

Saturday, 23 February 2013

The Perils of Dairy

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2009

John McDougall MD discusses what dairy products have going for them. They are a great source of nutrition -- for getting fat and growing tumors!

This is Dr. McDougall's presentation from the 2005 Healthy Lifestyle Expo. More info and talks available here on DVD:

Rheumatoid arthritis : 9:10
Fake Cow with False Promises : 12:00
Human Calcium Requirements : 27:27
Osteoporosis from Acid Foods : 34:58
Animal Protein = Osteoporosis : 37:20
Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and Bovine Growth Hormone : 44:00
Milk Rasises IGF-1 : 45:00
IGF-1 Promote Cancer : 45:40
Marketing Dairy and Disease : 48:20
Diseases Dairy Cattle infected with : 52:15
Constipation Eczema Asthma Snotty Nose Type 1 Diabetes From Milk : 58:05
Diseases of Dairy Protein :1:02:48
Milk Causes Obesity : 1:08:58
Milk Is Simply Liquid Meat : 1:12:05
Milk and Seminal Vasicle and Prostate Glands : 13:13:33