

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

War against Cancer

Excerpt below taken from:

Major Cancer Advancement #1: Vitamin D

If people around the world optimized their vitamin D levels, about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year.

On a personal level, you can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure.

If you are treating cancer it is likely that higher blood levels would be even more beneficial, probably on the order of 80-90 ng/ml.

The notion that sun exposure actually prevents cancer may still be a new one for some of you, so I highly recommend you watch my one-hour vitamin D lecture to clear up any confusion. The risk of skin cancer from the sun comes only from excessive exposure. Meanwhile, countless people around the world have an increased risk of cancer because their vitamin D levels are low or deficient.

In the United States, the late winter average vitamin D is only about 15-18 ng/ml, which is considered a very serious deficiency state. Meanwhile, it’s thought that over 95 percent of U.S. senior citizens may be deficient, along with 85 percent of the American public.

Optimizing your levels, either by safe sun exposure (ideally), a safe tanning bed or oral supplementation, is so important, as vitamin D has a protective effect against cancer in several ways, including:

• Increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to replicate, could lead to cancer)
• Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells
• Causing cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack differentiation)
• Reducing the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous

Again, to find out the details on how to use vitamin D therapeutically, and doses to take if you have cancer, please watch my very important one-hour lecture.

Major Cancer Advancement #2: Optimizing Your Insulin Levels

Otto Warburg actually received a Nobel Prize for his observation of cancer cell physiology in 1934 that clearly demonstrated cancer cells require more sugar to thrive. Unfortunately, virtually no oncologists appreciate or apply this knowledge.

Normalizing your insulin levels is one of the most powerful physical actions you can take to lower your risk of cancer.

Unfortunately, many of us have insulin levels that are too high, a condition that can cause major damage to your body. Your pancreas releases insulin -- produced by beta cells -- after you eat carbohydrates, and this is why numerous studies have linked refined carbohydrates with cancer. Over time, if you eat too many grains and sugars, and your body is constantly releasing an abundance of insulin, your body will become resistant to it. This means you will require even more insulin to produce the same effects, and it starts you on a vicious cycle.

High levels of insulin can cause major damage to your body. The most recognized of these is diabetes, but that is far from the only one. As Ron Rosedale, M.D. said in one of my most popular articles, Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects:

“It doesn‘t matter what disease you are talking about, whether you are talking about a common cold or cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis or cancer, the root is always going to be at the molecular and cellular level, and I will tell you that insulin is going to have its hand in it, if not totally control it.”

The good news is that controlling your insulin levels is relatively straightforward. First, limit your intake of processed foods, grains and sugars as much as possible to prevent your insulin levels from becoming elevated in the first place. Next, exercise regularly, as this will drive your insulin levels down.

Major Cancer Advancement #3: Thermography

Most physicians continue to recommend mammograms for women as a breast cancer screening tool, but I encourage you to think for yourself and consider safer, more effective alternatives to mammograms.

The option for breast screening that I most highly recommend is called thermographic breast screening.

Thermographic screening is brilliantly simple. It measures the radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions.

Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer as much as 10 years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam!

Whereas mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size, thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier.

It can even detect the potential for cancer before any tumors have formed because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis -- the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size.

More men’s lives could also be spared from the disease as mammography is not frequently used on men, which leads to most men with breast cancer being diagnosed at a very late stage.

To find out more about this safe and highly effective method of cancer detection, you can read my free report on the topic or visit my Thermography Diagnostics Center now.

How to Finally Win the War Against Cancer

When you open your mind to the world of treatment and prevention strategies available outside the bounds of conventional medicine, you find that many options exist right now to help you prevent and treat this “incurable” disease.

Treatments from doctors like Ryke Geerd Hamer have achieved a 95 percent success rate in overcoming cancer -- all by helping people to heal their emotional traumas.

A landmark study has even suggested recently that some cancers may just go away on their own, without any treatment at all.

And there is a lot that you can do right now to significantly impact your cancer risk. Even the conservative American Cancer Society states that one-third of cancer deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying excess weight. So making healthy lifestyle changes is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from cancer.

I’ve detailed my comprehensive list of what you can do, right now, to virtually eliminate your cancer risk many times before, but for those of you who haven’t seen it, the entire list is printed at the end of this past article.

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