

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Milk: It Does A Body Bad

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  • February 19, 2013  10:00 am

    Milk: It Does A Body Bad

    The dairy industry is remarkably good at PR. It has Americans believing that drinking milk is good for them, maybe even necessary. It’s not true.

    The Harvard School of Public Health has found that it is “not clear that dairy products are really the best source of calcium for most people.” If you drink a lot of it, it can “paradoxically weaken bones.” Instead of milk, it recommends getting your calcium from leafy green vegetables, broccoli, beans and tofu. For Vitamin D, it says, take a supplement.

    There are plenty of replacements for dairy in your food. Instead of milk with your cereal, try oat milk, vanilla rice milk or vanilla soy milk, all of which add a touch of sweetness. Instead of milk in your favorite recipes, use soy milk, which stands up well to the heating involved in much cooking. Non-dairy creamers are available. There are even substitutes for yogurt, cream cheese, ice cream and other staples of the American diet. My favorite butter alternative is called Earth Balance, which acts just like the dairy version. For more ideas, visit Eating With Food Allergies or Dairy Free Cooking.

    Check out this infographic for more information:

    Infographic courtesy of
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    Source:  Milk: It Does A Body Bad