

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Multivitam​ins proven to reduce cancer risk

20 February 2012

Newsletter #267
Lee Euler, Editor

A So-Called Nutritional "Band Aid"
Makes Sense as a Cancer Preventive

Critics say they're 'just a Band Aid'...

So when this contentious new study came out saying multivitaimins could reduce your risk of cancer, it undoubtedly shocked a few people, most notably the 'medical establishment'.

So once again, we're forced to try to separate fact from fiction.
Sometimes the simplest answer is the best one. Case in point: Researchers recently confirmed what many have considered a "no-brainer" for a long time…
A well-balanced diet is
the secret to better health
Every day you make decisions about what you'll eat, and whether you're committed to taking your supplements. Those decisions may radically affect the state of your health as you age.

Here's a quick summary of what this 'controversial' study discovered…

In the study, Harvard researchers followed nearly 15,000 male doctors aged fifty and older… and found that taking a daily multivitamin could reduce cancer rates by approximately eight percent.

Now eight percent may not sound significant, but as Dr. Demetrius Albanes of the National Cancer Institute points out, "If you think of the hundreds of thousands of new cases of cancer every year, 8 percent can add up to quite a bit."

Indeed, it may be enough of a reduction to make it worth popping a daily multivitamin. Now personally, I prefer to take each vitamin in an individual pill rather than take a multi. But a multi is better than nothing, as this new study demonstrates.

This study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, was different than previous studies on supplements versus cancer risk in several ways.

First of all, previous large studies weren't placebo-controlled. They just observed what the subjects of the study were doing of their own choice. In the new study, the participants were assigned either a multivitamin or a placebo (without knowing which they were getting).

This eliminated one of the main problems with the older studies. It could be that people who take supplements are a relatively healthy group to begin with. They tend to eat a healthful and varied diet, stay physically active, and watch their weight. But in this study, the men were assigned either vitamins or a placebo. They didn't choose. So their own choices didn't have much bearing on the overall outcome.

Secondly, the JAMA study looked at men only, not women. These were all men over 50, not a cross-section of age groups. In fact, the men they studied were, on average, age 65 or older. They were followed for a long time — 11 years — which is longer than previous studies, and involved sufficient time for plenty of new cases of cancer to develop in a large group of older men.

Aside from being confined to men — a regrettable limitation -- this was a type of long-term clinical study that's considered highly reliable at determining cause and effect. One group took a daily Centrum Silver® capsule. The other group took placebos. They didn't know which pill they were receiving. And the study lasted long enough to produce meaningful results. And in the end, the vitamin group suffered less cancer than the placebo group.

So, all you have to do is pop a pill and you've cut your chances of getting cancer by eight percent?
Here's where the issue gets muddier…
I think that's probably pretty accurate, but critics still aren't prepared to accept the cancer-fighting value of vitamins.

While the study appears to be well-designed and lengthy enough, critics point out that these men were all doctors… that they were a homogeneous, well-educated group, and were less racially, economically, and ethnically diverse than the general population. And with far fewer smokers. Those are all valid criticisms. Meaning, this one study isn't the last word on the value of multivitamins.

Marji McCullough, a nutritional epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society suggested we should conduct similar studies of women, smokers and others before making generalizations.

True enough, but I'm not waiting for more proof (there are, in fact, thousands of other studies to show the value of vitamins).

Although Pfizer says it did not fund the study, the big drug company did supply the Centrum Silver® multivitamins used in the study. (Centrum Silver® is a Pfizer product.) What's interesting is that the corporation then greatly downplayed the study's results… presumably because it plays second fiddle in profit potential to their blockbuster anti-cancer drugs.

One of the oddest things is that the authors of this study announced it with a press release that made a snarky attack on previous studies that focused on taking large doses of just one or two vitamins, vs. a multivitamin that covers nearly all the bases. According to the authors of the new study, the previous studies showed that huge doses of individual vitamins were not effective as a cancer preventive.

Now I have to put a big, big asterisk on this statement. There are MANY individual studies showing vitamin D — at the very least -- is an effective cancer preventive. And indeed, the value of vitamin D is now widely accepted by mainstream medicine. Other individual vitamins have been effective in reducing certain types of cancer. Folate, a B vitamin, reduces colon cancer for example. Vitamin C is a priceless cancer preventive AND a valuable treatment for those who already have cancer. Large doses of vitamin C, given intravenously, may be one of the most valuable cancer treatments on earth.

I don't advocate treating any one vitamin as a magic bullet. You should take them all, in the appropriate doses. But I'm troubled that the authors of this study made inaccurate statements about the value of individual nutrients in fighting cancer.
Warning: Don't use multivitamins as an alibi for
sloppy dietary habits
But at least they said good things about multivitamins. So why do the researchers think multivitamins succeeded in reducing the cancer rate by 8%?

They theorize that the broad combination of low-dose vitamins and minerals contained in the Centrum Silver® multivitamin may have filled in nutritional gaps from a relatively poor diet.

That suggests a question: If a multivitamin prevents cancer because it provides a mix of nutrients similar to food, why not just eat more fruits and vegetables and skip the multivitamin?

Okay, I get that you shouldn't use a multivitamin as an alibi for a nutrient-poor Standard American Diet, or as a replacement for eating high quality fruits and veggies.

But only 1.5 percent of Americans actually get their full recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. A multivitamin pill is better than nothing.

Another consideration… neither plant-based foods nor animal foods are as nutrient-rich as they were fifty or a hundred years ago, due to soil depletion and one-crop farming.

Nutrients can also be destroyed during cooking. And inadequate absorption can sabotage you even further, leaving your cells begging for missing nutrients. (In fairness, absorption can also be an issue with supplements.)

But just as importantly, if you're not eating a varied and minimally cooked diet you're almost certain to have deficiencies. Even if you eat right most of the time, nearly everyone slips up from time to time.

A multivitamin helps you cover your bases. Like a life insurance policy. And based on this study, it seems to have few downsides.

Gladys Block, professor of public health and nutrition at the University of California-Berkeley states, "I really believe that essentially everybody can benefit from a multivitamin."

That's precisely why millions of Americans take them.
Quality matters
Here's another thing to consider when you make your decision about multivitamins…

Not all vitamins are created equal! Indeed, there can be some downright radical differences among the many, many different brands.

The Centrum Silver® vitamins used in this study were made by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, so you can pretty much guarantee they were made in a lab.

Personally, I prefer vitamins and antioxidants that are extracted from plants with minimal processing. And, as I mentioned earlier, I take each vitamin in its own pill rather than a multivitamin. I take far more vitamin C than you're going to find in any multivitamin. Ditto for vitamins B, D, and E. In my view, 2000 IU of vitamin D is the minimum, especially for older people, and I mean D3, not the inferior D2 that's found in many multivitamins and used to "fortify" milk.

I also take vitamin K, an extremely valuable vitamin that's almost never included in a multi. (It so happens Centrum Silver does contain vitamin K.) I take a much larger dose of vitamin B12 than you'll get in a multi, and I take it sublingually (under the tongue), for better absorption. I take a high quality form of vitamin E (eight forms of vitamin E are found in nature). I doubt if the dose or quality of E in a multivitamin is worth much.

On a day when I eat a lot of food rich in beta-carotene, such as carrots or sweet potatoes, I might skip the vitamin A and beta-carotene pills. On a day when I'm not eating right, I might take more.

In short, multivitamins don't cut it. They're better than nothing, but that's about all.
My standard for supplements
Instead of a supplement that's made in a lab, make your supplement choices carefully. Here's what I suggest…

Whenever possible, buy food-based supplements whether you're buying a multivitamin or an individual vitamin. Note that Big Pharma probably calls its multivitamins food-grade. But here, I'm talking about supplements that are actually derived from real foods — broccoli, sea vegetables, green tea, and the many other wonderful plants that provide such rich nutrition.

Taking this a step further, you might want to consider organic, non-GMO, and soy-free, just as you may already choose for the food you eat.

Yes, food-derived vitamins may cost more, but may also help you avoid the collateral damage of a 'drug-style' supplement. Food is, after all, what your body is designed to burn for fuel.

Secondly, as much as possible, check your vitamin labels for excipients. These are additional ingredients that do nothing to enhance your health and may in fact harm it. They include flow agents and other things that are a convenience or reduce costs for the manufacturer. It can be a real challenge to find supplements free of them. But in many cases you can find them with a Google search for 'supplements without excipients' or something similar.

As long as you're going to spend money on supplements, why not make the commitment to select those that won't add any collateral damage to your wellbeing?
Remember, sometimes the
simplest answer is the best one
In conclusion, it should be obvious that a well-balanced diet is the secret to better health, and that your body runs best on real foods rich in nutrients — mostly vegetables, some fruit healthy fats (discussed in Issue #247), and free range organic eggs.

As David Katz, director of the Yale Preventive Research Center, who was not involved in the JAMA study, points out, "Maybe the active ingredient in broccoli is broccoli."

But he follows that statement with the observation, "Clearly… taking a multivitamin is easy, changing dietary patterns is hard."

In honor of your own health, why not add more quality foods to your plate every day… AND make sure your multivitamin (if you take one) is made from real whole food, not an isolate your body thinks is a drug?