

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Poor Nutrition: A Weapon of Mass Destruction

Uploaded on May 30, 2011
A presentation by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. M.D.

Plenty of quick fixes are available to treat heart disease - surgery, drugs, and other interventions that can provide temporary relief, but only one treatment has been proven effective in stopping completely the progression of coronary heart disease.

Since 1985 Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. MD has conducted the longest running study that clearly proves that heart disease can be arrested or reversed. There is now compelling evidence, including published peer reviewed journal articles, showing clearly that heart disease can actually be reversed through lifestyle changes.

Dr. Esselstyn is a Preventive Cardiology Consultant in the Department of General Surgery at the renowned Cleveland Clinic. He has been president of the staff and a member of its Board of Governors, and is the immediate past-chairman of the Clinic${q}s Breast Cancer Task Force.

Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on November 15, 2003 at the Honolulu Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church
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