

Monday, 15 October 2012

The Benefits of Sea Cucumber

The Benefits of Sea Cucumber thumbnail
Sea cucumbers are shaped like a cucumber. 


The sea cucumber is not a cucumber at all. It's a marine animal rich in protein that is used to treat many medical conditions and is known for its anti-aging properties. The sea cucumber is not attractive in appearance with its oblong body, but it is a popular seafood with less than 2 percent fat and a high concentration of vitamins. Truly a gift from the sea, the sea cucumber provides many health benefits.


  • For thousands of years in Asia, sea cucumber was used to help arthritis, fatigue, impotence, constipation, frequent urination and joint pain. Thus, it is highly valued for its supposed medical properties. In addition, these cultures believe in its strong aphrodisiac qualities and healthful properties as a tonic for the kidneys, blood, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Today sea cucumbers are used in China to treat kidney disorders, constipation and reproductive problems, including impotence.


  • The benefits of sea cucumbers are numerous. Due to the large amounts of chondroitin sulfate found in it, the sea cucumber is used to ease joint pain and conditions like arthritis. Modern studies show that sea cucumbers improve the balance of prostaglandins, which are helpful for musculo-skeletal inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and arthritis of the spine. In addition, some people use sea cucumber to help the kidneys and treat frequent urination as well as give an instant energy boost. Modern research also indicates that sea cucumbers could help treat malignant growths and diseases due to its fatty acids. These benefits have gained attention, and scientists in many countries believe that certain extracts from sea cucumbers may help stop the growth of cancer cells.


  • Extracts from sea cucumbers are used with herbs to produce ointments that can be used on the face, hands, feet, joints, muscles, scalp, hair, mouth, gums and other sensitive areas. In addition, using sea cucumber as a topical ointment is a great moisturizer. There are not currently any warnings surrounding the usage of sea cucumber. However, like all supplements, it's best to seek the guidance of your doctor before taking it.