

Thursday 3 November 2011

Health Calculators/Tools

1. Health Calculators

Dr. Bob Marshall

2. Lipid Units Converter



Conversion: US and International Lipids Measures
for Cholesterol, LDL, HDL

Cholesterol is measured using different numbers in the U.S and in most of the rest of the world. In the U.S is is reported in deciliters per milligram (dl/mg), but elsewhere it is reported in millimoles per liter (mm/l). :

mg/dl mm/l mg/dl mm/l mg/dl mm/l mg/dl mm/l

5 0.13 105 2.72 205 5.31 305 7.90
10 0.26 110 2.85 210 5.44 310 8.03
15 0.39 115 2.98 215 5.57 315 8.16
20 0.52 120 3.11 220 5.70 320 8.29
25 0.65 125 3.24 225 5.83 325 8.42
30 0.78 130 3.37 230 5.96 330 8.55
35 0.91 135 3.50 235 6,09 335 8.68
40 1.04 140 3.63 240 6.22 340 8.81
45 1.17 145 3.76 245 6.35 345 8.94
50 1.30 150 3.89 250 6.48 350 9.07
55 1.42 155 4.01 255 6.60 355 9.19
60 1.55 160 4.15 260 6.73 360 9.32
65 1.68 165 4.27 265 6.86 365 9.45
70 1.81 170 4.40 270 6.99 370 9.58
75 1.94 175 4.53 275 7.12 375 9.71
80 2.07 180 4.66 280 7.25 380 9.84
85 2.20 185 4.79 285 7.38 385 9.97
90 2.33 190 4.92 290 7.51 390 10.10
95 2.46 195 5.05 295 7.64 395 10.23
100 2.59 200 5.18 300 7.77 400 10.36

(Based on a factor of .0259 Rounded off to the nearest hundredth)
mg/dl = milligrams per deciliter mm/l = millimoles per liter

The conversion factor for triglycerides is different from cholesterol.
To convert triglycerides, divide or multiply by by 88.5 / 0.0113.

For a triglycerides conversion chart click here.
3. Risk Factor Ratio
Risk Factor Ratio is usually the total cholesterol divided by the HDL. This ratio, according to your age and sex, can give an indication of the risk of dying from heart disease.
Risk factor
(Total / HDL)
Men's Ratio Women's Ratio
Very Low
(half of average risk)
under 3.0 Under 3.3
Low 4.0 3.8
Average 5.0 4.5
(2 times average risk)
9.5 7.0
(3 times average risk)
23.0 or more 11.0 or more
4. Meaning of cholesterol numbers
For a more complete explanation of the meaning of cholesterol numbers, go to Understanding Laboratory Test Results.