

Thursday 1 November 2012

Yes on 37 campaign launches major TV ad



Food is Love: Yes on 37 campaign launches major TV ad with positive message

Thursday, November 01, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) With less than one week left before Californians head to the polls to decide the future of food transparency in the Golden State, the Yes on Proposition 37 California Right to Know campaign has launched a new television ad with a simple, yet strikingly positive message that cuts through the lies and deceit of the biotechnology industry -- Food is Love.

The 30-second TV spot, which will air in major media markets throughout California in the days leading up to the election on November 6, is a breath of fresh air in a social climate polluted by devious politics and corporate gerrymandering. It conveys nothing more than the straightforward and virtuous message that Food is Love, which basically means every individual has the natural right to know what he or she is eating.

You can watch the powerful ad here:

"It's all very simple: Food is a sacred part of our lives," says Stacy Malkan, Media Director for the Yes on 37 campaign. "We absolutely have a right to know if our food comes from nature, or if it was genetically engineered in a lab by companies like Monsanto and Dow. Our Food is Love ad is by far the most popular message of our campaign. Prop. 37 is a positive campaign. We are fighting for our values, for our right to know what's in our food."

Thousands of California farmers, health-conscious individuals already know Prop. 37 will not raise food costs as erroneously claimed

Contrary to what biotech industry would have us all think, Prop. 37 will not raise food prices, and it will not in any way lead to confusion for shoppers. According to the Yes on 37 campaign, adding the text "Partially Produce with Genetic Engineering" or "May be Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering" to food products in accordance with the initiative will not cost Californians a dime, as evidenced by the only independent economic analysis ever conducted on the proposition's impact.

Unfortunately, the No on 37 campaign, which has already been exposed for engaging in fraud and stealing newspaper logos for its fabricated endorsement lineups, has a $40 million arsenal of funds to continue lying to Californians about Prop. 37. But the good news is that truth is winning out, and the Yes on 37 campaign is strategically using its much more limited funds to have the widest impact during this final stretch.

"People are sick of all the negativity in political ads," added Malkan about the new ad. "We know from our polling that when people see our positive message, our poll numbers shoot way up."

If you would like to help support the Yes on 37 campaign financially in these final days to make sure the maximum number of Californians hear the truth about Prop. 37, you can donate here:

You can also help support the campaign by volunteering to call California voters and urging them to vote YES on Prop. 37:

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