

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Weight Gain May Lead To Liver Cancer

January 6, 2012

As Americans gain weight, the rate of liver cancer has tripled in the past three decades. According to a Mayo Clinic study, being obese seems to increase your liver cancer risk. If liver cancer isn’t diagnosed early, only one in 10 people survive it after five years.

According to the scientists, the increasing number of obese individuals in America may be contributing to some of these cases. Researchers discovered that 11 percent of cases were associated with fatty liver disease.

"It's a small percentage of cases overall," said researcher Ray Kim, M.D. "But with the nationwide obesity epidemic, we believe the rates of liver cancer may dramatically increase in the foreseeable future."

These findings offer even more reasons for Americans to work harder to try to maintain a healthy weight. Along with reducing a person's risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, this study suggests that avoiding obesity may also reduce an individual’s chance of getting liver cancer.