

Friday, 16 March 2012

MUST READ - Check your Thyroid Function

Health: Where To Start?
My study of health through the years has convinced me that your first priority should be to check your thyroid function. Whatever kind of health concern that you might have or think you have, suspect your thyroid first. As much as 40 percent of the population has low thyroid function or hypothyroidism.

Thyroid Primacy

I have written on the subject of the thyroid many times over the years for good reason:
  1. Conventional medical folks pay little attention to thyroid function. Oh, they routinely run blood tests and report to the patient “normal thyroid.” But if the blood test shows that your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is 3 or higher, action is needed. This may be a red flag to alert to problems that you are having — problems like heart disease or cancer.
  2. The treatment of hypothyroidism is too simple and too cheap. Simple and natural medicine does not cost big bucks. Both doctors and pharmaceuticals these days require incomes of very large amounts, totally beyond reason. But as paper money depreciates toward worthlessness, there is never enough, and all sorts of imbalances occur. This is what we have referred to as the paper-money syndrome. Worthless currency distorts everything, even morality. Modern medicine rarely concerns itself with cause and effect. It is all about suppressing symptoms with drugs (toxic poisons). Low thyroid function can lead to metabolic changes that can raise cholesterol levels and gradually weaken the heart muscle and create heart disease.

Aha! What do doctors say is necessary? The patient has a high cholesterol problem and becomes wide open for a lifetime of statin drugs. This calls for perpetual tests and an ongoing income for the drug houses, when all that may be needed is correct diagnosis of thyroid function.

Critical Functions

Why is thyroid function so critical? The answer is that even a slightly underactive thyroid can be a causative factor of heart disease leading to a multitude of health problems and symptoms.

These symptoms include being overweight, having a slow heart rate, high blood pressure, heart failure, accelerated heart disease and a multitude of other health problems. This is potentially serious while at the same time simple, and it’s something that you can test for yourself. Don’t trust the doctors’ blood test.


The underarm basal temperature test, as taught by the late Dr. Broda Barnes, is very reliable and accurate. And best of all, it is a self-test. Here’s how you do it:

For five consecutive days, take your underarm temperature at rest. Have a shake-down mercury thermometer (or digital thermometer) on your night stand. This should be done for three minutes before getting out of bed because it has to be basal (at rest) temperature to be accurate.

After you take five readings over five consecutive days, determine the average. Divide the total of your five temperatures by five. If your average is as much as one degree under 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, you need thyroid therapy, to be confirmed by your alternative doctor with a prescription for Armour Thyroid.

Armour Thyroid is a natural product. Do not accept Synthroid or any other synthetic. Most conventional doctors prescribe Synthroid.

A sluggish thyroid is not on conventional medicine’s radar, but it is very important that you do the self-test or go to your alternative doctor. Your alternative doctor will start you out on a very small amount and increase it over months.

If you do have low body temperature, it likely means that you have low thyroid function or hypothyroidism. Even if your thyroid is just slightly underactive, it should be corrected for heart health in men and women.


Natural or food-grade iodine in your diet is important in the production of thyroid hormone. Since our soils are mostly depleted, daily iodine supplementation is needed.

There are several natural food sources of iodine. I take four to six drops of Lugol’s iodine in water almost daily. It is very safe. I buy Lugol’s iodine at Walgreens.

According to Dr. David Brownstein, iodine deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs such as ovarian, uterus and prostate cysts and cancer.

Dr. Brownstein has excellent research on the seriousness of iodine deficiency in his book Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.