

Thursday, 22 September 2011

What Are the Health Benefits of Cherry Juice?

What Are the Health Benefits of Cherry Juice?thumbnail
What Are the Health
Benefits of Cherry Juice?

Cherry juice contains numerous health benefits. Research at Michigan State University, the University of Texas Health Science Center and several other independent laboratories around the world has revealed the beneficial properties that cherry juice provides. As a result, this traditional folk remedy has been proven to provide relief and comfort from many painful conditions.



  • Cherry juice comes in two varieties, tart and sweet. According to, tart cherries are among the top fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant properties. The antioxidants found in cherry juice provide protection from free radicals, which are toxins that weaken healthy cells and cause many diseases.

Health Benefits

  • Cherry juice provides anti-inflammatory benefits and relief from painful conditions such as arthritis and gout. Cherry juice may also aid in preventing cancer, heart disease, stoke, heart attacks, cataracts and varicose veins.


  • The antioxidants in cherry juice work to protect the body from tissue damage also known as oxidative stress, which causes aging and diseases. Anthocyanins, the powerful antioxidants found in the red skin of cherries, provide nutrients that are stronger than vitamin C and E, and may slow the aging process. It is also believed that the anti-inflammatory properties of cherries are more effective than aspirin or ibuprofen because it provides 10 times the relief without serious health complications, according to

Expert Insight and Research

  • Many studies have been performed to determine the health benefits of cherry juice. A study performed by Dr. Boxin Ou of Brunswick Laboratories showed that tart cherries had the highest oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) rating among the fruits and vegetables tested. Michigan State University also performed a study on the health benefits of cherries, funded by The Cherry Marketing Institute. The results of the study revealed that tart cherries significantly improve health and mobility. According to, the University of California-Davis showed that a daily serving of cherry juice lowers the uric levels in the blood of women by 15 percent.

Tips and Warnings

  • It is believed that soaking meat in cherry juice may reduce the suspected cancer-causing compounds, heterocyclic aromatic amines, that form when meat cooks. Another important fact to keep in mind is that cherry juice contains sorbitol, which may negatively affect people who have irritable bowel syndrome.

Read more: What Are the Health Benefits of Cherry Juice? |