

Thursday 10 November 2011

Natural Options For Cancer Treatment

July 25, 2011 by

The diagnosis of cancer doesn’t always have to necessitate debilitating treatments in a hospital. Available options include in-home protocols that some licensed practicing physicians offer their patients who want to try to beat cancer naturally.

Gerson Therapy Protocol

The German physician, Max B. Gerson, M.D., developed this highly acclaimed protocol. This therapy entails consuming 13 glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and three full vegetarian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

It includes these medications:
  • Potassium compound
  • Lugol’s solution (iodine tincture)
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Injectable Crude Liver Extract
  • Pancreatic Enzymes
  • Enemas of coffee and/or chamomile

Kelley-Gonzales Metabolic Therapy

The program, developed by Dr. William Kelley, D.D.S., in 1963, consists of proteolytic enzymes and a strict nutrition and detoxification regimen. Dr. Kelley eventually treated nearly 33,000 cancer patients and claimed he achieved nearly a 90 percent five-year survival rate in those with no prior history of chemotherapy or radiation. Of course, the medical establishment was against this program, so Dr. Kelley was thrown in jail by Food and Drug Administration officials and forced to move his treatment center to Mexico. Fortunately, Dr. Kelley taught a young oncologist, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, all about his work, and Dr. Gonzalez currently practices in New York City.

Dr. Gonzalez published some of his results using enzyme therapy in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrition in Cancer in 1999.1 And he used patients suffering inoperable biopsy-proven stage II to stage IV pancreatic adenocarcinoma — the most aggressive of all cancers — to prove the power of this natural therapy. From January 1993 to April 1996, these 11 patients were treated at home with large doses of orally ingested pancreatic enzymes, nutritional supplements, detoxification procedures and an organic diet. By Jan 1999, nine (81 percent) had survived one year, which is far better than the 25 percent expected using surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Four (36 percent) survived three years when the study was reported.

The key to the protocol is to consume 130 to 160 protease and proteolytic enzymes apart from meal time, which are believed to digest the cancer. The diet is plant-based, but includes consuming one or two eggs and whole-milk yogurt daily. Fish eaten three times a week is also included, but no red meat or chicken is allowed. Coffee enemas are meant to improve liver and gallbladder function and help remove toxic waste from tumor breakdown.

See also:
Alternative Cancer Treatment - Dr N Gonzalez interview (1:42:22)
   - The Cancer Treatment So Successful - Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down

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Cesium Chloride Protocol

Cesium is a naturally occurring, highly alkaline mineral that is preferentially taken up by cancer cells along with potassium and rubidium. In 1984, Keith Brewer, Ph.D., (a physicist) and H. E. Satori treated 30 cancer patients with cesium chloride, and all 30 patients survived. Aside from treating the cancer, this protocol is reported to treat the pain of cancer within 36 hours. The protocol is inexpensive and can be done easily, but it is recommended you use expert telephone coaching to avoid an over-alkaline state. The oral protocol entails twice daily therapy for 30 days, using cesium chloride (2-3 grams), vitamin C (1 gram), zinc (25 – 30 mg) and potassium capsules twice a day.

Matthias Rath Oral Amino Acid Protocol

The ingredients include: vitamin C (14,000 mg/day), L-Lysine (12,000 mg/day), L-Proline (2,000 mg/day), L-Arginine (2,000 mg/day), green tea extract daily (or green tea itself), Coenzyme Q10 (480 mg/day).

The Cellect-Budwig Protocol

This therapy claims effective change within days when done correctly. It begins with vegetable juicing of approximately 40 ounces daily, while avoiding all soft drinks, processed foods, coffee, etc. Instituting a strict lifestyle of nutrient-rich, whole, mostly raw foods is vital to success.

Dr. Johanna Budwig’s diet adds organic flaxseed oil combined with low-fat cottage cheese for its effect on reversing damage from processed oils and fats in the diet and thereby raising the voltage in the cells which, in turn, draws oxygen into the cells and membranes.

The nutritional powder (or capsule form) called Cellect was developed by Fred Eichorn, president of the National Cancer Research Foundation. By slowly increasing doses of this powder supplement, one achieves best results. It is available at the Fooundation’s website:

The protocol includes real sunlight for 45 minutes per day and coffee enemas to enhance liver detoxification and eliminate toxins. As an optional treatment, it includes laetrile (vitamin B17), originally from apricot pits. Laetrile is only sold “under the table;” it is illegal in the U.S. If you can grind them up, start with 3 pits daily and build up to 30 daily. Read more:

Bill Henderson Protocol

This $104/month home protocol consists of these ways to naturally and safely fight cancer:
  • Boost your immune system with his product that claims to stimulate the release of your own natural killer cells.
  • Oxygenate your body. Henderson recommends Dr. Johanna Budwig’s method.
  • Stop cancer cell growth and spread with green tea extract, vitamin C, proline and lysine extracts.
  • Alkalize the body with barley grass.
  • Anti-cancer diet including plenty of raw foods, almond milk, seeds, lentils and gluten-free sprouted bread products. Also, no refined sugar, animal protein, processed foods, dairy products or gluten.
All of these should give you some great options for you or loved ones seeking in-home natural therapies to beat cancer.

To your best health,
Michael Cutler, M.D.
Easy Health Digest author

1 Gonzalez NJ, Isaacs LL. Evaluation of pancreatic proteolytic enzyme treatment of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, with nutrition and detoxification support. Nutr Cancer 1999;33(2):117-24.