

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Alternative Cancer Treatments

April 17, 2009

Breast Cancer Recovery Using a Healing Diet and Plan - A Woman’s Story

Category: alternative or natural treatment, cancer, food + diet + nutrition, herbs + herbal remedies, real-life stories + testimonials – All 4 Natural Health – 8:37 am

A lady from Indiana, US, recently got in touch with and shared her journey of recovery from breast cancer. The protocol Marilyn Brent had used was largely a dietary and herbal one, obtained from an Amish healer by the name of Solomon Wickey. Strong faith, dealing with negative emotions, as well as a positive mental outlook were also crucial elements in her healing.

The details of her story as well as the healing plan she used are described in another article. Click here to read: Woman Beats Breast Cancer Using Healing Diet and Plan from Solomon Wickey. (more…)

How To Prevent and Beat Cancer - Insights Revealed By Recent Studies

Category: alternative or natural treatment, cancer, chemicals + toxins, exercise + physical activity, food + diet + nutrition, general lifestyle factors, natural health, omega 3 fatty acids, smoking + alcohol – All 4 Natural Health – 8:17 am

A number of recent studies have highlighted some possible things we can do to prevent and beat cancer.

The findings of these studies are summarized below. Click on the respective links to read more. (more…)

Vitamin B17 and Budwig Protocol - Learn About Two Important Alternative Cancer Treatment Protocols

Category: alternative or natural treatment, cancer, food + diet + nutrition, natural health, omega 3 fatty acids – All 4 Natural Health – 7:20 am

There are literally dozens of alternative cancer treatment protocols out there which have more than decent, even excellent, track records. Some have been around for a long time, while some are relatively recent discoveries. Some need the supervision of a physician or practitioner, while some can be done on one’s own. Some are more well-known than others.

Here, I would like to highlight two such treatment methods. (more…)

Choosing Alternative Cancer Treatment, and Knowing the Failings of Chemotherapy

Category: alternative or natural treatment, cancer, conventional medicine, natural health – All 4 Natural Health – 6:51 am

Many people turn to natural and herbal remedies for many minor ailments - headaches, itchy skin, tummy upsets and what not. But when it comes to a serious ailment like cancer, most people freeze.

Yes, it is extremely difficult to walk away from the conventional medical system and conventional cancer treatment. To walk away from prestigious and high-tech hospitals; established and qualified medical doctors and specialists with a long list of credentials; doctors, nurses and other persons of authority dressed in robes; and what is supposedly “proven”. (more…)

March 20, 2009

German New Medicine - A Woman’s Healing From Ovarian Cancer and Peritoneal Tumors

Category: alternative or natural treatment, cancer, conventional medicine, real-life stories + testimonials – All 4 Natural Health – 4:17 am

Have you ever heard of German New Medicine, or GNM for short? I hadn’t, until I recently conversed with a lady who fully recovered from ovarian cancer and peritoneal tumors using this system of healing.

Basically, based on my limited understanding, GNM is a healing protocol based on the fundamental assumption that disease has its root in emotional issues, in other words, that all diseases originate from unexpected shock experiences. (more…)