

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Teeth And Gums Affect The Heart And Nerves

December 5, 2011 by

We’ve previously discussed how cancer can be related to dental infections. But the fact that your teeth connect via your nerves to the organs, muscles and body tissues means that heart and gland problems can also originate from dental pathogens. So if you want your heart and glands to be healthy, check the health of your mouth first.

Neurological Control

I recently attended an eye-opening conference in Las Vegas at the International Association for Oral and Medical Toxicology (IAOMT). I learned your teeth act as circuit breakers to your spine, and they exert profound neurological control over the rest of your body.

This emerging field offers ways to reverse chronic illness of many types, along with cancer. Your teeth connect via your nerves to every part of your body. In fact, 46 percent of the motor and sensory nerves of your brain’s cerebral cortex are interconnected to your mouth and face. Additionally, your teeth develop from the same embryological neural crest tissue as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. These connections explain why we see such profound reversal of disease when hidden dental pathology is corrected.

What’s more, the lymphatic vessels of the teeth drain through the same lymphatic nodes that the thyroid gland does. Consequently, all the dental infections or materials that leak out from your teeth ultimately pass through the thyroid gland. This drainage could be a cause for so much of thyroid dysfunction we see in modern medicine today. Any problem in the mouth migrates to the thyroid gland. Even vaccines that children receive can become trapped in the thyroid gland.

Heart Failure

Holistic and biological dentist Gerald Smith, D.D.S., has discussed his discoveries of the dental-whole body connection at IAOMT gatherings. One of his patients from Seoul, Korea, suffered congestive heart failure, which completely disappeared after Smith removed a strep infection where a lower molar had been extracted 10 years earlier. A patient with emphysema had been on steroids for more than a year. After Smith removed infection from a previous tooth extraction 15 years earlier, the patient’s emphysema completely disappeared.

Another woman endured 34 years of severe rheumatoid arthritis that had begun a year after she had a root canal of an upper incisor at age 29. She was on methotrexate, prednisone and the very expensive drug Enbrel®. After the strep infection in her root canal was removed, she was completely free of symptoms. You can view other, similar, case histories at

Dysfunctional Triggers

According to the clinical evidence presented by Smith, every time you have a problem with a tooth, it can trigger dysfunction in the related organs of the body. And, in the other direction, organ problems can set off mouth problems. For example, if the adrenal glands are adversely affected by a toxic metal like cadmium, mercury or aluminum, it can lead to pain in a lower molar. You can watch a video of Smith’s presentation here.

At the IAOMT conference, Dr. Alfred C. Fonder showed that in just one hour after a half millimeter support was placed on a second molar, a patient’s chronic scoliosis and kyphosis showed radiographic reversal which were revealed in before-and-after X-rays.

Moreover, my friend and colleague, Wendell Robertson, D.D.S., of Springville, Utah, has shared some incredible findings he has discovered. (He specializes in biological dentistry and safe amalgam removal.) I spoke with one of his patients, a 62-year-old woman who shared her experience with me.

The woman had suffered with temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) pain for years, which she attributed to a head injury that occurred while she was in high school.

Organ Problems

The patient explained to me that in July 2010, she made two visits to the emergency room for heart arrhythmia and was in the intensive care unit for two nights during her evaluation. The medical staff could find nothing clinically amiss to explain her problem.

Later, in August 2010, she went to her chiropractor with pain in her left jaw, down her left arm and into the left half of her left chest. He sent her to the local hospital emergency room; but even after extensive work up of her heart, gall bladder and intestines (the total hospital bill was more than $29,000), she was sent home without a diagnosis or any suggested new treatments.

In December of that year, she went to Robertson for a routine teeth-cleaning appointment. While she was in the waiting room, she read about the effects that infected teeth can have on body organs. She immediately asked for extractions of the teeth that had received root canals.

While performing the dental work, Robertson also found infection in a former third molar socket. The woman says that during the extraction procedure, while she was in the dentist’s chair, the pain left her neck, arm and chest. Since then, she has enjoyed increased strength, no heart arrhythmias and no TMJ problems.

In my next article, I’ll sum up the connections between the teeth and the rest of the body so you can more knowledgeably assess how the state of your teeth and gums may be affecting your health.

Discover your best health.

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Author, Easy Health Options