

Thursday, 13 October 2011

7 Ways an Enlarged Prostate Can Affect Urination

What is an enlarged prostate? 

According to the National Kidney and Urological Disease Information Clearinghouse, enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH) is the most common prostate problem among men over age 50.

When the prostate is enlarged, it interferes with the flow of urine through the urethra. This causes the urethra to narrow, forcing the bladder to contract more forcefully to expel urine. Over time, the bladder will become stronger and thicker, but also more sensitive.

MedlinePlus experts say less than half of men will have urinary symptoms from BPH. Here are seven urinary symptoms that some men with BPH do experience.

Getting up frequently at night to urinate

Getting up frequently at night to urinate
Because their bladders have grown hypersensitive from forcing urine out of the bladder, many men who have an enlarged prostate will wake up frequently at night to urinate.

Having problems starting urination

Difficulty beginning urination--also known as urinary hestiancy -- can affect both men and women, but it is most common in men with BPH.

Applying heat to or massaging the lower abdomen may help relax the bladder and the muscles around it and aid urination

Returning to the bathroom right after urinating

Returning to the bathroom right after urinating
Pressure on the urethra may keep the bladder from emptying completely during urination. Combined with the oversensitivity the bladder can develop due to BPH, this can cause men to feel they need to urinate again, even if they've just done so.

Dribbling after urination

It's not unusual for men to leak some urine after they finish urinating. In fact, statistics suggest that about 40% of men over age 40 experience this issue.

This is often a symptom of BPH, though it can be caused by other issues, including pressure from a man's pants zipper pushing on the urethra and trapping urine during urination. A urologist can best diagnose the exact cause of this problem.

Experiencing a urinary stream that starts and stops
Experiencing a urinary stream that starts and stops

A urine flow that starts and stops--called urinary intermittency--is common in men who have an enlarged prostate.

However, it can also be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or an injury to the urethra, so it's best to tell your doctor if you're experiencing this issue.

Straining to urinate

Straining to urinate
As mentioned previously, men with BPH have prostates that are large enough to put pressure on the urethra, making it more difficult for them to urinate.

Because of this, it's not uncommon for men with enlarged prostates to find themselves needing to strain to produce urine.

Urinating frequently
Urinating frequently