

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Vitamin C is not just for Colds

Vitamin C is NOT just for Colds! 
Vitamin C, also known nutritionally as Ascorbic Acid, is a water-soluble nutrient and powerful anti-oxidant. A primary function of Vitamin C is maintaining collagen, a protein necessary for the formation of connective tissue in skin, ligaments and bones.
It is essential in healing wounds, fractures and burns since it facilitates the formation of connective tissue and in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Vitamin C also aids in forming red blood cells, strengthens blood vessels and prevents hemorrhaging.
In his book “Nutrition Against Disease”, Dr. Roger Williams observed, “Collagen is not only the most abundant protein in our bodies, it also occurs in larger amounts than all other proteins put together. It cannot be built without vitamin C. No heart or blood vessel or other organ could possibly perform its functions without collagen. No heart or blood vessel can be maintained in healthy condition without Vitamin C.”

How much Vitamin C do we need?
Vitamin C is most well-known for its use as a preventative for the common cold and flu. Thousands can attest to the fact that taking several grams of Vitamin C throughout the day for the next couple of days after the onset of a cold or flu minimizes the symptoms and speeds up recovery. The reason is that Vitamin C enhances immunity. High blood levels of ascorbic acid have been shown to protect against a myriad of infections, free radicals, the harmful effects of pollution and even cancer.
Vitamin C is also called an “anti-stress” vitamin since it is essential in the formation of adrenaline. Large concentrations of ascorbic acid are found in the adrenal glands. During times of high stress, the level of adrenal ascorbic acid is rapidly used up.
Signs of deficiency
Scurvy, the disease caused by severe Vitamin C deficiency, is marked by a failure of strength, general restlessness and rapid exhaustion. The final stages of scurvy are marked by profound exhaustion, diarrhea, and lung and kidney ailments.
Most people today suffer from what is known as “sub-clinical” scurvy. Bleeding gums, swollen or painful joints, slow-healing wounds and fractures, bruising, nosebleeds and impaired digestion are a few of the obvious signs of Vitamin C deficiency. Less obvious signs include susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, various autoimmune diseases and cancer.
In the early 1900s, a disease known as Barlow’s disease occurred in bottle-fed infants and was characterized by broken bones, bruises, and sores that wouldn’t heal. Pasteurization (and heating of any kind) destroys the Vitamin C in milk and mothers did not know the importance of supplementing their babies’ diet with fresh orange juice as a source of Vitamin C.
Today we have many cases of Barlow’s disease among formula-fed infants whose meager Vitamin C reserves are depleted with each vaccine administered. Only today Barlow’s disease has been renamed Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Note: At this time we have relatively unfettered access to Vitamin C and other vitamins, supplements, and herbs. But organized medicine is pushing global governments, including the U.S., to regulate these products like DRUGS