

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Kids Are Drowning In Sugar

| Mar 26, 2012 | Comments 0
Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls used to be made of. Well, today, almost all kids seem to be made almost entirely out of sugar. Data digested from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey shows that sugar comprises about 16 percent of children’s diets. The analysis of the data demonstrates that older children consume more sugar than younger children, boys consume more sugar than girls, and Caucasian children consume more sugar than any ethnic group. Caucasian adolescent boys are the misfortunate sugar champs.

This health-threatening sugar mania crosses all economic and social lines. Both rich and poor kids are overdosing on sugary drinks, candies and processed foods. And while sugary soft drinks have few (any?) redeeming qualities, processed foods are providing about half of kids’ sugar supply. At the same time, while school meals may not be super nutritious, much of this sugar is being consumed in kids’ homes.