

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Facts On Sugar and Your Health

 Cancer Has a Sweet Tooth!

Newsletter #260
Lee Euler, Editor
27 January 2013
"Your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, which may indicate you're pre-diabetic…"

This is the unwelcome news that millions of Americans have received. High or unbalanced blood sugar is a national epidemic. But the news about high blood sugar is even worse than you thought, with new research pointing to a cancer link. Keep reading...
Excess sugar in your body not only leads to an early death — the years before you check out aren't so great, either. For example, high blood sugar levels can:
  • Ruin your precious eyesight—consistently high blood sugar levels can cause blood vessels in your retina to swell and burst, which ultimately blocks blood flow
  • Damage your nerves—blood sugar disorders can cause pain and sensory loss that can lead to limb amputations
  • Cause kidney problems—excess blood sugar can clog your kidney filters, making it hard to eliminate wastes in your blood
  • Lead to heart disease and strokes—people with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart disease
  • Impair your immune system—people with blood sugar disorders are more prone to colds and flu… bacterial infections… and yeast infections…
As if that list isn't frightening enough, researchers have determined that excess blood sugar can play a role in developing cancer, too!

It's now well-known that diabetes and cancer are linked. We've written about it before. But today's big news is different, and more ominous: mild high blood sugar ALSO puts you at higher risk of cancer. You don't have to be anywhere near diabetic levels to be in danger.
Who's at risk? A staggering number of people.
According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 79 million Americans are considered to have pre-diabetes. And considering these are the organization's 2011 statistics—the number has surely climbed since then.

The term pre-diabetic refers to anyone with blood glucose levels that are higher than normal—but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. The authorities could just as well call these same people " precancerous" or "pre-heart-diseased." These aren't separate illnesses. They're all one, big, unhappy illness. But let's focus on cancer for now. . .
Here's what scientists have found…
The first connection between cancer and sugar was identified in 1931 by Nobel laureate Otto Warburg, Ph.D. He found that cancer cells have a different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. His Nobel-winning theory centered around the idea that malignant tumors use glucose — the sugar normally found in the blood -- as fuel.

Since then, other scientists have reached similar conclusions. For example, a Swedish study published in the March 2007 issue of Diabetes Care found that men and women with the highest blood sugar levels were more likely to have pancreatic cancer, urinary tract cancer, and malignant melanoma than participants with lower blood sugar.

And there are many other studies that demonstrate a similar connection. For example:
  • A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that higher fasting blood glucose levels were associated with an increase in cancer incidence and cancer deaths. The study examined 10 years of data from nearly 1.3 million Korean men and women between the ages of 30 and 95. Overall, those with fasting glucose levels above 140 mg/dl had a 29 percent higher risk of dying from cancer!
  • In a study published in the Biophysical Journal, researchers examined both the fasting blood glucose levels of 10 healthy people and their neutrophil levels as an indication of how well their immune systems performed when it came to destroying foreign invaders. They found that eating 100 grams of carbohydrates from glucose, sucrose, honey and orange juice significantly decreased the ability of neutrophils to devour bacteria!
  • A four-year study at the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection in the Netherlands compared 111 biliary tract cancer patients with 480 controls. Cancer risk associated with the intake of sugars was more twice as high for the cancer patients!
Clearly there's a connection between sugar intake and abnormal cell growth. And even though sweets are a culprit, let's make it clear that…
All sugars are NOT created equal!
Sugar is a simple form of carbohydrate. But as you may know—all carbohydrates are NOT the same...

Some carbohydrates can make your blood sugar spike. These are called high-glycemic load (HGL) foods.

Other carbs barely affect your blood sugar. These are called low-glycemic (LGL) foods.

Highly refined sugars are the least healthy… have the fewest nutrients… and are the ones your bloodstream absorbs most rapidly.

Sugars on the following list have a high glycemic index and trigger surges in your bloodstream:
  • Brown Sugar: sucrose crystals from molasses syrup
  • Confectioner's Sugar: powdered sugar
  • Dextrose: made from cornstarch
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup: a highly refined sugar source
  • Invert sugar: a combination of glucose and fructose
  • Sucrose: white table sugar
  • Fructose (levulose )—found in many foods in combination with glucose and galactose such as: honey, tree fruits, berries, melons; beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips and onions; is associated with fiber and nutrients if eaten in the form of whole fruit
There are some healthier sugars and sweeteners which contain some nutrients—but still have a high glycemic index. These include:
  • Agave nectar—made from a cactus-like plant in Mexico
  • Date or Kiwi Sugar—made from dehydrated ground dates or kiwis
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate—made from the remaining sugar from apples, minus most of its fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
  • Grade B maple syrup (unrefined)—from maple tree sap; the syrup still contains some vitamins and minerals
  • Rapadura—pure dried sugarcane juice, similar to sucanat
  • Raw Honey—made by bees and typically only sold in health food stores; raw honey still contains minerals and vitamins
  • Rice Syrup—made from rice and sprouted grains; maltose is the main form of sugar
  • Sucanat—non-refined cane sugar that has not had the molasses removed; it contains nine minerals and six vitamins as it is only minimally processed
  • Turbinado—raw sugar cane juice that has been dehydrated, colored and crystallized; it should be considered a partially refined sugar
  • Unsulphured molasses—made from the juice of sun-ripened cane, containing high levels of calcium, iron and potassium; blackstrap molasses is the residue of the cane syrup after the sugar crystals have been separated
This longer, second list of sugars is more likely to be associated with nutrients — vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and so forth. But for the most part they still aren't healthy because of the high sugar content. They should be eaten in moderation -- and generally not at all by people who have cancer or diabetes.

One of the best things you can do to protect your health is limit the amount of HGL foods that cause blood sugar spikes.

This may not guarantee that you'll never face problems with cancer… but at least you'll know you did your part to starve cancer's sweet tooth!