

Saturday, 12 May 2012

10 foods to boost testosterone naturally

Testosterone helps men lose weight: 10 foods to boost testosterone naturally

 Jami McDonald's photo
Phoenix Food Examiner

May 9, 2012

A study released in the news Wednesday showed that men who restored their normal testosterone levels lost weight, lowered blood pressure, and improved cholesterol. The German researchers took 115 obese men between the ages of 38-83 with low testosterone levels as subjects for a 12 week study. The study was paid for by Bayer Pharma (a manufacturer of testosterone replacement therapy). While increased risk of prostate cancer has been found in other studies this one did not report the same findings. You can read more details here.

Doctor injections are one way to go. But if you are looking to boost testosterone levels, there is a more natural way to go about it. That natural way is simply adding foods that help to increase the natural production of testosterone in your body. Foods that are high in zinc, protein, fiber, indol 3 carbinol and allicin will help increase testosterone production. Check out the list below and consult your doctor about creating a diet plan that works for you.


Oysters have protein, magnesium and tons of zinc. They are not just an aphrodisiac (check out more aphrodisiacs here along with a great three course menu for a romantic dinner for two) they are also great for boosting testosterone (some might agree the two go hand and hand). Just six oysters give you about seven times the RDA recommended daily zinc intake. Zinc is one of the key ingredients in boosting your natural testosterone and muscle mass.

red meat is a great testosterone boosting food
red meat is a great testosterone boosting food
Photo credit:
suat eman   

Lean beef has protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, and saturated fat. The high protein and zinc are essential in boosting testosterone and building muscle (both of which reduce fat in the body). Saturated fat is also a key in producing testosterone but you don’t want to get too much of it, so offsetting your diet with beans and rice and poultry can help keep that boost in place.

Poultry offers a great source of protein with little amount of fat. Most weight lifters and fitness gurus will agree that high protein diets have a great impact in building muscle mass. There is also a good amount of zinc in poultry like chicken breast, thighs and wings and as mentioned in the lean beef section zinc is essential in boosting testosterone. Don’t shy away from poultry like goose, turkey and duck or wild game all good sources as well and offer a great variety to your diet. We all know variety is the spice of life.

Eggs have large amounts of protein and cholesterol. Testosterone is actually synthesized from cholesterol so food containing cholesterol is great for boosting testosterone development in the body. One should be picky about the amount and type of cholesterol they ingest for heart health. There have been studies on both sides of the fence about the cholesterol in eggs, a recently published study shows the cholesterol in eggs are not as harmful as once thought. You can also use liquid egg whites if you are concerned; either way if cholesterol is a concern check with your doctor first.

Veggies and Herbs:

Beans are high in protein, fiber and zinc. They are all around a great source of food for boosting testosterone and cleaning out the system of unwanted fats. The level of zinc in beans is almost unmatched in the veggie family and baked beans can actually rival red meat. Not to mention the high protein (when eaten with rice) and fiber and low fat make this a perfect food to add to your weekly diet regime.

Elevated estrogen levels lead to extra fat and could interfere with muscle growth. Indole 3 carbinol has been found in studies to cut the hormone estradiol in half for men. Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts have high levels of indole 3 carbinol. They are also a fantastic source of fiber which helps reduce fat as well. Guess your mother was right when she told you to eat those green veggies, they do help you grow up to be big and strong.

Garlic’s active ingredient Allicin has been shown in studies to enhance testosterone levels in men. It has also been shown to block cortisol which is a hormone that competes with testosterone. Cortisol limits testosterone actions in the body and helps to break down muscle tissue. Seasoning food with garlic is not always enough. Eating whole cloves is more beneficial.


One cup of cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein without the typical side effect of fat that comes with eating most beef or chicken. Have one cup a day to help boost those testosterone levels.

These are only a few foods that will help in increasing testosterone. As mentioned earlier in the article, always consult your doctor when making changes to your diet. If you know of other foods that can help boost testosterone feel free to leave them in the comment section below. As always, thank you for reading, and have a great day~

Diet Food to Increase Testosterone
Dec 12, 2010 | By Krista Sheehan

Diet Food to Increase Testosterone
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Most commonly known for its ability to increase muscle mass and boost libido, testosterone also helps to improve energy, memory and concentration. For these desirable benefits, some people try to increase their testosterone levels through exercise, diet or supplementation. Although you should speak with a medical professional before attempting to increase testosterone levels through your diet, certain foods can increase testosterone naturally.

Testosterone is considered the primary male sex hormone; it is produced in the testes. In men, testosterone contributes to stronger bones, the distribution of fat and red blood cell production. Testosterone is also responsible for muscle mass, sperm production and sex drive. The normal level of testosterone for males is 300 to 1,200 nanograms per deciliter, but these levels often decrease gradually with age, according to Medline Plus. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that most men experience a 1 percent drop in testosterone per year after age 30.
Foods To Eat
The production of testosterone in the body depends heavily on the available amount of vitamin B and zinc. The Vitamin B category is actually made up of several vitamins, including vitamins B1, B6, B12, niacin and folic acid. Foods high in vitamin B include whole grains, fish, seafood, meat, eggs, avocado, beans, peas, dairy products and leafy green vegetables. As for zinc, raw oysters are one of the best dietary sources, providing approximately almost 77 milligrams of zinc per serving. Additional zinc-filled foods include most meats, beans, nuts and milk. Some breakfast cereals may also be fortified with zinc.
Foods to Avoid
If you are trying to increase your body's production of testosterone through your diet, you should avoid certain foods. For example, eating too much protein can actually increase the amount of testosterone excreted in the urine. To monitor protein intake, aim for about 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Additionally, avoid eating excessive amounts of fat and fiber. Limit alcohol intake to just one or two drinks per week.
Other Options
If laboratory tests have identified that you have low testosterone levels, speak to your doctor about your options. Although certain foods can naturally increase your testosterone levels, other options are available. For example, testosterone supplements are available through transdermal patches or injections.
Safety Considerations
To ensure your health and safety, consult a physician before attempting to increase testosterone levels on your own. The U.S. National Library of Medicine explains that too much testosterone in the body can increase your risk for prostate enlargement, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer and polycystic ovary disease. Excess testosterone can also cause your body to produce too many red blood cells, which increases the risk for heart disease. Your doctor can not only recommend safe options for increasing testosterone, but also monitor your health as you proceed.



How to Naturally Increase Testosterone in Men
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Testosterone is a hormone that is secreted in both men and women. It is responsible for sex drive, as well as protein processing for muscle mass development and strength. Testosterone declines with age, illness and poor nutrition in both genders, though this change may be more marked in men. Synthetic hormone replacement therapy can cause adverse side effects. A natural way to raise the body's testosterone levels safely include supplementing the diet with specific nutrients and physical exercise.
Step 1

Take a B-complex vitamin supplement that includes folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 to increase testosterone production. These nutrients are important in protein and fat metabolism for the manufacture of this hormone. Eat foods that contain these vitamins, including avocados, eggs, fish and wheat germ.

Step 2
Increase the mineral zinc in your diet to raise testosterone levels and sperm production in the body. Take a daily zinc supplement according to the dosage on the label. Eat foods like shellfish, prawns and oysters that are high in this mineral.
Step 3
Take a 500 mg of fish oil once or twice every day, as recommended by your doctor. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients which help to decrease sex hormone binding globulin, or SHBG. SHBG is a protein that captures or binds to testosterone in the blood, lowering availability of the hormone.
Step 4
Get regular strenuous exercise, such as resistance training, weight lifting and endurance running to increase testosterone levels. Decreasing excess body fat helps to decrease estrogen and raise testosterone production in men. As little as 20 minutes of physical activity, four times a week can improve hormone production.
Step 5
Eat foods that increase testosterone production. These include eggs, tomatoes, red peppers, cruciferous vegetables, alfalfa sprouts, apples and pineapples.
Step 6
Reduce saturated fat, sugary and processed foods from your diet. These foods reduce testosterone levels in the body, leading to low libido, loss of muscle mass and other effects.
Tips and Warnings
  • Ensure that you get adequate restful sleep each night. Sleeping less than the recommended 6 to 8 hours per night increases stress hormones, which lowers testosterone production. Additionally, learn to manage stress levels in healthy ways to naturally increase testosterone. Hormone replacement therapy may be required for some men with low testosterone levels. Consult your physician about treatment options.
  • Lower than normal levels of testosterone production may be an indication of a disorder. If levels of this male hormone do not improve with natural methods, a blood test by your doctor can help determine whether there is an underlying cause. Additionally, fish oil and other supplements may not be beneficial in all cases.
Things You'll Need
  • B-complex vitamin supplement
  • Zinc supplement
  • Fish oil supplement
  • Exercise regimen
  • Meal plan
Article reviewed by Billie Jo Jannen Last updated on: Mar 7, 2011

Just One More Reason “Dieting” is Bad for You

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yesterday, we told you about an important food that science shows can boost male fertility. Today we’re going to dig a little bit deeper to see how your diet affects another part of your manhood…

It seems simple enough. You want to lose weight. So you cut fat and calories from your your diet.
Bad idea…

These “healthy” changes to your diet actually lower levels of an important hormone. A hormone that actually helps burn fat and build muscle.

That hormone is testosterone. It is the most important male sex hormone.1 In children it helps the body develop adult male features. For adults, it plays a key role in sex drive and sperm count. Plus it keeps muscles and bones strong and healthy.

But testosterone is also important for women. Along with estrogen, it is involved in the growth, maintenance, and repair of reproductive tissues. And like in men, testosterone helps women develop body tissues and bone mass.

Diseases, medications, and lifestyle choices all affect testosterone.2 And now more and more research proves that diet plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hormone levels.

A study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry followed 30 healthy males.3 Researchers altered the men’s diets: from 40% fat calories to 25%. Saturated fat was decreased, while polyunsaturated fat was increased.

After six weeks, the men showed an 18% decrease in total testosterone. And a 15% decrease in non-protein bound (free) testosterone. Once the men returned to their regular diets, levels returned to normal.

Dr. Christina Wang from UCLA got the same results in a similar study.4 Dr. Wang and her team studied 39 middle-aged men.

For the first eight weeks the men consumed a regular high-fat, low-fiber diet. They then switched to a low-fat, high-fiber diet for another eight weeks. While on the low-fat diet the men suffered a 12% decrease in testosterone.

But it’s not just a fat-restricted diet that can affect hormone levels…

Researchers from London studied the effects of caloric intake.5 Their research was published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology. For the study, women were given a very low calorie diet (330 kcal/day). After just two weeks they showed a 40% decrease in free testosterone levels.

But why?

It’s quite simple…

Your body needs fat. Fat contains cholesterol. And your body converts cholesterol to testosterone.6

And despite what most people believe, fat and cholesterol aren’t necessarily bad for you.
There are good fats. As well as good (HDL) cholesterol.

But people eliminate these core diet elements try when they try to lose weight. . And when they try to gain muscle they indulge in high-protein, low-carb diets. Yes, muscle is made of protein, but you need testosterone to help build that muscle.7 And to maintain healthy levels of the hormone, you need fat in your diet.

Of course, this doesn’t mean loading up on fatty foods. And definitely don’t hit the closest fast food drive thru. It goes both ways… Research has also shown that men with high amounts of body fat tend to have low testosterone too.8

So, how do you lose weight, build muscle, and burn fat without sacrificing testosterone?

Avoid the extremes.

No harsh dieting. No overweight, sedentary lifestyle. Reduce calories slightly.

Aim for a diet with mostly healthy fats, monosaturated and unsaturated. That includes nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados and omega-3 fish.

You also need to include some saturated fats. Lean protein including wild fish, farm-raised poultry, = and grass-fed beef have low saturated fats. But make sure to have enough to help support testosterone production. That in turn will help build your muscle.

Maintaining normal testosterone is important. Low levels can increase irritability, depression, inability to concentrate, and low sex drive.9

You can have healthy levels of testosterone and lose weight. No needles or hormone replacement needed. Just remember… It’s all about balance. Once you find that, watch your weight plummet and your muscle and testosterone surge.

Editor’s Note: Testosterone levels decline about 1% a year after age 30. This is just one more symptom of what we call “Male Aging Syndrome.” Most men think problems like lack of energy or libido are a natural consequence of getting older… when it may actually be an easy to fix chemical imbalance! See the four ways you can break free of Male Aging Syndrome here.
