

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Diabetes - BBC Health Resource


Man cupping his chin
If your body isn't making any insulin or isn't making enough, your body can't convert blood sugar - glucose - into fuel for your body's cells. This condition is diabetes and it's a growing problem in the UK.



About diabetes

Find out about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of diabetes, the differences between type 1 and type 2, and whether you're at risk.


Living with diabetes

Glucose test
Having diabetes increases the risk of other health problems but there are lots of things you can do to minimise them, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, attending regular check-ups and monitoring your sugar levels.


Diabetes treatment

Managing diabetes and keeping it under control.


Research into diabetes

How medical developments are changing diabetes treatment.


Diabetes - useful contacts

Find details of organisations who can provide further information or support.