

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Fish- rich food could prevent Alzheimer's

 A fish-rich eating plan 'could help prevent Alzheimer's disease' by stopping brain from shrinking
  • Study reveals those with diets high in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to lose brain capacity later in life
  • Scientists looked at nutrient levels revealed by blood tests rather than using health questionnaires

By Tamara Cohen
Last updated at 11:43 AM on 29th December 2011

Making some simple changes to your diet could help keep dementia at bay, a new study suggests.

U.S. researchers found that elderly people with high levels of omega 3 found in oily fish and vitamins common in fruit and vegetables did better in memory tests than those with a less healthy diet.

Fish dish: Scientists said people could potentially stop their brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by adjusting their diet
Fish dish: Scientists said people could potentially
 stop  their brains from shrinking and keep them
sharp by adjusting their diet
Brain scans confirmed those with the highest levels of vitamin D and omega 3 and vitamins B, C and E, also had a significantly larger brain volume.

Conversely people whose blood had higher levels of trans fats - found in cakes and fried foods, as well as red meat - had the worst scores and less brain tissue.

This is thought to be the first study to investigate nutrient levels through blood tests rather than looking at food diaries or questionnaires.

The scientists, from Oregon Health & Science University, say this gives a more accurate picture because it does not rely on memory or honesty, and because in old age some people’s blood absorbs more of the nutrients they eat than others.

Study author Dr Gene Bowman said: ‘These results need to be confirmed, but obviously it is very exciting to think that people could potentially stop their brains from shrinking and keep them sharp by adjusting their diet.’

As the research was carried out on healthy patients, rather than those with the degenerative disease, it suggests the effect of fish oils could be preventative, rather than a cure for age-related memory loss.

Dr Bowman said nutrient levels in the blood accounted for 37 per cent of the variations seen in brain volume. In memory tests, it accounted for a ‘significant’ 17 per cent - other factors being age, years of education and blood pressure.

The authors noted that very few studies have assessed the risk of effect of trans fats on Alzheimer’s, and the fact that they ‘may aggravate cognitive decline’.

Eating grilled fish is believed to stave off Alzheimer's in later life, according to a new study
Fish was found to boost the brain, but the study was small with 104 participants

They studied blood samples from 104 healthy older people with an average age of 87, and few known risk factors for Alzheimer’s, who also undertook cognitive tests.

Brain scans were then carried out on 42 of the participants which found those with nutrient-rich diets had larger brains as well as higher test scores, according to the study published today in the journal Neurology.

Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, welcomed the study, although noted that it was a small sample of people and the researchers did not investigate whether these people went on to develop Alzheimer’s.

He said: ‘One strength of this research is that it looked at nutrients in people’s blood, rather than relying on answers to a questionnaire.

‘Although there is no sure-fire way of preventing Alzheimer’s yet, we know that risk factors for heart disease and stroke can also increase the risk of dementia.

'The best advice at the moment is to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and keep healthy by not smoking, taking regular exercise and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check'

Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK

‘There is a clear need for conclusive evidence about the effect of diet on our risk of Alzheimer’s, which can only come from large-scale, long-term studies.

‘Currently 820,000 people are affected by dementia in the UK and with a rapidly ageing population, those numbers are expected to soar.

'We urgently need to find ways to prevent dementia if we are to head off a future crisis, and that means it’s vital to invest in research.’

A major £7million study last year from the same U.S. university found taking fish oil supplements did not slow mental or physical decline in patients who already had the degenerative brain disease.

However previous studies have linked them with reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s.