

Thursday 1 March 2012

The Mysteries Of The Flu And Medical Deception

Pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession consider influenza to be a lucrative profit center. And to keep their profits rolling in they’re willing to sacrifice both the truth about illness and our health. But if you can see behind their deceptions, you can protect yourself.

Tight Control

Medical authorities dominate the public mind because they exert tight control over the press, medical publications and the medical profession.
Pharmaceutical firms can skew results of research until it essentially becomes a scam. Everything they create is designed to further their profits. That’s an important reason sickness has become a trillion-dollar industry. There is every monetary incentive to keep the sick industry going at full blast.

Medical Deceit

Nowhere does the medical establishment practice more deception than it does with influenza. God only knows how much the pharmaceutical industry makes on vaccinations, which much reliable research has proved to be worthless. Also, vaccinations kill. Many seniors and children pay with their lives.

The position of the medical establishment, of course, is that flu is caused by germs transmitted and transferred by people. If this is true, there are questions that have to be answered:

1) Why has influenza mortality of the aged not declined as their vaccination rates increased?
2) Why is influenza seasonal, and where is the virus between seasons and epidemics?
3) Why do epidemics end abruptly?
4) What explains the coincidental timing of epidemics in countries of similar latitudes?
5) Why did epidemics in previous ages spread so rapidly, despite the lack of modern transportation?
6) If influenza is highly infectious, why doesn’t direct inoculation of the virus cause universal illness?
7) Why did influenza hospitalization and mortality rates for older Americans significantly increase in the 80s and 90s, during the same time that influenza vaccination rates for elderly Americans dramatically increased?

Seeing The Truth

The truth about today’s medicine is that the germ theory of disease helps it achieve monumental profits. The germ theory teaches that flu is contagious for humans by touch, coughing and through the air.

Also, the germ theory of influenza is a great diversion. It has diverted attention away from the human environment that lies within each of us. This is the condition of the human immune system. The difference in our immunity is the simple reason why some of us get the flu and others don’t.

Beneficial Vitamin

Finally, after 100 years of deception and trillions of dollars in profits from the germ theory, the profound and multiple effects on human immunity of vitamin D3 has burst out and liberated millions of people from influenza.

Watch out!

The medical profession got forced and shoved into recommending vitamin D3 because of inescapable public acceptance. But, as always, they try to sabotage what is not theirs. They do now recommend vitamin D, but not enough even to prevent rickets in children. They promote 200 to 400 IUs a day. This is not nearly sufficient to protect against the flu.

The public is closer to an adequate preventive therapy by taking up to 10 times the amount of vitamin D3 recommended by the medical establishment. People should consult with their alternative healthcare practitioners on how much vitamin D3 to take.