

Friday, 16 September 2011

Two Tips to Select the Vitamin K2 Supplement

Vitamin k2 is the most expensive vitamin one can afford to buy. In fact this is the natural vitamin. While vitamin k1 is phylloquinone and is a plant nutrient this vitamin is the one which is synthesized by our body. It is known as menaquinone. Before you choose a vitamin k2 supplement you should try the natural food that has vitamin k in it.

While vitamin k1 is important to keep the viscosity of the blood and control the blood clotting, the k2 provides many more health benefits. Hence people look for vitamin k2 supplement.

We all know that the calcium is good for bones. The right place for calcium should be in bones and blood. If that goes into some other place in our body, then trouble starts. Here this vitamin helps.

Aorta is the largest blood vessel near the heart. Many times calcium seeps into this blood vessel and calcify the same. This will block the blood vessel and affects the free flow of blood. Vitamin k2 prevents this calcification.

Some people will have extra bone growth like spur. It is found in the hip, knee, toes, hands and spine. When this extra growth rubs with nearby bones and tissues, pain will be severe. This can be cured provided calcium does not settle down in the spur. Once that happens then the process becomes irreversible. Vitamin k2 is the savior.

Soft tissues are the cushion. Calcification of the same thickens the tissues. This can be avoided by taking vitamin k2 supplement.

Vitamin k is plenty available in meat products especially in liver and eggs. Fermented yoghurt has vitamin k. Also broccoli, carrot, soy beans have this vitamin in them. However out of this alone our large intestine cannot synthesize vitamin k2. There are many more bacteria required for synthesize.

Hence one has to take a complete planned nutrition supplement approach. Take the following two precautions before selecting vitamin k2 supplement.

Go for 180 mcg per capsule along with other important nutrition. Any dosage over this limit is likely to be counter productive. Since this vitamin is very expensive only genuine products with relatively highly priced can offer this. Do not get fooled with low quality low priced products.

Select the enteric coated format capsule or pill. This is important so that the expensive nutrition reaches the pancreas and offers the full benefit and value for money. Do not compromise on quality.

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