

Sunday, 25 November 2012

High pH CancerTherapy with Cesium Chloride

A Cure for Cancer?
by Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., M.I., Phy.D.

Edited& published by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission. All opinions expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Healing Cancer Naturally.
Notes by Dr. Buche:
he following synopsis is largely based on the condensed version of a chapter in a book entitled: "Cancer - Orwellian or Utopian" by H. E. Sartori, M.D.

This is one of the most far-reaching discoveries in the field of cancer therapies. This therapy is especially important for those cancer patients who have large defined masses of cancer or tumor and who want to learn about a way to rapidly shrink these masses of cancerous cells. Ideally, this therapeutic approach should be closely monitored by a competent physician. While this is definitely not a self-help guide, you owe it to yourself to become familiar with this immensely interesting and potentially life-saving subject!

Just keep in mind - Cesium therapy is an enormously beneficial cancer remedy - but one must be fully aware that a LIVING food diet,parasite removal,mineralsupplementationand emotional stabilityare factors that are equally, if not more, important than a selective therapy based on a singular product. Dr. Sartori's book underlines this statement.

Dr. Sartori's present address is: H. E. Sartori, Buckingham Correctional Center, P. O. Box 430, Dillwyn, VA 23936

As you can see, Dr. Sartori's fine work has resulted in a conviction of having practiced the right kind of medicine while being watched by the wrong kind of practitioners. We too would be so very pleased to see him enjoying his freedom, his passion and his wonderful sense of benevolence toward suffering humanity.

In the interest of public health and a bit of altruism thrown in, we cannot refuse any serious requests or copies of this important publication. Please don't be put off by the fact that it is spiral-bound and a private publication - it is very much relevant in these days. If anyone with a REAL need desires a Xerox copy of the complete book, Dr. Buche, N.D. would be pleased to send it to him, as long as it is for private use by the patient or doctor. Being very labor-intensive to assemble and process, the price is $95.00 USD, spiral bound, 207 pages. Shipping is expensive these days. It is an extra $25.00 USD to the USA and Canada via UPS surface. Overnight is $11.00 extra. Shipping to other countries is at cost via UPS if possible. Please ask for an estimate. It will be sent immediately upon receipt of your postal money order or bank draft. Please send your inquiry via e-mail. An address will be provided by return message.

Book Title:

By H.E. Sartori, M.D.

This Ultimate Guide to your Pro-Life Freedom of Choice gives you all the major alternatives in cancer treatment, allows you to make the most successful treatment decisions, enables you to take responsibility for your own healing.
This exhaustive review of the state-of-the-art of predominantly complementary and empirical cancer treatment method presents:
1) The comprehensive Life Science
Universal Eumetabolic Cancer
2) Dr. A. Keith Brewer's High pH Cancer
Therapy as used and refined
in the LSU-ECT
3) A comprehensive explanation of the latest Anti-Cancer substances of Dr. Hans Nieper
4) Many other effective major alternatives in 
                               Cancer Therapy
1)The etiology of cancer as influenced by Cesium
2)Introduction to High pH Therapy
The Mechanism of Carcinogenesi
4)High and Low pH Therapy

Low pH Therapy
High pH Therapy
Tests of High pH Therapy on Mice and Humans
The Cancer Personality
Geopathogenic Zones
Low Incidence Cancer Areas

1) The etiology of cancer as influenced by Cesium

Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division… the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells.

Cesium, a naturally occurring alkaline element has been shown to affect the cancer cell two ways. First, Cesium limits the cellular uptake of the nutrient glucose… starving the cancer cell and diminishing fermentation. Second, Cesium raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 neutralizing the weak lactic acid and stopping pain within 12 to 24 hours. A pH range of 8.0 is a deadly environment for the cancer cell…the cancer cell dies within a few days and is absorbed and eliminated by the body.

The science of High pH therapy (drastically changing the acid/alkaline balance of the cell):

By the late 1970s mass spectrographic and isotope studies had shown that tumor cells exhibit a preference for the uptake of certain alkaline minerals; Potassium, Rubidium, and especially Cesium. Further, specific antioxidants i.e. vitamin C, and Zinc were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the cancer cell.


A normal cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune system; a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. The newly formed (anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible) the cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.

Note that in areas of the world where there is a high Cesium content in the soil cancer is virtually unknown: Hopi Indians of Arizona, the Hunza of North Pakistan, and the Indians of Central and South America. This observation suggests the possibility of a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant formula containing Cesium in an amount equal to that found in the soil of cancer free habitats. This vitamin could be a powerful new tool to help slow down and even reverse the present cancer epidemic.

Some possible side effects noted during Cesium therapy:
Numbness within the triangle describing the mouth and the tip of the nose. Nausea and/or flu like discomfort mostly due to rapid cleansing.

2) Introduction to High pH Therapy (extracts)
Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, [germanium] and especially cesium are most effectively taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by vitamins A and C as well as by salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the internal pH [ratio of acidity versus alkalinity] of the cell to the 8 range where cell mitosis ceased [further multiplication of the cancer cells] and the life of the [cancer] cell was short. Tests on mice fed [with] salts of cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. The mice showed no side effects from the treatment or the cancer cell decay [necrosis]. In addition, clinical trials have been carried out on humans. In each case, the tumor masses showed shrinkage and disappeared. The food intake in areas where cancer incidence is very low meets the requirements of high pH therapy.
High pH therapy for cancer was developed from an extensive series of physical experiments. These involved the isotope effect across membranes of many types, viz., normal plant and animal, embryonic, cancer and synthetic membranes, and also mass spectrographic analyses of membranes and cells, as well as fluorescence decay studies of many types of cells and their parts. The results obtained shed a direct light upon the mechanism of carcinogenesis, and also indicate a therapy. Tests on both mice and humans substantiate this theoretical approach. The isotope effect illuminates the mechanism of Carcinogenesis.
[...a detailed explanation of ionic exchange using formulas and special processes is then given in the original of this chapter...] contrast to the above, there is a vast difference in these properties for cations below potassium in the EMS. In every case of embryonic cells, all cations tested obeyed equation (1). In the case of cancer cells, cations below potassium were taken up sparingly, if at all. For example, the amount of calcium in cancer cells is only about 1% that in normal cells.
The above isotope effect for potassium which transports glucose into the cell, and for calcium which transports oxygen are most significant with respect to cancer. They mean that glucose can readily enter cancer cells but oxygen cannot. This accounts for the anaerobic state of cancer cells as pointed out since the early 1920s by Dr. Otto Warburg.
The mechanism responsible for the similarity in the isotope effect for potassium, cesium and rubidium in cancer and embryonic cells and for their marked difference in the case of calcium was investigated in some detail using mass spectrographic analyses, and also fluorescence and phosphorescence decay patterns.
[...then follows an outline of some of the tests and their results...]

3) The Mechanism of Carcinogenesis

The experimental information presented in the previous section involving the isotope effect, mass spectrographic analyses and fluorescence and phosphorescence decay patterns, combined with pH data supplied by M. von Ardenne of Dresden, Germany, suggest a possible mechanism involved in Carcinogenesis. This mechanism is very different from the accepted one of carcinogens entering the cell and becoming attached to the DNA. The latter mechanism will not explain any of the experimental data outlined briefly herein.
The mechanism of Carcinogenesis as proposed by the eminent nuclear bio-physicist A. Keith Brewer, PhD. can be outlined in four steps:
Step 1 - Disturbance of the cell membrane by carcinogens or energy [or parasites]
The attachment of carcinogenic-type molecules to the membrane surface disturbs the activation of P=O [phosphorus double bond oxygen] radicals necessary for the transport of oxygen carried out by calcium ions. This involves two factors: First, the presence of carcinogenic-type molecules primarily of the polycyclic type [toxins?], and second, an energized state of the membrane which may result from prolonged irritation [again, toxins and/or parasites?]. When these molecules are attached to the membrane, glucose can still enter the cell [contributing to fermentation turning the cell into a veritable plant] but oxygen cannot. The cell thus becomes anaerobic.
Another way of disturbing the cell membrane surface is by means of radiation(x-rays, alpha-, beta-, or gamma-rays, UV and other). This disturbance also interferes with the excitability of P=O and prevents oxygen from entering the cell, though glucose, K, Rb and Cs may still enter the cell. Through lack of oxygen, any metabolism in the cells has to proceed anaerobically.
Both chemical and physical factors, including emotional stresses, can cause or precipitate oxidative damage of the cell membrane from free radicals [unattached or incomplete molecules that reattach or mutate other deficient or incomplete molecules] and other related activated species. These are not only the primary instigators of cancer but virtually all degenerative illnesses including allergies and auto-immune diseases, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid diseases, immune suppression syndromes, most endocrine diseases, including diabetes, hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency, and many others...[Dr. Clark pinpoints a common origin for all these various 'symptoms' masquerading as diseases, namely solvents and parasites}.
Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Long extracts from Dr. Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers" can be found at Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols. I own "The Cure for all Diseases" and recommend to get this book due to its amazing amount of information on man-made and other pollutants, parasites, disease and suggested remedial action. See Dr. Hulda Clark's books.
Step 2 - Intracellular acidosis from fermentation of glucose to lactic acid
During step 2, in the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to lactic acid. This causes the cell pH to drop from between 7.3 to 7.2 down to 7 and later to 6.5; in more advanced stages of cancer and in metastases the pH drops to 6.0 and even 5.7.
Step 3 - DNA, RNA and amino acid changes in cancer cells
In step 3, DNA and RNA in an acidic medium lose positive and negative radical sequencing. In addition, the nucleic acids and amino acids entering, and those within the cell, are altered [mutate].
Step 4 - Loss of control mechanism and spread of cancer cells
Finally, during step 4 in an acidic medium, the various cell enzymes are changed in structure and function. As a consequence, enzymatic processes become ineffective, the cell completely loses its control mechanisms, and chromosomal aberrations may occur.
Von Ardenne, unpublished data, has shown that lysosomal enzymes are changed into very toxic compounds. These kill the cells in the main body of the tumor mass. A tumor therefore consists of a thin layer of rapidly growing cells surrounding the dead mass.

4) High and Low pH Therapy

The low pH therapy was devised by von Ardenne and the high pH therapy by Brewer. Both have been shown to be effective therapeutic measures for the treatment of cancer in laboratory animals and humans.
A) Low pH Therapy [not recommended - provided as academic background information only]
In this therapy, potassium and insulin are injected into the blood stream. The potassium transports the glucose into the cell which is facilitated by the insulin. In cancer cells, the glucose then ferments to lactic acid since calcium is unable to transport oxygen across the cancer cell membrane; and due to the lack of oxygen, glucose cannot be oxidized to carbon dioxide and water as in normal cells. As a consequence, the cancer cell pH drops to the 4.5 to 5.5 range. This process is greatly enhanced by higher temperatures. To accelerate the fermentation of glucose to lactic acid in cancer cells, the patient is therefore placed in a cubicle heated to 43� C (106 degrees F.) for one to six hours. Diathermy is also applied over the tumor area which, in the absence of a blood supply, will cause the temperature of the mass to rise to over 45� C (109 degrees F.). At these temperatures, the lifespan of cancer cells is observed to be very short.
This therapy has the important drawback that a severe toxemia may result from the leakage of lactic acid and toxic material from the tumor masses.
[Note by Dr. Buche: We do not advocate this therapy because the patient may completely eliminate the cancer or tumor but die of toxemia [compare Dr. Gerson’s observation”that when the cancer is destroyed, toxic degradation products appear in the bloodstream which lead to coma and death from liver failure” in The Cure of Advanced Cancer By Diet Therapy: A Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentation]. In addition, many people have blood sugar imbalances which may be aggravated by the insulin injections. The naturopathic approach is to reduce toxemia by progressive cleansing while keeping the cleansing reactions within a tolerable level.
B) High pH Therapy
The rapid uptake of cesium and rubidium [and to a lesser extent Germanium] observed in cancer cells is the theoretical approach of high pH therapy (Brewer, 1977). This therapy has been tested using CsCl [Cesium Chloride] or Cs2CO3 [Cesium Carbonate] in conjunction with the administration of ascorbic and retinoic acids and zinc and selenium salts. The weak acids, when absorbed by the tumor cells have been shown to enhance the negative potential gradient across the membrane. Zinc and selenium, when absorbed on the membrane surface, act as broad and moderately strong electron donors. These acids and salts have been shown to drastically enhance the uptake of cesium and rubidium ions in mice. For treatment of cancer patients, the administration of 6 to 9 gms of CsCl or Cs2CO3 for several days has been well tolerated and is well believed to be sufficient to raise the pH in the tumor cells to the 8+ range where the life of malignant cells is shortened to hours or days. In addition, the presence of cesium and rubidium salts in the body fluids is expected to neutralize the acidic and toxic material leaking from the tumor mass. Also, the increased alkalinity of the body in persons undergoing long-term treatment with Cs or Rb seems to retard any aging process. One case in point is Dr. A. Keith Brewer, PhD. himself who started taking CsCl at age 87 and who now, at age 92, is much more vigorous than at 87.
C) Tests of High pH Therapy on Mice and Humans
1. American University, Washington, D.C.: Mice
High pH therapy was first tested on mice at the American University in Washington, D.C., USA. In these tests, 2mm cubes of mammary tumors were implanted in the abdomen of mice and allowed to grow for 8 days. The mice were then divided into two groups. In addition to the normal diet, the test group was given by mouth 1.11 mg. of rubidium carbonate in an aqueous solution. After 13 additional days, all mice were sacrificed and the tumors removed and weighed. The tumors in the test animals weighed only 9% of those in the controls. In addition, the test animals showed none of the adverse affects commonly associated with most forms of cancer treatment or from the cancer itself and also no side effects from decaying tumor cells.
2. University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI, Mice
Results similar to those mentioned above under 1) were obtained at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, WI, USA. This institution has studied the effects of the intra-peritoneal injection of cesium carbonate, vitamin A and zinc gluconate on mice with subcutaneous implants of colon carcinoma. A 97% repression of tumor growth was observed (unpublished data).
3. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX: Mice
Tests using intra-peritoneal injections of cesium chloride were carried out by the Texas University, School of Medicine, Lubbock, TX, USA. The results were most successful and showed a significant shrinkage in the tumor masses in 98% of the mice.
4. General Remarks concerning Clinical Trials in Humans
Many clinical trials on cancer patients have been carried out by Dr. Hans Nieper in Germany, as well as a number of physicians in the USA. Generally, the results have been very satisfactory. It was observed that the pain associated with cancer frequently disappeared within two days. In addition, the tumor masses underwent a rapid shrinkage in size.
In most cases, 2 to 3 gms of CsCl were administered orally three times per day after mealtime. Supportive compounds consisting of approximately 5 to 50 gms of vitamin C [gee - that's really approximate - like a ration of 1:10 and was this all ascorbic acid? That would be an enormous amount of acid! The amount of 50 grams could still be ingested but preferably in the form of calcium ascorbate which is 20% calcium and 80% vitamin C and has none of the acidity side effects], 100,000 to 300,000 units of vitamin A [100,000 units are normally considered safe. 300,000 units would probably be toxic. What are the effects of such an overdose?], 50 to 100 mgs of zinc, and 200 to 600 mcgs of selenium were also administered.
Two side effects have been observed in some of these patients. These effects were nausea and diarrhea [were these the side effects of the 'supportive' supplements?]. Nieper has reported that the nausea can be relieved by administering the cesium in a sorbitol solution.
[...many case histories are presented in the original. Some of these represent very striking examples of what this therapy can accomplish in a very short time...]
5. Balancing of the Cesium Therapy
In the first 2 weeks there is an initial dramatic reduction of the tumor size and a tremendous improvement in the general well-being especially of dying, moribund or comatose patients.
Thereafter, [Dr. Sartori] frequently observed a slowdown in the progress. these patients, the Cs or Rb dosage as well as vitamins A, B6 or D must be stopped for a short period. Instead, these patients receive vitamins E, B1, B2 and K, as well as the substances [see below] proposed by Dr. Revici for what he calls an off-balance D (for dysoxybiosis) or alkaline catabolic pattern.
[It seems to Dr. Buche that a careful monitoring of the urine pH and potassium levels would indicate a reduction of cesium dosage is needed when the urine pH rises too much above 7.0. instead of making a correction with lactic acid as shown below. In addition, in the summary, Dr. Sartori states: 'A mild paresthesia (numbness) around the mouth indicates that this therapeutic dose has been reached.' Therefore, there are some safeguards against overdosing - it seems].
The main agents to be used in case of an off-balance D [alkaline] are lactic acid for pre-terminal and terminal cancer (organ and organism level); butanol and glycerol for painful cancer and hetanol for the cellular level (invasive cancer). As soon as the specific gravity of the urine drops below 1.015, the urine pH indicates 6.5 or above [gravitating towards alkalinity], the total blood potassium (K) becomes 40 or above, (or 85 or above for RBC-K), an anabolic off-balance is indicated and the full dose of Cs or Rb and adjunctive nutrients can be resumed.
This constitutes a major advance in the management of the high therapy. While the clinical experience at this point is still too short to allow a final evaluation, the results are extremely promising.
In many cases, it suffices to add a generous amount of yogurt or sauerkraut or sauerkraut juice. One patient took 30 ounces (2 1/2 pounds or about 1150 gms) of yogurt and by the next morning all his symptoms were gone and he never needed to interrupt the cesium regimen.
Butanol and Heptanol are also effective in controlling the alkaline pattern pain as it occurs in cancer patients with off-balance D. Butanol is a powerful anti-fibrinolytic agent especially useful for severe arterial hemorrhages. For oozing capillary, venous, and small arterial hemorrhages, fatty acids from cod liver oil are the treatment of choice.
In view of these results, Dr Sartori feels that the high pH therapy is a most important contribution to the non-toxic management of cancer.
The following daily amounts, usually divided into 3 doses, were used:
Cesium chloride3 to 9 grams
Vitamin A-Emulsion100,000 to 300,000 U
Vitamin C4 to 30 grams
Zinc60 to 100 mg
Selenium60 to 1200 mcg
Amygdalin1500 to 3000 mg

The diet consisted mainly of whole grains, locally grown vegetables, linolenic acid-rich oils (linseed, walnut, soy, wheat germ) and a few supplemental foods.
To increase the efficiency of the treatment and [to] improve circulation and oxygenation, the patients received IVs with EDTA, DMSO and a combination of vitamins, potassium and magnesium.
Dr. Sartori continues to write...
At this point, I would like to stress that besides the above-mentioned treatment methods, there are at least two additional very important considerations in every cancer patient to maximize [chances for] a permanent success.

5) The Cancer Personality

Lawrence LeShan, PhD. reports that 96% of cancer patients can be diagnosed by a questionnaire as having a cancer personality. Only if this personality can be modified by appropriate psychological counseling and in conjunction with diet and lifestyle changes, a permanent success may be expected.CompareThe cancer personality.

6) Geopathogenic Zones

As early as the 1930s, world-renowned German surgeon Prof. Dr. med. Ferdinand Sauerbruch told his cancer patients NEVER to return to their beds. For centuries, it has been known that certain houses have a much higher incidence of cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other degenerative diseases. [Could this have another connection - a parasitic one where certain parasites proliferate and, in the presence of certain gases or solvents, find receptive hosts in the house's occupants?]
The scientific explanation of this phenomenon was established in the early 1970s: The increased incidence of degenerative disease is caused by geo-pathogenic zones, usually due to the conversion of gravity field energy from radioactive radiation, electromagnetic phenomena in the neighborhood of subterranean streams or possibly high power lines, and even color TVs. These geo-pathological zones can be diagnosed by a dowser with his divining rod. For more information call the local chapter of the American Dowsing Society.
In Germany it is considered medical malpractice if the cancer patient is not advised to have a dowser evaluate his house and workplace, since about 93% of cancer victims seem to sleep in a geo-pathogenic zone. Only if the patient is removed from this zone does he/she have a maximum chance of permanent recovery - in conjunction with diet, lifestyle, appropriate supplementation/medication and psychological modifications.

7) Areas of Low Cancer Incidence
There are a number of areas in the world where cancer incidence is very low. Unfortunately, the composition of the food consumed in these areas has never been completely analyzed. At the 1978 Stockholm Conference on Food and Cancer, it was concluded that there is a definite connection between diet and cancer. The relationship is not understood, however, and further investigation continues. The authors have been able to collect information on the chemical composition of food consumed in these areas of low cancer incidence. In every case, the Cesium and Rubidium content has been found to be very high. In addition, the diet has been found to be high in the supportive compounds i.e. vitamin C, vitamin A, Zinc and Selenium. It seems apparent therefore, that the composition of foods and the diet eaten in these areas are similar to the nutritive requirements for the high pH therapy.

8) Summary

The high pH therapy for cancer was determined theoretically from an extensive series of physical experiments carried out on cancer cells. Tests have also been carried out on both mice and humans and have shown the therapy to be effective. In these tests, the presence of cesium and rubidium salts in the adjacent fluids were believed to [oxygenate the cell and] raise the pH of the cancer cell to a higher pH value where cell mitosis ceased and the life of the cell was short. In addition, these salts could neutralize the acidic and toxic material normally formed in cancer cells.
The observation that cancer incidence is very low in areas where the cesium and rubidium content of the food intake is high has led to an investigation of the quantity of cesium that would be required to prevent cancer. This dosage seems to be equivalent to .5 to 1.0 grams per day of either cesium or rubidium chloride. The therapeutic dose of cesium chloride or rubidium chloride for human adults is between 6 and 9 grams or 100 to 150 mg/kg for children. A mild paresthesia (numbness) around the mouth indicates that this therapeutic dose has been reached.
The cancer cell shows an abnormally low pH level [acidosis]; the concentration of H+ ions in the cancer cell’s plasma is potentially too high. The relatively low pH results in the activation of enzymes, e.g. of oncogenic phosphatases, which assure a higher malignant potential and aggressiveness of the cancer cell. The concept to inactivate H+ ions inside the tumor cells is therefore an eloquent one.
Eminent US-American physicist, A. Keith Brewer, PhD., found that cesium and rubidium are taken up by tumor cells, leading to an increase of the tumor cell’s pH [towards more pronounced alkalinity]. These elements inactivate ionic hydrogen [and reactivate oxygenation].
The researchers Messiha and El Domeiri of the Texas Tech University Medical School at Lubbock have shown that cesium is most effective in the suppression and regression of Sarcoma-I in mice.
German scientist Hans Nieper showed in the meantime that cesium chloride is effective in the management of most problematic tumors, e.g. of advanced bronchogenic carcinoma with bone metastases. Indeed, for this kind of cancer, cesium seems to be the treatment of choice, even with relatively minor changes in lifestyle.
The treatment of cancer [and possibly the prevention of cancer] by cesium is a very pragmatic and intelligent one. It is inexpensive and non-toxic over an unlimited timespan.
Furthermore, it is worthwhile mentioning that the application of pure urea, and of sulfur peptide [and] Glutathione for the treatment of cancer seems to have functional similarity to cesium therapy.
[Please check the upcoming page on AMAROLI to discover some interesting correlations with 'urea'.]
Balancing the high pH therapy using concepts of E. Rivici helped maintain the effectiveness of this treatment in cases were a plateau of the cesium chloride effect was reached.
For maximum effectiveness and lasting success of any metabolic- nutritional cancer therapy, it is absolutely necessary to effect significant changes in diet, lifestyle and habitat of the patient.
The experiences of Dr. Sartori's Cancer Center with this type of therapy show that it is most effective if combined with the patient's compliance with diet, supplementation and lifestyle changes and his/her willingness and ability to make the necessary psychological adjustments, and if necessary, change living quarters and work-place.
It is most important to clearly state that with this treatment modality, it is not so much a problem of getting rid of the cancer but of having the patient take responsibility for his or her health, to continue to follow the instructions from the health practitioner and to maintain the changes in diet and lifestyle for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, almost inexorably, another degenerative disease, if not cancer, will rear its head and shorten the lifespan.
Note: The above information is offered as a public service, as information only, and nothing shown here should be construed as medical advice or advice for treatment. No matter how it is worded, anything said here constitutes the personal opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the web master. Please read our specific disclaimer. If in doubt, consult your eminent physician. He always knows best - even if he proves to be dead wrong.

For more information, please contact the Brewer Science Library ...
A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D. Archives (in English)
  • High pH Cancer Therapy With Cesium
  • Cancer: Its Nature & A Proposed Treatment
    For additional in-depth cesium information, case studies and dosages, please consult the excellent
    "Written by Ulla, webmaster of Healing Cancer Naturally, date written,".
    “Found at”

     - - - - - -

    Cesium Carbonate or Cesium Chloride? Is there a difference?
    The two main choices available on the market for cesium are Cesium Chloride or Cesium Carbonate. Both are natural elements, like calcium or potassium are. Cesium Choride is sold more widely than Cesium Carbonate but is slightly less alkaline. Cesium Carbonate which is a bit more expensive than the chloride is said to be easier on the gastro system with less upsets.