

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer


Thursday, October 06, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) It is extremely saddening to see the cost in human lives that modern society pays for its false belief in conventional medicine and the cancer industry in particular. Visionary Steve Jobs died today, just months after being treated for cancer with chemotherapy at the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto, California. In recent months, he appeared in public photos as a frail shadow of his former self. The thin legs, sunken cheek bones and loss of body weight are all classic signs of total body toxicity observed in chemotherapy and radiotherapy patients.

Steve Jobs reportedly underwent both. His chemotherapy treatments at the Standard Cancer Center are now well known (, and his secret radiotherapy treatments in Switzerland have now been made public by former Apple executive Jerry York.

Jerry York confided in Fortune Magazine about Steve Jobs' secret flight to Switzerland to receive radiotherapy treatment for his cancer ( Fortune Magazine kept this secret until Jerry York died in March of 2010 (, after which Fortune Magazine decided its confidentiality agreement with York no longer applied, and it published details about Jobs' secret visits to Switzerland (

Fortune Magazine also repeats another fact about Steve Jobs that rarely appears in the press: Namely, that Steve Jobs underwent a secret liver transplant which raised eyebrows among many who wondered why a member of the wealthy business elite could receive a liver transplant essentially on demand while everybody else had to wait on a long transplant list (

In January of this year, reported:

"Jobs' medical leave is due to cancer, but no one knows whether it stems from his 2004 battle with pancreatic cancer or complications from a secret liver transplant in 2009. According to recently deceased off-the-record source from Apple's Jerry York, Jobs took an unpublicized flight to Switzerland in 2009 to undergo unusual treatment at the University of Basel. Switzerland's University of Basel known for their radiotherapy treatments for neuroendocrine cancer and it's unavailability in the U.S. Experts say Jobs' pancreatic cancer has a history of reappearing and spreading to vital organs at a slow-growing pace, which probably explains the medical leave."

In other words, there is no question that Steve Jobs underwent multiple conventional cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

In the end, however, even Steve Jobs could not overturn the laws of biochemistry. When you poison the human body, the result is the deterioration and eventual shut down of the body. Chemotherapy does not work! This fact should now be obvious, and yet every year, more and more people choose chemotherapy to their own demise -- people like Farrah Fawcett, Peter Jennings, Patrick Swayze, Michael Douglas and many others (

Don't they see that conventional cancer treatments do not work?

Losing Steve Jobs is a loss of a great visionary

It is striking that people who are geniuses in their own fields can understand so little about the fundamentals of human health. Steve Jobs was arguably one of the most influential visionaries of our time, and his development of human-technology interfaces revolutionized modern computing. Had he achieved another twenty years of life -- and lived to 75 -- he would have no doubt contributed to our world in even more profound and positive ways.

Yet his remaining life was stolen from him by the cancer industry and its poisons. This is yet another frustrating example of how the modern medical system harms our society. It steals from us the longevity of visionary individuals who have so much more to offer our world in terms of creativity and innovation.

Of course, you can't blame the cancer industry for causing Jobs' cancer in the first place. Some other cause had to have been present to get the cancer growing -- probably a combination of nutritional deficiencies and exposure to environmental toxins. And yet the cancer establishment says nothing to people about correcting obvious nutritional deficiencies that lead to cancer, even when most cancers can be prevented for mere pennies a day.

The simple combination of vitamin D and selenium, if taken in combination, could probably prevent more than 80% of all cancers in America ( Yet the American Cancer Society and all the mainstream cancer non-profits don't dare advocate vitamin D or selenium. If solutions were readily available to everyone, how would the cancer industry maintain its profitability?

The dark side of Apple

This gets us to the dark side of Apple, because just as the cancer industry is a greed-driven monstrosity that incessantly seeks profits at the expense of others, Apple has increasingly become a corporation that has routinely chosen for-profit domination over public service. This is not so much about Steve Jobs himself as it is about those who surrounded him and ultimately exploited his talents for their own selfish agendas.

Apple iPhones, for example, were recently exposed as secret tracking devices that record your location and upload that data back to Apple headquarters (

By any honest account, Apple operates today with a mindset of total monopolistic domination, requiring apps to be sold through its iTunes, where Apple takes an unfair cut of every sale. In fact, Apple has come to very much resemble the Orwellian Big Brother image that once made it famous in its January 22, 1984 Superbowl ad, which positioned Apple's Macintosh computer as freeing people from tyranny. Watch that ad at:

What's so striking about this commercial is that, in many ways, Apple has become the very thing it once claimed to oppose -- domineering control, automaton conformity, and centralized command over the expression of musicians and programmers alike. The text of the ad says, "On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984."

Thanks to companies like Apple, 2011 sure is a lot like 1984. A clever response to all this appears in a parody video that pits Steve Jobs in that "1984" video as a way to show that Apple acts more like Big Brother with each passing day:

Anyone who has ever owned an iPhone knows all about being locked into a technology from which there is no free choice to do what you want with it. Why aren't iPhones sold as "unlocked" from the get-go? Why do you have to hack your own phone just to free it from Apple's domineering control? And why does your phone track your every move even without your permission or knowledge?

In fairness, this is almost certainly due to the greedy business types who surrounded Steve Jobs, and not Jobs himself. Jobs always seemed to be more of a humanitarian, but his concepts for innovation inevitably got swept up into the circus of profit.

Live by principle, because that's the only thing you take with you

The more you look into the story of Steve Jobs and Apple, the deeper it all gets. And that brings us back to Steve Jobs and the topic of principles and ethics. All the wealth in the world couldn't save Steve Jobs from cancer, of course.

Here's a question for you: In his final days of life, would Steve Jobs have traded every bit of wealth he owned for a healthy new liver and pancreas? You bet he would! And yet he couldn't. Because it doesn't work that way. When it comes to organ health, there are no second chances. You're given one set of organs to live with, and if you can't figure out how to take care of those with nutrition, healthy foods and avoidance of environmental toxins, all the money in the world can't save you.

Importantly, you don't take money with you when you die, so collecting dollars or cars or even gold is little more than a short-term distraction set in the physical world. What you do take is a karmic record of your actions; a "universal log file" of your principles and ethics, if you will. And that's what matters in whatever experience or reality awaits us beyond this one, whether you believe in Heaven, or reincarnation, or ascension to higher plane of existence.

Was Steve Jobs a positive influence on our world? Yes, I think so

I don't pretend to be qualified to judge Steve Jobs on all his actions here on our planet, but the only honest question in helping to answer that is this: "Is our world better off because of Steve Jobs' influence? Or is it worse off?"

On the whole, I believe Steve Jobs himself was a creative visionary whose talents eventually became co-opted by less-than-ethical corporate interests which operated outside his core intentions. This is precisely the reason why brilliant people should always be wary of "investors" or men wearing suits, because the whole purpose of venture capital is to grant people who don't know how to really create wealth a way to sink their claws into those who do.

This is why I have consistently and successfully resisted all venture capital and buyout attempts targeting NaturalNews. To bring in big money people would destroy the heart and soul of what NaturalNews is all about, in the same way that all the big money people who eventually surrounded Steve Jobs ultimately compromised what was originally an uplifting vision for human freedom and expression.

(Even in the health industry, I can't even tell you all the stories of brilliant, visionary people who have been betrayed by investors and corporate interests. It happens almost 100% of the time.)

The real lesson in Steve Jobs' passing, then, is not "oh wow look at all these cool gadgets he left us" -- because that's the juvenile view -- but rather "what can we learn from Steve Jobs about staying authentic in our own lives and our own decisions?"

What I've learned from Steve Jobs is that staying true to your vision is far more important than being commercially successful or collecting material wealth. Walking a path that gets your face on the cover of business magazines requires too much compromise of ethics and principles. The business community, after all, doesn't usually celebrate real geniuses who share things with the world and make nothing from it. It only celebrates those who find clever ways to extract billions of dollars from the hands of consumers.

In fact, you might even say that the business world actually punishes those who bring real innovation to the world -- people such as free energy inventors, most of which you have never heard about because they ended up mysteriously dead before they could bring their inventions to market. Steve Jobs was celebrated because his innovations were consistent with the culture of mass consumerism and unbridled corporate greed -- buy more computing stuff, and buy it often! That makes investors rich, and that's the name of the game in the business world.

Steve Jobs was celebrated, in other words, not for who he was on the inside, but for all the other people who got rich off him along the way. And that's a shame, because even after his passing, I feel like we never knew the real Steve Jobs at all -- the Steve Jobs who probably wanted to make the world a better place yet repeatedly found his talents being distorted and leveraged for bottom-line profits in a culture of greed that only cares about finding new ways to convince consumers to part with their money.

Steve Jobs may be dead, but the domineering greed of those who extorted his talent lives on. The iPhone 5 will probably be out in a year or so, so we can all throw away our old electronics which end up in a toxic landfill somewhere, and then replace it with new electronics made in a slave labor factory in China. Isn't technology great?

Either way, may Steve Jobs rest in peace. May his name never be used for commercial exploitation again.

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