

Thursday 1 March 2012

Testosterone And Aging

As you age, your testosterone level drops. But you can improve your physical, sexual and psychological health by increasing and maintaining normal testosterone levels.

Aging Factors

Male menopause (andropause), a syndrome related to aging, may begin in men as early as their 40s.
Andropause consists of physical, sexual and psychological symptoms that include sexual dysfunction, weakness, fatigue, reduced muscle and bone mass, anemia, diminished reproductive abilities, depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, memory impairment and reduced cognitive function.

In short, males experience a mid-life crisis caused by declining levels of the dominant male hormone, testosterone. Testosterone levels begin dropping at a rate of 2 percent per year after age 40. That’s why approximately half the men 60 to 80 years old have testosterone levels well below normal.

As testosterone levels begin to decline around age 40 to 50, male virility begins a gradual decline attended by distinct and visible health problems.

Testosterone levels in women are about one-tenth that of men, and their levels also decline with age.


A complicating factor that affects hormonal balance as we age is our exposure to xenoestrogens, environmental and chemical estrogenic compounds. These estrogenic pollutants are found in plastic bowls and cups, Styrofoam™ products, household pesticides, farm chemicals, herbicides and the linings of cans that store our food products. From these sources they make their way onto and into our fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meats. Consumption of these toxins can lead to unnatural weight gain, especially around the mid-section.

Life Changes

The change-of-life syndrome and shift in hormone balance often result in a wide range of physical complaints, poor concentration and memory lapses. And with increasing age all these health maladies intensify.

It is now becoming understood, mostly from the research and clinical practice in other countries, that natural testosterone offers significant benefits, including preservation of libido and protection against heart disease, osteoporosis and prostate enlargement.

Profitable Protocols

Well-known is the fact that establishment medicine has a harsh and unworkable protocol for heart disease and cancer. Profits roll in from treating cardiovascular disease as primarily a plumbing problem, focusing on the mechanical care of the pipes (arteries). Conventional doctors pay exclusive attention to the symptoms of heart disease: high cholesterol, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, intermittent claudication, angina, etc. They totally ignore the true causes of cardiovascular disease.

The simple and sensible approach to these health problems is the restoration of hormonal balance. And this certainly does not include hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or synthetic estrogen therapy, which has, by the way, already been disclaimed officially after being dispensed to millions of women and sending thousands or even millions to their deaths.

Police Power

Of course, the pharmaceutical companies can’t patent natural substances, but they can use the police power of the government and the Food and Drug Administration to put natural hormone boosting supplements under their jurisdiction, effectively making them drugs.

Nevertheless, the natural health revolution, now a huge multibillion-dollar business, is still growing exponentially. It is also quietly being subverted by the medical trust. Already many words, phrases and expressions connected with natural therapies cannot even be used without regulators raising a fuss. No matter how true, certain words cannot be spoken by researchers and vendors. The miracle is that natural hormone balancing supplements have succeeded in producing pronounced health benefits right under the nose of establishment medicine.

In men, natural testosterone minimizes risk factors for heart attack by reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, angina, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure and helps normalize blood clotting and obesity.

Balancing Act

Hormone balance should be maintained to maximize health. A hormone is not a temporary fix and must be maintained over time for optimum health.

Testosterone and all hormones are derived from cholesterol. Cholesterol is also a vital component of all membranes. Negative cholesterol balance can lead to impotence as well as impaired cardiovascular function, sometimes resulting in angina pectoris and other indicators of cardiovascular disease.

Evidence continues to mount that cholesterol-lowering drugs are causing heart disease. Read The Cholesterol Hoax: 101+ Lies by Sheldon Zerden (available here).

Medical focus should be on the age-related decline in testosterone as it relates to cardiovascular disease and a pronounced decline in libido.

Dr. Jens Moller’s clinical findings using natural testosterone replacement fall into four general categories:
1) Complete healing of gangrene of the upper and lower extremities. This means that testosterone therapy greatly improves circulation — a very important factor.
2) Great improvement of impaired carbohydrate metabolism.
3) Milder and fewer angina attacks, as well as normalized EKG findings.
4) Measurable increase of libido.

Well-Known Therapy

The treatment of cardiovascular disease with testosterone is not new. In the 1930s, the Germans were using testosterone to successfully treat vascular disease. They learned early on that impotence is a hormone imbalance as well as a vascular problem and that testosterone therapy not only helped impotence but also libido. It is well known that libido declines as testosterone declines in men and women. In men, testosterone directly affects sexuality, provided of course that the penile arteries have not become seriously occluded.

You can read more about these issues in Testosterone Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases: Principles and Clinical Experiences by Jens Moller and Helge Einfeldt (here) and Cholesterol: Interactions With Testosterone and Cortisol in Cardiovascular Diseases by Jens Moller (here).