

Monday, 25 February 2013

Mung Bean benefits prevent hospital deaths

Ancient Chinese Bean Prevents Hospital Deaths

24 February 2013

Researchers have discovered that Chinese mung bean benefits are great in preventing sepsis.

Sepsis is a blood infection that affects more than 700,000 people each year in the United States and can result in a 50% mortality rate for those who contract it.

The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research study was published in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and explained how inflammation – a natural immune response to infection – can get out of hand and cause sepsis.

mung bean benefitsChinese mung beans provide anti-inflammatory benefits by inhibiting the release of the protein (HMGB1), which regulates inflammatory response.
Sepsis targets internal organs, such as the brain, kidneys, lungs and heart. These vital organs can only sustain so much before the damage becomes irreversible. Cases of sepsis cost the U.S. almost $17 billion every year.

Dr. Haichao Wang, PhD led the study at the Feinstein Institute. He explained their findings, “Many traditional medicinal herbs have been successfully developed into effective therapies for various inflammatory ailments, and now we have validated the therapeutic potential of…mung bean extract. Demonstrating that mung bean extract has a positive effect on septic mice shows promise that this bean can also have a positive effect on septic humans.”

The septic mice used in their study had a 70% survival rate when given the mung bean extract – a huge improvement over control mice with a survival rate lower than 30%.

The Feinstein Institute has led the way in fighting this medical emergency by promoting early detection and immediate treatment. Over the past four years, their initiatives have led to a 35% decline in mortality cases from sepsis – literally saving thousands of lives.

History of the Mung Bean

Mung bean benefits have been used throughout Asia in cuisine and medicine for thousands of years. It has been used as an effective detoxifier.

Mung beans are high in overall nutritional content, low in calories, sodium and fat, and exhibit powerful antioxidant properties that fight disease and protect your body.

Mung Bean Health Benefits

    • The lecithin in mung beans fights bad LDL cholesterol and liver fat with high soluble fiber.
    • Mung beans contain compounds that inhibit the formation and growth of cancerous tumors.
    • Phytoestrogens found in mung beans help regulate hormones after menopause, relieving hot flashes and preventing osteoporosis.
    • Mung beans have been shown to regulate body temperature and prevent heat stroke.
    • The phytoestrogens in mung beans contain skin anti-aging properties that stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin – essential to younger, healthier skin.
    • Diabetics can safely eat mung beans; they regulate blood sugar and have a low glycemic load.
    • Low in calories and rich in fiber, mung beans make the perfect addition to your weight loss goals. They increase your sense of fullness while curbing cravings for carbs and sweets.
    • Mung beans also contain vitamins A, Bs, C, D, E, K, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and zinc!
This small bean packs a punch when it comes to natural dietary nutrition and total body wellness. Scientists are now doing research on the mung bean benefits as a detoxifier that removes environmental and chemical pollutants from your body.

Mung beans can be made into noodles, flour and sweet paste or added whole to rice or casseroles. The beans or sprouts can be used for soups and over salads and are an excellent nutritional addition to the vegan lifestyle. features a delicious Sweet Green (Mung) Bean Soup recipe that’s one of the most common ways to serve this legume for maximum health benefits.

Sweet Green Mung Bean Soup

    • 1 cup dried mung beans
    • 1 tablespoon dried coconut milk powder or 1/4 cup coconut milk
    • 4 cups water
    • 1/4 cup sugar (to taste)
    1. Wash the beans, drain.
    2. Put beans in saucepan with lid, cover with water.
    3. Cover with lid, simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat.
    4. After the beans are very soft and some are split, turn off heat and add sugar to taste
    5. Just before serving, add the coconut milk.
    6. Serve hot.

The benefits are obvious, whatever way you choose to add mung bean benefits to your diet, and likely to become more recognized as further research is completed. Mung beans are widely available and inexpensive.
