as a good general health tonic. But specifically regarding Alzheimer's . . .
One study found that ingesting omega-3s once or more per week reduced the risk of Alzheimer's by 60%. And this research shows that if you do it daily, your risk goes down even more.
I want to give you a few more tips on how to prevent memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's . . .
The Health Threat of Sugar — and
Chemical Sugar Substitutes
An excellent way to reduce inflammation, avoid excitotoxins, and neutralize free radicals, not to mention improve your overall health, is to . . .
Cut way back on sugars and fats, and high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, white potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies, and chips.
Sadly, you probably remember that President Ronald Reagan was afflicted by Alzheimer's, and you may also remember that he was addicted to jelly beans. Dr. Blaylock suspects Reagan's high daily intake of sugar may have contributed to his Alzheimer's.
One study showed that a high-calorie diet (boosted by sugars) caused a 50% increase in the risk for Alzheimer's/dementia, and if combined with a high-fat diet, the risk went up 230%!
And remember, you can have high fats in your blood without being significantly overweight. Such a condition is caused by getting too many of your calories from sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates.
But don't switch out the sugar for the chemical sweetener aspartame, which is in diet sodas and many foods called "safe for diabetics."
Aspartame is a potent excitotoxin that can literally excite brain cells to death. Instead, use natural sugar substitutes, such as stevia, which are safe and won't cause inflammation or generate free radicals.
Already, you've learned that inflammation and free radicals are the two main culprits that cause memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's. And you've discovered the primary triggers for them, too.
But in your Brain Protection Kit, you'll also hear about several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that reduce inflammation, boost glutathione, detoxify your brain of heavy metals, and protect you from excitotoxins and free radicals.
Just a few of these include:
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Blueberry Extract
  • Melatonin
  • Curcumin and Quercetin
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B-12
Most people are getting only one-tenth of the Vitamin D they need on a daily basis. So "upping" you Vitamin D levels is critically important, not just for brain health, but also to prevent cancer.

Don't Over-Exercise: It Can Harm Your Brain

And by the way, if you've heard or read reports in the media that Vitamin D can be toxic (and even cause cancer), you should know that is just propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry.

Rest assured, Big Pharma doesn't want you to know that an inexpensive vitamin can do far more for your health than its drugs.If everybody got enough Vitamin D, took their cod liver oil, and added a few antioxidants, the rates for cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's would plummet!

When I first mentioned this earlier, I'm sure it surprised you. But while a complete lack of exercise can cause numerous health problems, Dr. Blaylock has found that too much aerobic exercise is actually harmful to your brain.

The reason is that aerobic exercise dramatically increases free radical generation, which leads to brain cell deterioration and the neurodegenerative disorders.

Numerous studies have shown that moderate exercise, such as a brisk 30-to-40-minute walk every other day, is protective against Alzheimer's/dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.

What's also protective is to exercise your brain by reading, writing, memorizing facts, and participating in mental-skill games such as bridge, chess, or crossword puzzles.

Well, I'm just about out of time. There is so much more I want to tell you. I feel I've barely scratched the surface, but we've made a good start. Please use what you've learned today . . .

And most important, get your copy of How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease — FREE with your Blaylock Wellness Report subscription — and start reversing inflammation and free-radical damage NOW!

You can easily follow Dr. Blaylock's guidelines, make adjustments to your diet, add some vitamins and antioxidants, and detoxify your brain. All of this will give you significant protection against memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's.

And you'll love the side benefits, too . . .

You'll gain energy, lose weight, become mentally sharper, sleep better, and feel younger.

You'll also have peace of mind, knowing that you're stopping and reversing the brain damage that's been going on — probably for too long — without you even knowing about it.