

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - Caisse, Hoxsey, Gerson


Published on 8 Feb 2014

Astounding revelations of various cancer cures suppressed by reptilian/Illuminati AMA and FDA.

Video times:
03:00 Cancer growth
07:00 Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
09:30 Chemo-brain
13:30 Medicine transformed into an industry - the new medical economy
17:00 Big Pharma
22:38 Rene Caisse - Essiac Tea
35:10 Harry Hoxsey
48:24 Max Gerson
58:57 Gerson - pancreactic cancer patient testimony
1:03:20 Gerd Hamer
1:04:26 Laetrile (vitamin 17) - inhibited the growth of cancer
1:08:10 Shark cartilage - inhibitor of tumour angiogenesis
1:09:35 Mistletoe - Iscador as used by Suzanne Somers
1:12:35 Sodium Bicarbonate and Fungi - Tullio Simoncini
1:20:20 Chemotherapy
1:21:35 Sodium Bicarbonate used to cure Lung Cancer
1:27:29 Sodium Bicarbonate and Prostate, Breast Cancer, Bladder, Brain, and Skin Cance

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Video Information

In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected out-front, even though healings were claimed in the thousands, their proposers often being labeled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Why?

The above write-up for the video is taken from: