

Friday 9 December 2011

Curing Cancer Without Chemotherapy


Uploaded by burzyn on Nov 19, 2010

Curing Cancer without Chemotherapy

Is it possible to cure cancer without using chemotherapy or only using low doses of chemotherapy? FOX 7's Loriana Hernandez spoke with a Houston doctor who says that is possible and that he has done just that.

Dr. Stanley Burzynski runs a clinic in Houston where he treats cancer with a medical discovery he made in the 1970's.

Instead of traditional treatments, he targets specific affected genes and not the entire body. He said that his research showed that people with cancer are missing peptides in their blood. He uses peptides, derivatives, and mixtures to make a drug he calls antineoplastins to treat the cancer.


Suzanne Somers Visits the Burzynski Clinic in Houston - FOX26

Uploaded by burzyn on Jul 6, 2009

Fox 26 News report on Suzanne Somers visiting the Burzynski Clinic in Houston. Suzanne Somers will be featuring Dr. Burzynski in her new book to be released this fall.

Burzynski Clinic, Tomorrow's Cancer Treatment Today.

Uploaded by burzyn on Feb 4, 2011

Growing from a small clinic in 1977 to a major, international cancer treatment center, Burzynski Clinic is a unique organization providing a wide variety of advanced cancer treatments, including Antineoplaston treatment and personalized Gene Targeted treatment plans.

For over thirty years, Dr. Burzynski's cancer research has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician, Hippocrates, to "First, do no harm." True to this philosophy, the treatment regimens developed by him are based on the natural biochemical defense system of our body, capable of combating cancer without harming the healthy cells.

Burzynski Clinic offers a variety of Personalized Treatment options - advanced gene-targeted medications custom-selected for a patient, based on the identification of the oncogenes involved in their particular cancer.

The Burzynski Clinic services include oncology consultations, genetic markers testing, oncogene testing, health information services, in-house pharmacy for formulary management, nutrition counseling, medication training and patient treatment monitoring

Patients of Dr. Burzysnki on CBS This Morning (1997)

Uploaded by burzyn on Jan 12, 2011

Patients of Dr. Burzynski appeared on CBS This Morning in 1997 with Harry Smith to share their experiences with the alternative cancer treatment they received at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston.

Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION)

Uploaded by videogangstar on Jun 12, 2011

i wanted to share this video with the world to show what sort of world we live in, where money comes firstGroundbreaking, non-surgical, non or low-toxic cancer treatment regimens, some available within clinical trials
Customized nutritional programs to ensure balanced diet complementing the treatment
Excellent medical care centered around the patients and their families, in a friendly and supportive environment
Medical expertise based on over 40 years of clinical experience and research in developing cancer treatments
Personalized treatment regimens for every patient
Over 50 different types of malignancies are treated with cutting-edge technology and FDA approved gene-targeted medicines