

Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Dangers of Vaccines

vaccineNeurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject yourselves with all shots you say children should get! Friday, March 23, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, author and expert on "excitotoxins," has issued a public challenge to vaccine pushers everywhere to put their money where their mouths are. During a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the fraudulent science of the vaccine industry, Dr. Blaylock challenged Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine manufacturer CEOs, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists, and others who insist today's childhood vaccine regimens are safe to publicly receive these same regimens themselves.

You can watch the full interview between Dr. Blaylock and Mike Adams here:

The CDC and state health agencies all across the country are persistent in telling the public that childhood vaccine regimens, which now include dozens of vaccines administered all at once, are completely safe. And Dr. Offit, of course, made the brazenly arrogant and astounding claim several years ago that healthy infants "could safely get up to 100,000 vaccines at once" (

Well, if these claims are true, then those making them should have no problem publicly demonstrating their validity by getting publicly vaccinated with the very same vaccine schedules, right?

Harm caused by vaccines far greater than we're being told

Contrary to the claims repeatedly made by vaccine promoters like Dr. Offit, vaccines are not generally safe, and are known to cause all sorts of serious side effects.

"Most of the damage by vaccines is hidden," says Dr. Blaylock. "We have the [...] VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which is voluntary, but even there we see virtually millions of reactions to vaccines reported" (

Vaccines suppress immunity rather than boost it

Rather than promote immunity, vaccines suppress it by confusing the immune system and altering the way it responds to viruses and bacteria.

"If we look at the science of the vaccination process itself, it's becoming evident that the way they do the immunizations -- sticking it into the muscle of your arm or your leg -- actually suppresses a lot of the immune system, particularly in young children," says Dr. Blaylock. "We found out that, in fact, it causes the immune system to switch to what we call a TH2-type cytokine production which inhibits immunity. And your major protection against viruses and particularly the really virulent, deadly viruses and bacteria is your cellular immunity. Well, vaccines don't stimulate cellular immunity at all, in fact they suppress it."

Vaccines destroy the body's ability to develop lifelong immunity to disease

Before the advent of vaccines, human beings developed natural immunity to diseases like polio and measles. But today, because of vaccines, these conditions and others are making a comeback in a much more virulent way.

"They're giving the impression that before these vaccines existed, these infections were just rampant and massive," says Dr. Blaylock. "But when we look at the data, the historical data on these infections -- and that includes all the childhood infections -- all of them were falling drastically before there was even a vaccine invented [...] When you get natural infections, over time, the population develops massive immunity to the infection."

"The polio virus, in fact, was a mild summer virus that had been present forever before [...] Well, interestingly, the period at which this virus suddenly changes character to produce paralysis came on the foot of the vaccination for diptheria, and for tetanus, and for pertussis -- that's when they think that the vaccine itself either altered the immunity of these children, or it mutated the virus itself to make it paralytic."

Be sure to watch the full interview at: