

Friday, 25 November 2011

Adolescent alcohol consumption 'may increase breast cancer risk'

Last updated 14 November 2011

Adolescent girls with a family history of breast cancer may be able to reduce their own risk by limiting their intake of alcohol, new research suggests.

Scientists at Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston analysed data on women who were aged between nine and 15 years in 1996.

Participants completed questionnaires every year between 1996 and 2001, followed by additional surveys in 2003, 2005 and 2007.

The researchers found that adolescent girls with a family history of breast cancer were more likely to develop benign breast disease - a known risk factor for breast cancer - as young women if they regularly consumed alcohol.

Biostatistician Dr Catherine Berkey, whose findings are published in Cancer journal, said: 'Our study suggests that adolescent females already at higher risk for breast cancer, in light of their family history, should be aware that avoiding alcohol may reduce their risk for benign breast disease as young women.'

The expert added that a reduced risk of benign breast cancer 'might be accompanied by reduced breast cancer risk later in life'.

Earlier this month, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a link between low levels of alcohol consumption and a small increased risk of breast cancer. ADNFCR-554-ID-801210315-ADNFCR