

Thursday 3 November 2011

Alternative Cancer Treatment - Bill Henderson Protocol

The Bill Henderson Protocol
Bill Henderson offers a protocol for self treatment of all types of cancer. Bill has spent over 10 years researching cancer and helping hundreds of cancer patients cure themselves of cancer.

The following is MY very simple summary of Bill's protocol just to give you a brief idea of what to expect and how it works. Please do not rely on this, but read Bill's short course on his website & strongly consider buying his book Cancer Free - Your Guide to Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is FULL of invaluable information such as a very simple, accurate & non invasive urine test to find out conclusively how you are progressing with beating your cancer. Please ensure you still consult a doctor though. Just bare in mind that the pharmaceutical companies supply most of the information (and often funding) for doctors education, so the doctors are very often not even aware of alternative cures.

Bill's protocol addresses the cancer from six different angles, all of which have been used on their own to cure people of cancer.

  • 1. Boost your immune system

  • Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Our immune system needs to be in top notch condition to cure itself of cancer. Bill recommends the best of the hundreds of products available :- Beta 1.3D Glucan which activates the NK (natural killer) cells in your body to fight the cancer cells. All the information about this product is in Bill's book - why it is by far the best immune system product on the market at the moment & where you can get it.

  • 2. Oxygenate your blood

  • Research strongly indicates that cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated body. There are many ways to do this which include oxygen therapy, hydrogen peroxide etc. Bill's recommendation however is to use Dr. Johanna Budwig's method of mixing cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. This is VERY effective & has been used for many years by thousands of people to cure their cancer. Don't dismiss it because it sounds too easy. It works.

    Pebble, drinking a cottage cheese, flaxseed oil, banana and nectarine shake. Mmmmm, delicious :-)

    3. Slow down or stop the process of metastasis

    Metastasis is the spreading of cancer cells to other parts of the body. To slow down or stop this process Bill recommends product called "Heart Plus" - a mixture of Vitamin C, I-Lysine and I-proline, plus Green Tea Extract. This gives you a "bonus" of protection from or treatment of heart inflammation.

  • 4. Maintain an alkaline body

  • Research strongly indicates that cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline body. Unfortunately due to the foods most of us eat today, our bodies ARE acidic. Bill addresses this by recommending Barley grass, which contains all of the 300 enzymes our biddies need. These are all destroyed when we eat cooked food. Watch this short video to find out more.

  • 5. A Cancer fighting Diet

  • This is a vital part of overcoming cancer. Bill has read over fifteen books by nutritionists. He presents his conclusions in his book advising you what to eat and what not to eat. Very basically it involves eating no sugar, processed food, animal protein, dairy or gluten. Instead you should eat lots of raw vegetables, salads, gluten free sprouted bread products, flaxseed crackers (millet, quinoa etc.) unsweetened almond milk, lentils, seeds and nuts (not peanuts).

  • 6. Vitamin / Mineral Supplement

  • Bill recommends Dr. Williams' Daily Advantage vitamin / mineral supplement which is essential to "fill all the holes" in your diet.

    All of these are a natural way to cure cancer and have NO side effects.

    Okay, so that's my summary to give you a little bit of an idea how this all works. Please read Bills free short cause to learn more and listen to Bill's free How to Live Cancer Free weekly radio show for all the up to date information on healing cancer, including vital information about Dental Toxins and the role of Vitamin D3 for cancer cure and prevention.