

Friday 2 December 2011

7 All-Natural Ways to Activate your Body's Healing Force

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7 All-Natural Ways to Activate Your Body’s Healing Forces to Defeat Cancer
Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half:

Since 1946, over two billion dollars has been spent on cancer research. What are we getting for our money? Not much so far. Over the past 30 years, cancer numbers have doubled. The numbers are still growing. Talk about a bad return on an investment.

In any other business, this situation is unacceptable. You can’t spend that kind of money with no solution. But cash continues to pad the pockets of drug companies. The consensus is that they’re our savior. That the cure will appear in synthetic form – without any side effects. It hasn’t happened yet.

Maybe the research is looking in the wrong direction.

Conventional treatments and care are expensive… for a reason. The costs are manipulated. And we’re trapped.

The most frustrating aspect is that effective alternative measures already exist. Many that have been used successfully to treat and prevent cancer.

But the benefits of these therapies lie buried beneath a mountain of drug company money. The long-standing "conflict of interest" has kept a great number of alternative treatments from widespread use.

What if the cure can’t be made in a lab?

It really makes you think… How many cures would we have if the cash started flowing in another direction? What if alternative research for cancer received all the funding?

Drug companies would no longer be rolling in the profits. If the billions they make on people being sick were to dry up... The entire system would shut down.
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For now, people are being kept ignorant of measures that could improve or save their lives.


Cancer affects millions of lives every year around the globe.

The statistics are startling. According to the 2008 World Cancer Report released by the World Health Organization, the following estimates on the global prevalence of cancer were given:

12 million new patients diagnosed with cancer

7 million cancer-related deaths

25 million patients living with cancer

In large part, this dire prediction is based on the aging global population. The older you get, the higher your risk of cancer. Costs are sure to be through the roof. There are doubts our current system can even handle it.

We’ve seen what happens in the past when we "trust the system." The stock market crashed out of nowhere. Conventional medicine is profit-driven industry on many levels – no different from a Wall Street investment company.

You need to know that you have options that exist beyond mainstream medicine and Big Pharma.

You can select a treatment that works for you. Instead of using the one-size-fits-all model that currently exists.

In this report, we’ll look at cancer from several perspectives:

How cancer occurs in the human body

Conventional treatment and the effects on the body

Real alternative treatments to consider using for cancer treatment

Preventive measures to create a cancer-resistant environment in your body – and cut your risk of developing cancer by up to 50%


Cancer can develop in any cell tissue in the body. Each cell has a built-in braking system to regulate growth. If that system fails, the cell becomes a runaway train of Visit us online at 3

unregulated growth. These aberrant cells continue to grow. They divide and multiply until they become their own tissue cluster that spreads throughout the body.

Development of cancer begins with the initiation phase. The cell’s genetic material goes through a change that sets the stage for it to turn cancerous. These changes are prompted by some external agent. It could be:

Chemical exposure



Not every cell is equally susceptible to these agents. Otherwise, every cell in your body would turn cancerous. The cell itself may have an existing flaw. That would make it more likely to change.

After initiation is the promotion phase. The DNA undergoes changes and the cell becomes cancerous.

There are three leading reasons why people get cancer. Your tipping point could be different than your neighbor. It could be one or all of the following factors:

A weak immune system performing at sub-optimum levels

Having a poor diet or being in a chronic state of malnutrition

Poor lifestyle choices that create toxic load within the body

Let’s take a closer look how these contribute to a cancer-friendly environment.

Immune System

A healthy immune system won’t guarantee you’re cancer-free. But it’s more likely that cancer will develop if your immune system isn’t functioning well. It’s been found that cancer is 100 times more likely to occur in people who are on immune system-suppressing drugs.2

The immune system defends the body by attacking and cleaning out cancer cells. That activates white blood cells to do their job. Once a cancerous cell forms, it creates a new antigen on its surface. The immune system doesn’t recognize it. It kicks into response mode to wipe out the threat.

A strong immune system might struggle with this task. Imagine if it’s struggling to function. The challenge to sweep out cancerous cells is that much more dangerous.
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The immune system wears down for a variety of reasons. They include high levels of stress, existing illness or disease, poor diet, and lack of sleep.


A poor diet can pave a pathway to cell mutations. That leaves the door open for cancer cells to form. A healthy diet supports the immune system.

This support comes in the form of nutrients. If the diet isn’t supplying those nutrients, the body struggles to do its work. Each system within the body vies to get a share of what’s available. It’s like a massive budget cut. Everyone gets fewer resources but must produce the same work.

If your system is already under attack by cancer, it needs more support than usual.

A diet that is rich in nutrient-deficient foods can erode your health over time. The American Cancer Society promotes eating a healthy diet. Findings show that a third of the 500,000 deaths each year can be partially attributed to diet.


Smoking is linked to cancer. It’s one of the lifestyle behaviors that can promote cellular changes that lead to cancer.

Another is physical inactivity. Included in the American Cancer Society’s statistic on cancer deaths, it ranks alongside diet as a cancer-friendly cause. Being physically active can reduce the risk of a variety of cancers. That includes breast and colon cancer.

Exercise helps reduce other cancer risk factors. It’s important to maintain a healthy body weight. Improving digestive and elimination processes make it easier on the body. Regulating hormonal functions and insulin will also help.


Cancer screening tests exist to find pre-cancerous or cancerous cells before symptoms appear. A positive test result requires more invasive testing, like a biopsy.

After a diagnosis, a staging test is administered. This determines where the cancer is located and if it’s spread beyond the initial site. It’s then assigned a stage in reference to degree of severity. That ties in with a possible course of treatment and overall
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There are five stages of cancer. Stage 0, or
carcinoma in situ, serves as a baseline for cancer that hasn’t spread beyond the initial layer of cells where it started.

Stage I, II, and III classify the extent of the cancer, the size of the tumor, and whether or not the cancer has spread. The higher the number, the more severe the cancer.

Stage IV cancer has moved into other organs or metastasized (spread) into other areas of the body.

After diagnosis, most make the leap to traditional treatment. In fact, you might not feel like there is another option.


Conventional medicine has a very limited menu: surgery, chemotherapy drugs, and radiation. But these standards of treatment are often ineffective. They can also be quite toxic to the system – even outright deadly. Yet instead of a last resort, they’re the frontline.


It’s an invasive procedure used to further diagnose the extent of the cancer. It also attempts to cut cancerous cells out completely. But there’s a huge problem with surgery. If a tumor is cut out, cancerous cells can escape into the bloodstream. It could cause the cancer to spread further. To add insult to injury, surgery can be hugely expensive.


Drugs are combined to attack different stages of the cells’ metabolic process. These are administered by pill or IV. The drugs kill any cell that’s fast-growing. They don’t discriminate. Chemo is the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb inside the body. Sure, you might get the bad guys…but you’re going to kill some innocent cells too.

Chemotherapy may have been in use for over half a century. But it doesn’t have a clean record. The side effects are disastrous. They include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, pain, and lowered blood cell counts. It also weakens the immune system, leaving the patient is left vulnerable to other illnesses.
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One doctor in Mexico is acutely aware of the problems presented by chemotherapy. He has developed a unique cancer treatment that is 14 times more effective than chemotherapy alone…and has none of the side effects. This therapy is not widely known in the world of mainstream medicine. You can learn more about it here.


We all know radiation causes cancer. Isn’t it ironic that it’s also used as a cancer treatment?

Its task is to kill off cells that divide rapidly. A target on the skin is marked. Ionizing radiation directs a beam on the area related to the cancer’s location. But healthy tissue can be affected despite the precautionary measures to aim for the tumor.

Alternative Treatments

Long overlooked are treatments and cures from other parts of the world. Many yield positive results, yet they are routinely ignored.

It’s as simple as having an open mind. Trying non-conventional therapies has brought success to many cancer patients. Including those who received conventional medicine’s advice to "go home and plan your funeral."

There are also preventive measures to help reduce the risk of cellular mutations. You can avoid leaving yourself vulnerable to cancer altogether.

If you’re diagnosed with cancer, it’s important that you work closely with a practitioner who has experience in a variety of therapies. Always consult your doctor regarding anything you are doing in relation to your health.

A treatment regimen should be tailored to you as an individual. Not every therapy works for every person. Each body is different. And each environment is different.

It’s crucial to have a doctor who’s willing to listen to and work with you. Make it a team effort. It’s not a dictatorship. And you always have options.


It’s time to ask for more than standard protocol. We should want treatment that doesn’t make us sicker. We’ve all seen people on chemo. Some of us have experienced it. It’s very ugly. Visit us online at 7

The gold standard should be a treatment that boosts the body. Not a cell-destroying bomb. One size does not fit all. Not every treatment or preventive measure works for everyone. Here’s how to stack the deck in your favor.

Strengthen Your Immune System

A weakened immune system can play a leading role in cancer activation. Poor nutrition, exposure to chemicals, and nutrient-destroying cooking methods are things to avoid. Combine those with degenerated liver and pancreatic functions and the immune system can break down. The normal response of recognizing and eliminating cancer cells either slows or stops completely.

A robust immune system not only helps protect you against contracting a disease in the first place…It’s also necessary to attack new viruses, fight bacteria, and delete mutated cells.

All of the alternative treatments covered in this report can help boost your immune system. That’s one of the amazing benefits of alternative forms of medicine. These treatments and methods work together to
build the system overall.

One cancer therapy that isn’t approved by the FDA is Gerson Therapy. It piqued the interest of the National Cancer Institute. This regimen makes use of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to boost the immune system’s ability to flush toxins produced by tumors.

It was developed by Dr. Max B. Gerson in the early to middle part of the last century. He achieved positive results on cancer patients. It even captured the attention of conventional medicine…quite a feat. So it was recommended for clinical trials. These trials are hard to come by when there isn’t a treatment that can be patented and packaged for sale.

The therapy takes a whole-body approach to healing. It activates the body’s ability to heal itself naturally. And there are no side effects. Some of its elements are included within each of the following alternative treatments.

Adopt a Healthy, Organic Eating Plan

We’ve looked at the effect that a poor diet can have on your overall health. That includes creating a chronic state of deficiency which downgrades your body’s ability to fend off threats – like cancer.

For at least one week, write down everything you eat and drink. Follow your normal
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eating habits and patterns. But write everything down. That way, you’ll discover exactly what your weak points are.

At the end of the week, you’ll have a clear understanding of exactly what you put into your system. Then ask yourself the following questions:

What types of meat are you eating?

How many fruits and vegetables are you consuming each day?

What form do the fruits and vegetables you consume come in? Are they apple slices in a pie or a whole apple? Do you eat a plate of salad, or a piece of steam-wilted lettuce on a fast-food burger?

Do your meals veer heavily toward the over-processed? Or are they mostly homemade with basic, natural ingredients?

How do you cook your foods? Do you opt for grilling, boiling, broiling, baking, or frying? Or a combination between cooked and raw?

You may not realize how nutrient deficient your diet really is. The choice you’re making could be promoting cancer in your body.

Let’s say your protein consists of hot dogs, hamburgers, and pot roast. It’s important that you choose the healthiest options of these. For example, hot dogs (along with deli meats and sausages) contain sodium nitrite. It’s a carcinogenic preservative that’s been linked to gastric cancer.

What about the pot roast and hamburgers? They aren’t good if they come from a traditional factory-farm diet. It means you’re ingesting meat from animals raised on hormones. Their feed is high in omega-6 fatty acids – known to boost inflammation. That will lead to oxidation in the body. These reactions boost your chances of developing cancer.

It’s really as simple as trading up…If you want to eat meat, trade out the bad meat for the good.

Next time you go to the grocery store, look for meat from animals raised on organic, grass-fed diets. Ignore the meat overburdened with omega-6. A grass-fed diet boosts the healthier omega-3 fatty acids. It has the opposite effect of omega-6…it reduces inflammation.

Another way to boost your intake of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids is to use flaxseed oil. You can use it as a base for salad dressing. Ground flaxseed can be easily mixed into baked goods, smoothies, cereal, or yogurt. It’s an excellent source of alpha-Visit us online at 9

linolenic acid (ALA). ALA contains lignans that have an antioxidative effect.7 This is found specifically in the seeds. In order to receive full benefit, the seeds should be ground before ingesting. Otherwise they will likely pass whole through your system.

A switch in eating habits can seem overwhelming. You don’t have to change everything overnight. To begin making lasting changes, gradually substitute healthy changes.

Look at your grocery list and think about how you can improve. Is rice on your list? Pick up a bag of brown instead of white. You can make the move within the same food. The nutrient benefit is greater with each bite.

You should also choose organic fruits and vegetables. You can reduce the amount of toxic load your body is exposed to. It helps veer away from heavy doses of pesticides used in conventional farming practices.

One study found a link between a diet and survival in women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. A diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy showed an overall improved prognosis.

Increasing fruit and vegetable intake could potentially prevent more than 20% of cancer cases. That would stop about 200,000 cancer-related deaths each year.9

Foods with additives and preservatives should be avoided. They’re basically chemicals in the body that your system looks to process as food. Overly-processed foods are ones to avoid. Extra "refinement" in food actually strips away the very nutrients. It’s nutritional gold being tossed right into the garbage.

Another emphasis is to eliminate sugar. Cancer cells sop up glucose. In the war against cancer, a diet heavy in sugar is the equivalent of feeding the enemy.

Another thing to consider is how you’re preparing foods. Preparing meats at high temperatures – charring, frying, and broiling – have been linked to cancer.11 When a food is cooked fast, by-products are produced. These by-products are called AGE for "advanced glycation end-products." These AGEs are then ingested and can build up in the body. Then they promote inflammation.

Food preparation methods like these are best used sparingly. You can always switch to grilling your meat slowly over low heat.

Some cancer patients have reported evidence of success in switching over to a raw food diet. This means no cooking…and retention of all nutrients. Advocates point to
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many institutions’ advice for both cancer patients and those who want to reduce their risk of cancer to eat more "fresh fruits and vegetables."

It does make sense. The total nutrient content of the food is preserved in its natural state. It’s available to your body in its entirety. There are no processed fats, sugars, preservatives, or additives.

Whether cooked or raw, there’s an important spice to include. It’s called turmeric. Its active ingredient, curcumin, has been put under close scrutiny by researchers. It has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.
12 It’s featured prominently in Indian curry dishes.

Gerson Therapy strengthens the immune system with whole foods – organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. One major component of the regimen involves juicing raw fruits and vegetables. It calls for one glass every hour for 13 hours. This stimulates oxygenation of the blood and metabolism. The goal is to "flood" the body with nutrients.13

But the patient doesn’t live on juice alone. In addition, three freshly-made vegetarian meals a day are also eaten under this regimen. They typically include a salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, a vegetable soup, and juice. For snacking, the therapy provides for fresh fruit or a dessert made of fresh fruit anytime during the day. Excess protein, sodium, and animal fats are avoided.

Max Gerson believed that degenerative diseases, like cancer, have their basis in toxic foods and water. That interferes with oxygenation in the blood. Oxygenation is important. A deficiency of oxygen also contributes to degenerative diseases. Raw foods retain their enzymes, which contributes to oxygenation in the blood.

Raw juices are made with juicers that preserve the highest level of nutrient content. A two-step juicer is recommended – one that has a grinder and hydraulic press.

Gerson Therapy is one of multiple diet-based therapies that patients have used with success.

Another is a macrobiotic plan. It’s plant-based and toxin-avoidant. The basic plan is generally comprised of:

Organic whole grains

Organic fruits and vegetables, locally grown

Soups, created with vegetables, grains, beans, seaweed, and miso

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This diet also includes a moderate intake of nuts, seeds, fresh fish, soy, and desserts that are naturally sweet. Water should be purified. Dairy, coffee, and sugars should be avoided.

One compound has been found to specifically kill cancer cells. It’s called laetrile. And you can find it in raw nuts like bitter almonds. It’s also in fruit pits such as apricot kernels. Studies show that laetrile can…

Reduce tumor-related pain in 65% of cancer patients

More than double survival time in patients with inoperable lung cancer

Team up with vitamin A to destroy 89% of cancer tumors 14

It’s also shown promise in animal trials. In one study, laetrile produced a 60% reduction in lung metastases in mice.

Laetrile has a history that dates back to use in China. It’s now used extensively in Mexico, although it hasn’t received approval by the FDA for cancer treatment use in the U.S. Another name for it is B17. It’s available as an injection or in pill form.

It’s been used in other countries for the treatment of cancer and to prevent metastases from occurring. It can be prescribed in some states, but only for treatments unrelated to cancer. Patients who wish to use it specifically to treat cancer need to jump the border to Mexico.

Laetrile is controversial for use in the U.S. because it contains cyanide. But its proponents found that it only attacks cancer cells.

Here’s how to obtain B17 in your diet:

Seeds and nuts: apple, walnuts, macadamia nuts, bitter almonds, pecans, flaxseed, cashews, and kernels from apricots, cherries, peaches, plums

Berries: gooseberries, huckleberries, currants, blackberries, boysenberries, cranberries, strawberries

Greens: spinach, watercress

Sprouts: mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, lentil sprouts, chick pea sprouts

Beans: lima beans, mung beans, lentils

Grains: millet, barley, brown rice, buckwheat Visit us online at 12

Get Plenty of Sunshine

Many are scared off by the sun. They fear skin cancer as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But a major component of sunlight has been overlooked.

It helps manufacture vitamin D in the skin. And vitamin D deficiency is something that many people have. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. A deficiency also leads to a leaching of calcium from bones.

Vitamin D is also needed to help regulate and maintain a healthy immune response. It contributes to the normal growth and maturation of cells. This is why vitamin D is an essential ally in the battle against cancer. Low levels can increase the risk of developing cancer. It’s been linked to breast, colon and prostate cancers. There’s evidence that vitamin D can ward off growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.

Taking 2-4 times the daily recommended dose of 200 IU to 600 IU of vitamin D3 (along with calcium) reduced the expected rate of cancer incidence by 55-77% in post-menopausal women over a four-year period.17

This is strong evidence. You can get your vitamin D checked. Your doctor can test your 25(OH) D levels. One study found that keeping your serum levels of this essential vitamin just above 20 ng/mL could cut cancer risk by 30-50%.

Other research supports keeping serum levels between 55-60 ng/mL.
18 It’s now becoming a standard recommendation of supplementing with up to a maximum of 2,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day.19

We’ve been told our whole life to not expose our skin to the sun. But that advice is being tweaked in favor of getting more vitamin D. Go outdoors with 40% of skin exposure – just face and forearms. And get 15-20 minutes of direct sun.20

Detoxify and Practice Chemical Avoidance

The body naturally functions to flush away toxins. But adding an overload of toxins and chemicals places a strain on your system as it struggles to keep up with removing this sludge. And if you’ve been treated with conventional measures to get rid of cancer, the strain is that much greater.

We all react differently to toxins. Each person has different tipping points for what can overload their system. But there are natural means to help the body’s detoxification process. Keep an eye on the bad stuff.
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A list was created by the Environmental Working Group. It includes the top 12 fruits and vegetables to avoid purchasing if conventionally grown.

People who eat the following most contaminated fruits and vegetables are eating an average of 10 pesticides each day:

1. Peaches

2. Apples

3. Bell Peppers

4. Celery

5. Nectarines

6. Strawberries

7. Cherries

8. Kale

9. Lettuce

10. Grapes

11. Carrots

12. Pears

Be choosy in what you purchase. It’s a good way to reduce your toxic load.

Another way is to re-think your cleaning products. How would this affect you? Some cleaners contain crystalline silica. It’s a carcinogen that’s linked to lung cancer risk.
22 Many companies don’t list all product ingredients on the packaging, using the safe harbor ploy that certain ingredients used fall under "trade secrets."

There are companies that create more natural products. The internet offers a range of recipes for creating homemade cleaning products. At least you’ll be sure what ingredients are in your presence. One good solution is to skip window cleaners. Try vinegar and water. You might find your windows are even cleaner.

You can also boost your body’s natural detoxification process. The liver helps rid the body of toxins. Milk thistle is an herb that’s long been used to stimulate liver function. Its active ingredient, silymarin, confers a liver-protection effect while naturally promoting the toxin-flushing process. It prevents the loss of glutathione. It’s a key compound that aids in detoxification. Milk thistle is taken as a supplement, with recommended doses ranging from 70 to 210 mg three times a day.

Let’s go back to the Gerson Therapy for a second. Max Gerson is also a proponent of boosting the immune system by detoxifying the system. Doing so can help you better fight off cancer and other diseases. Visit us online at 14

These methods include:

Enemas: The administration of enemas, particularly those comprised of coffee, decrease pain and make for faster healing. They stimulate gut wall and liver enzymes. And improve bile flow. Enemas help your body get rid of toxic residues from drugs and eliminate any diseased tissue.

Castor oil: Helps stimulate bile flow and boost the liver’s ability to filter blood. It can be administered as an enema or taken orally.

Digestive enzymes: Aid in digestion and help the body absorb nutrients and excrete waste products. Raw foods are rich in natural enzymes. There are also supplement-style products you can use.

Engage in Exercise

A health discussion can’t conclude without discussing the benefits of exercise. Regular exercise boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation. A robust immune system helps fend off cancer cells from forming. And it attacks cells that have turned cancerous.

Exercise can help boost lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is responsible for carrying waste products out and away from your tissues. Improved lymphatic circulation supports the immune system.

Exercise can also help reduce stress. Stress is yet another undermining influence on the health of the immune response. It will wear your body’s defenses down if left unchecked. We’ll look at managing stress separately. But exercise helps release all-important "feel good" endorphins that work to backburner the effects of stress.

People who exercise have a lower incidence of cancer. Very active postmenopausal women who engaged in vigorous activity for at least six hours a week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 30%.
24 The risk of colorectal cancer for both men and women was found to be reduced 40-50% for those who exercised vigorously on a regular basis.25

A Finnish study followed a group of middle-aged men for almost two decades. None of the study participants had cancer at the start. By the end, 181 died from cancer. Results showed that those men who exercised strenuously at least 30 minutes a day were the least likely to develop cancer. They reduced their risk of dying from cancer by 50%.26

Exercise isn’t just for healthy people to maintain health. People who are currently Visit us online at 15

coping with cancer can also benefit from incorporating exercise into their daily regimen. Exercise is recommended to keep up physical functioning and combat the loss of muscle strength.

About 70% of cancer patients who are receiving conventional means of treatment report experiencing fatigue.
27 This may require that a patient should reduce normal exercise tendencies. Scaling back should not make patients feel like they’re getting any less benefit from exercise. Their bodies can simply handle less.

Women receiving radiation treatment for breast cancer commonly experience a decrease in erythrocyte levels following treatment. This leads to fatigue, depression, and reduced physical functioning. Erythrocyte levels actually increased for those who participated in a program of moderate-level aerobic exercise.28

Exercise can also help promote energy levels.

It may also cut the risk of dying from cancer. For men with prostate cancer, a vigorous exercise regimen can reduce their risk of dying by 12 percent.

Supplement Your Diet

A healthy diet supplies the body with rich nutrients to help it fight disease. But even your diet may need a little support from supplements.

There’s a wide range to choose from. Antioxidants may be the most important. They’re strong anti-cancer nutrient weapons. They’re responsible for taking the bite out of free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Antioxidants also protect DNA and cellular membranes from carcinogens. They rein in the reproduction of altered cells. And they fight the efforts of cancer-promoting agents. Antioxidants also boost immune functioning.

One well-known antioxidant is vitamin C. High vitamin C intake has been linked to a lower risk of several of cancers.

A 40% reduction in cancer risk was found for people with the highest intakes of both vitamin C and beta carotene, another antioxidant.
30 Vitamin C has also been used to treat cancer. It is administered via IV, with very promising results. One study found that tumors shrunk from this treatment. Vitamin C worked to selectively target and kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.31

Vitamin E is another antioxidant. Low levels of vitamin E have been linked to the Visit us online at 16

development of cancers. Gamma-tocopherol is one form of vitamin E. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory. It may help prevent cancer.32 Use a supplement that contains mixed tocopherols. Take up to 400 IUs per day.

Selenium is a mineral and antioxidant that many are deficient in. It’s been found to have cancer-preventing properties. It also stops the chemical process that creates cell-damaging free radicals. It prevents tumors from developing. It helps prevent damaged DNA from replicating. In addition, it’s been linked to the prevention of several types of cancer.33 The current recommended dose is 200 micrograms per day.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant. It boosts immune system function. The recommended dose for adult males is 3,000 IUs per day. Adult females should get 2,333 IUs per day.

Curcumin is also available in supplement form. That’s the compound found in turmeric. It helps regulate the functioning of tumor-suppressing genes. A study found that curcumin can halt cancer cell invasion and metastasis in the lung by activating a tumor-suppressor.
34 In NHD "Health Watch," we featured an article about how turmeric can cure prostate cancer. You can read the full article for free by clicking here: Part 1 and Part 2.

Use Stress Management Therapies

It’s impossible to avoid every form of stress. What is possible is to learn how to manage your body’s response to stressful situations. This is a very important element to prevent and fight cancer. Stress can have a negative effect on your immune system’s ability to function. Many illnesses develop as a result of stress.

Your body feels a threat. A natural disaster can feel the same as paying a late fee on a missed bill. Your body doesn’t physically know the difference. The protective fight-or-flight mechanism gets revved up. The body releases cortisol. This boosts the immune system’s ability to kick in and take care of the threat.

It’s good to have cortisol in your system. But a prolonged stress response can actually wear down the system. It’s stuck in a heightened state of alert. That fight-or-flight response can kick in and remain in place. Instead of a survival response, it’s an everyday response. That’s when it becomes detrimental to your health. A sustained level of stress response can interfere with your moods and your sleep. Lack of sleep lowers immune response, further eroding your health.

Too much of the stress response can lower the immune system’s ability to respond.
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These changes occur at the cellular level. They work up to a suppression of function on a larger, systemic scale.35

There are gentle ways for you effectively manage stress levels. You can train your body away from that heightened response. And return it to an appropriate and non-disruptive state.

Yoga: The practice of yoga is beneficial for reducing stress and improving relaxation. It’s also helpful as a preventive measure to improve immune system functioning.

Yoga involves stretching and a focus on breathing. It helps to boost the relaxation response. In turn, that boosts your immune system.

Women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer were enrolled in a yoga study to measure its effects on their symptoms.

Each time the women practiced yoga, they reported significantly lower levels of pain and tiredness, and an increase in relaxation the following day.

Tai chi: Another movement-focused exercise practice is Tai chi. It also focuses on breathing through the movements. It helps to relax the body while gently stretching it. Studies show that it alleviates pain and improves immune system functioning.37

Biofeedback: This relaxation method teaches you to regulate your automatic physical responses. Those include heart rate, muscle tension, and breathing rate. Remember that being on a constant state of high alert can change the way your body responds to stress. Every stimulus receives the same high-alert response. Using a monitoring device, you can learn to control this stress response. It can boost your ability to relax and improve immune functioning.

A monitoring device measures the various bio-functions. It displays the information back as a signal or an image. You then focus on changing the signal by concentrating on regulating that particular response. The equipment gives "feedback" on what’s occurring internally.

Meditation: The practice of controlling the breath helps regulate stress. There are different varieties of meditation. Some can decrease pain levels while boosting the immune response.38


Have you noticed the common theme in this report? Your immune system is crucial! It’s your main line of defense in preventing and defeating cancer. Visit us online at 18

A following is being developed around immunotherapy. It’s designed to promote the immune system’s ability to kill off cancer.

Gene therapy is another potential cancer treatment that’s being developed. Many cancers develop due to hereditary factors. The thought of vanquishing the idea that you’re at the mercy of your genes could come as a relief for many. Many people suffer from thoughts of things "running in the family."

Antineoplaston therapy has been used with success to treat patients with cancer. Antineoplastons are peptides that work at the molecular level. They can target cancer cells specifically and shut off their capacity to live. In essence, they can specifically kill off cancer cells by turning on tumor-suppressing genes. That leaves healthy cells undamaged.

Clinical trials are being done to test the efficacy of the antineoplaston therapy treatment. Only those who are admitted into the clinical trials are able to receive antineoplaston I.V. therapy. There’s also a pill form that can be used by people not enrolled in the clinical trials.

Mycomedicine is the use of medicinal mushrooms. It’s another natural source that researchers are looking to for preventive potential. Medicinal mushrooms can effect the immune system. They can stimulate and calm it if necessary. Studies have shown that mushrooms contain many compounds to boost the immune system and slow cancer. Medicinal mushrooms can also reduce the effects from chemotherapy and radiation.

Medicinal mushrooms include reishi and cordyceps. Reishi has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s even earned the name "The Long Life Herb" for its potent immune-boosting properties. It has over 200 active ingredients that have been under research. Extracts are also available containing these immune-supportive compounds.

A holistic approach to treating the whole, individual patient is also gaining favor. Every person’s physical, psychological, and emotional systems are different. We all react uniquely to medications, treatments, environmental conditions, diet, and stress.

One-size-fits-all medicine is an archaic notion. Doctors are starting to move away from it. It’s time to tailor medical treatments to individual differences. Not everyone is susceptible to cancer in the same way. And we all might not be healed the same way. Hopefully this notion will guide cancer research in the future.

We need to get the research pointed in the right direction.
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New Video Presentation: 11 Breakthrough Cures From Around The World

What if there was a simple method that could use your body’s hormones to root out and separate cancer cells from healthy cells so they could be easily targeted and killed?

What if a biopharmaceutical company had actually discovered a way to reverse aging on a genetic level…then buried the research?

What if there was a simple, 3-step process that uses a volcanic mineral to eliminate all risks of heart disease (and has never yet failed to work)?

These aren’t just theoretical cures of the future…in this video presentation you’ll discover these amazing cures and more from around the world.

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