

Monday, 10 October 2011

Steve Jobs - resource links

In Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs art
Steve Jobs art: fans, artists and designers pay tribute to the Apple co-founder.

Fans, artists and designers have found creative ways to pay tribute to Apple co-founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, who has died at the age of 56 after a long and highly public battle with cancer.
This digital mosaic, made out of Apple gadgets, was created by Greek designer Charis Tsevis.

How Steve Jobs planned for the end (Video 4:26)

Steve Jobs, who died last week at 56Steve Jobs dies at 56: how Apple Inc was built in his image

Shane Richmond, Editorial Head of Technology at The Telegraph, reflects on the achievements of the late Steve Jobs, the visionary who shaped consumer technology.

Apple fans pay tribute to Steve Jobs (Video 2:10)

Apple fans pay tribute to Steve Jobs who dies aged 56

Apple fans around the world hail Steve Jobs 'a visionary' as they pay tribute to the Apple co-founder and CEO who has died at the age of 56 after a long battle with cancer.

Steve Jobs unveils first Apple in 1984 (Video 2:16)

Steve Jobs unveils the first Apple Macintosh in 1984Grainy footage from January 1984 shows Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs in a bow tie unveiled the groundbreaking Macintosh computer in scenes that would become synonymous with the technology giant's progress to the biggest brand on Earth.



Obituary: Steve Jobs

Apple CEO Steve JobsSeer of the computer age whose devices shaped the way we work and play – and were cool to boot