

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Improve Your Immunity with Vitamin B3

21 September 2012

The ordinary vitamin that can wipe out staph infections

MRSA meets its match

Staph bacteria are some of the most dangerous bugs on the planet, including the MRSA germs that kill close to 20,000 Americans every year.

Drugs can’t even kill some of these baddies… so your best bet is to empower your own immune system to wipe them out for you.

That could turn out to be a lot easier than you think — because there’s a simple, safe, and completely natural vitamin that can turn your immune cells into staph-killing machines.

It’s niacin, aka vitamin B3, and in a series of recent lab tests it boosted the killing power of immune cells by 1,000 times.

It didn’t take days or weeks to kick in like many drugs do, either. In a situation where time is critical and every minute counts, it took the niacin just a few hours to turn immune cells into the microscopic equivalent of the Incredible Hulk.

Bacteria won’t like those cells when they’re angry… but you will.

Naturally, the experts are blabbing on and on about how the research is early, and it is. They’re saying we need more study, and we do. And they’re claiming no one should try B3 for MRSA on their own just yet.

And that’s just bullpucky.

This vitamin is safe and cheap. If you or your loved ones are battling this deadly bug, boost those B3 levels ASAP to give your immune system a fighting chance… before it’s too late